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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. Form and content. 2. The contents of a handbag. 3. A table of contents. 4. The contents of a drawer. 5. The content of realistic art. 6. The contents of a story. 7. The contents of a letter. 8. The content of an article. 9. The content(s) of a book.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the function of a table of contents? What items does it consist of? Give a few examples. 2. What can you say about the content of Soviet culture? 3. Do you remember the contents of «The Gadfly» by E. L. Voynich well? What is the content of the novel? 4. Do you know of any English or American novels whose contents are revolutionary or anti-imperialist? 5. Will you characterize the form and content of the «Song to the Men of England» by P. B. Shelley? 6. What is a person supposed to do if he has spilled the contents of a bottle of ink on somebody’s dress? 7. Will you describe the contents of your bag? 8. Can you speak on the contents of the editorial in yesterday’s Pravda?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. List of the matter in a book or periodical. 2. I wondered what the box contained. 3. There were six chairs and a large dining-table in the room. 4. What is the letter about? 5. This is an anti-war novel. 6. The room now contained a divan bed with a genuine mattress, a chest of drawers, two upright chairs and a useful hook for hanging things on.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. She closed the drawers and arranged the … of the desk as they had been before and closed it up.2. Against the wall behind him ranged the row of sacks. Harran cut the fastenings of these and examined the... carefully, taking handfuls of wheat from each and allowing it to run through his fingers. 3. We half-heartedly sorted out the... of her desk, which had already been ransacked and disordered by Isabel. 4. He locked the door and stood against it for a few seconds, taking in the... of the room.5. «A telegram, sir,» said Jeeves. «Open it, Jeeves, and read....» 6. She runs back to her. parcel and takes out the..., in a scurry of paper and impatience, which turn out to be a pair of black, tapering trousers. 7. Some works, however, cannot properly be discussed without referring to the larger implications of their..., whether or not consciously intended by the novelist. 8. «I’m not interested in the physical... of it right now,» he said. 9. Secrets were exciting, but you were not supposed to have any at Rosemount. The... of everyone’s mind must be as free to the community as a convent wardrobe. 10. In classical music form is first Jfnd emotional... subordinate; in romantic music... is first and form subordinate. 11. Magnus cast a glance at the... of the letter, then rose to his feet. 12. The egg broke under his hand. When the... spurted over his clothes, Joe Kane turned and laughed.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. It is common knowledge that our literature is. national in form... 2. He lifted the lid of the saucepan and took a close look... 3. The basket fell to the ground and... 4. Before reading a new book I always examine... 5. The room was in a mess; she realized it was high time she brought everything in order; to begin with, she opened the wardrobe and... 6. While reading the letter he frowned two or three times; I felt... 7. Did you like the film you saw yesterday? Could you tell me...? 8. I read this book years ago, so I don’t remember... 9. The bag was not large, but, surprisingly,... 10. I liked both the form and...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences and phrases in situations.

1. With deliberate violence he smashed open the lock and examined the contents of the top drawer. 2. The contents of a room.3. The contents of the communique.4. The contents of an entire bowl disappeared in his huge, reptilian slit of a mouth. 5. The content of the talks had been kept secret. 6. In a moment he had placed in her hands the jewel box from Philadelphia. In another moment she had opened it, gasped at the beauty of its contents, and thrown her arms around his neck. 7. A hurled glass or bottle had splintered with its contents against the wall. 8. The chloroform bottle was broken, its contents irretrievably spilled.9. You see that someone has cut out and replaced the bottom of this bottle, in order to put something into the contents.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of adjectives and verbs that go with the forms content and contents; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialoguts or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.


Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Советское искусство и литература являются национальными по форме и социалистическими по содержанию. 2. «Вам бы следовало сначала ознакомиться с оглавлением, иначе трудно найти необходимый материал». «Спасибо. Вы всегда даете полезные советы», 3. Расскажите мне, пожалуйста, вкратце содержание книги А. Кронина «Цитадель». В подробности не нужно вдаваться, мы вернемся к этому позднее. 4. Она вывернула карманы и вытряхнула их содержимое на землю. Это очень рассердило ее спутника. 5. Совершенно очевидно, что содержимое этого сундука кого-то интересует. Видите, замок пытались открыть. 6. Что вы думаете о сути его предложения? 7. В чем основное содержание стихотворения Дж. Байрона «My Soul Is Dark»? 8. Мне хотелось скорее узнать, что в посылке. 9. Все должны знать содержание этого документа. 10. Форма и содержание художественного произведения составляют диалектическое единство.


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