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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. Continual rain. 2. To cough continuously. 3. A continuous expanse. 4. A continuous show. 5. Continual bursts of thunder. 6. Continual arguments. 7. Continual headaches. 8. Continuous service. 9. A continuous performance theatre. 10. To shine continually. 11. A continual effort. 12. To run continuously. 13. Continuous tenses. 14. A continuous movement.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What do you call a cinema with no breaks between the shows? 2. What is a likely cause of continuous coughing? How can you prevent it? 3. What does continuous service imply? 4. What is the best thing for the teacher to do if one of his pupils disturbs the class continually? 5. What are the main peculiarities of the Present (Past, Future) Continuous Tense? Try and explain it as if you had an audience before you. 6. What generally happens to people who overwork themselves continually? 7. What is a continuous line? 8. Why was Anthony Graham continually preoccupied by his dark secret? 9. What can ensure continual progress in one’s work or study? 10. In what parts of the globe do continuous rains constitute a characteristic feature of the climate? 11. How does continual fatigue tell on a person’s health?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases using one of the words under discussion.

1. Flashes of lightning going on in rapid succession. 2. A performance going on without a break. 3. A recurrent dream. 4. To quarrel again and again. 5. A steady, uninterrupted rain. 6. Arguments taking place over and over again. 7. The uninterrupted line of the horizon. 8. To think of something repeatedly and often.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.


1. Minna, her oldest daughter, a very pretty girl, whose love affairs were... the talk of all Los Muertos, was visible through a window of the house, busy at the week’s washing. 2. The animal blinked... in the sunshine. It seemed sick. 3. His black eyes seemed to burn with a... madness. 4.The little toy magazines, full of the flaccid banalities of the «Minor Poets», were... in her hands. 5. The child... disturbed the class. 6. And beside her, laughing softly and..., was Margie, the gentle little girl in blue. 7.The fatigue of... over-exercise and the physical and mental strain was se­vere to men fresh from sedentary lives. 8. Then, he had made a... effort to avoid trouble and fighting. 9. He suffered... sharp pangs of guilt about what he was doing. 10. In a happy marriage there is a..., dense magnetic sense of communication. Hilda had enjoyed this with Rupert uninterruptedly for years. 11. Though aware of his popularity, he (Anthony)... sensed danger, and clung desperately to Bob Short. 12. Osterman and S. Behrman were... seen arm-in-arm on the main street of Bonneville. (Fr. Norris) 13. He recognized the speaker-phone voice as belonging to a senior foreman who had probably worked... since the present snowfall started.14. The click and clink of metal work was incessant, the machines throwing off a... rattle of wheels and cogs and clashing springs. 15.... he was brooding, haunted with his sorrow, thinking, thinking. 16. My... visits assured me that it was not so bad as that. His wiry constitution and his determined will were working wonders. 17. The moon itself, shows... changes of phase and libration from night to night, even from hour to hour. 18. Erik had... to remind himself that this quiet gathering was what he had looked forward to so eagerly. 19. A strange hard coughing filled their ears, savage and.... 20. The old man could not bite into an apple, but he would peel one with his pocket knife, in a long... curl, and cut the apple up into small bits that they would share.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.


1. She could not dismiss the subject from her mind, and... 2. The tap is out of order; it has been dripping... 3. Anthony Graham lived for ever on the edge of a volcano because... 4. She had always neglected her teeth, and... 5. I bought this watch five years ago, and since then... 6. Anthony Graham and Bob Short were the best of friends and consequently... 7. It has been raining... 8. He looked ill and was sneezing... 9. Her eyes seemed to burn with... 10. The image of his brother....

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences and phrases in situations.

1. She overworked herself here continually. 2. Continually there came into her pretty, wide-open eyes a look of uneasiness. 3. She was continually haunted by the sinister mystery of the whole story. 4. The thunder drew nearer. It ceased to rattle continuously, and instead pealed brokenly. 5. There was continuous rain for a fortnight. 6. A continual source of interest. 7. The beautiful days were a continual distraction, reminding him of all the easy ways to live. 8. He had a way of fiddling with his pencil continually while he talked. 9. The demonstrations were the climax of ten days continuous protest against the new treaty. 10. He was continually drifting into reveries. 11. His face was very mobile and he twisted it continually into odd and amusing grimaces.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go wilh the adjectives continual and continuous; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Машина работает беспрерывно уже пять часов. 2. Какие продолженные времена существуют в современном английском языке? 3. Этот ученик все время нарушает дисциплину. 4. Непрерывные телефонные звонки сильно отвлекали его. 5. Мэри Грэхем постоянно думала о будущем своего старшего сына Энтони и пожертвовала ради него своей жизнью. 6. Несмотря на непрерывные вспышки молнии и раскаты грома, Мэри Броуди продолжала идти вперед. 7. Хелен Берне, подруга Джейн Эйр, была больна туберкулезом и постоянно кашляла. 8. Некоторые старые люди страдают от повторяющихся при­ступов подагры. 9. Солнце постоянно излучает тепловую энергию. 10. В результате непрерывной и длительной осады города погибло много жителей.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 611. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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