Студопедия — Fig. 4.1. Round table discussion on Standards
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Fig. 4.1. Round table discussion on Standards


1 Read the article about International Standards through quickly to answer the following questions:

1. What groups of people are involved in developing standards?

2. How do organizations benefit from standards development?

2 Read the article again and match the headings (a–f) to the paragraphs (1-6).

a. What is a standard?

b. Competitive Intelligence

c. Objectives

d. Skills Development

e. Prestige

f. Networking


1. ___ The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines a standard as a "document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body that provides – for common and repeated use – rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities of their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context."


2. ___ Standards can serve many purposes, including:

· Determining the fitness of an object or process for a specific for purpose, its compatibility and/interchangeability with other objects or processes.

· Safety.

· Protection of the environment.

· Product protection against climatic or other adverse conditions.

Why should my organization be involved in standards work?

Organizations don’t often understand the value of participation in standards work at first. But once they become involved, they recognize the benefits.

3. ___ As a member of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG), you will see the drafts of standards and other related documents before the general public, and will have access to information about a standards throughout the life-cycle of its development. For standards like ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems-Requirements, having advanced knowledge of the direction and details of the yet-to-be-published standard may provide your organization with critical business information. Experts from TAGa also provide TAG members with updates about what’s happening internationally.

Also, participation is an opportunity for various U.S. stakeholders to help shape the international standards that will influence the way they do business globally.

4. ___ Members of TAGs and related committees include representatives from all sectors of the economy and represent large, medium, and small organizations, as well as universities and research institutions. Working with representatives from these organizations can provide opportunities for your business to make new contacts and to understand and learn how different organizations do business and solve problems.

5. ___ The people in standards-related groups are welcoming and hardworking. If you become involved, they will help you understand how things work in standards development. People in these groups are constantly completing complex, technical work with diverse groups of people, typically in a limited amount of time. These are skills with broad application, in business and in life.

By reviewing standards at every stage, you also will understand the fine details of the technical content of the standards on which you work. You will also participate in discussions about those standards, which will give you opportunities to become savvy about the ways in which organizations interpret and use standards.

Work on standards also will sharpen your negotiating skills and provide you with practical experience that will build your skills in writing, communicating, and working in teams.

6. ___ Being an insider in the standards-development process is an impressive role that will be appreciated by your company and your clients – and your competitors. Having your organization intimately involved with national and international standards development highlights your company’s position in the global economy and showcases the expertise your company brings to the table.

If you’re interested in participating or have additional questions, please e-mail the ASQ Standards Team at [email protected].

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