Студопедия — Refer back to the text. Fill in the missing information about The University of Manchester.
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Refer back to the text. Fill in the missing information about The University of Manchester.

A. University Language Center B. academic structure C. Registrar and Secretary D. single-site E. research institutes F. John Rylands University Library G. alumni community H. academic year I. President J. Administration

1. The University of Manchester is the largest _____ University in the United Kingdom.

2. The ______ at The University of Manchester is divided into of two semesters of teaching.

3. The ______ of the University of Manchester is made up of Faculties and Schools.

4. The university has established a number of prestigious interdisciplinary _____.

5. The _____ of The University of Manchester is provided by a number of central administrative directorates and divisions.

6. The _______ is Head of the Administration and reports to the _____ of the University.

7. The _____ offers courses in some 18 languages for personal, professional and academic purposes.

8. The _____ holds some of the greatest printed books and manuscripts.

9. _____ deals not only with student residences, catering, conferences, but also with all aspects of sport.

10. The _____ consists of more than 212,000 of its former students spread all over the world.


5 Answer the following questions:

1. What was the result of the merger of The University of Manchester with UMIST?

2. Are there any differences between the duration of the academic year and vacations at your University and The University of Manchester?

3. How many faculties does The University of Manchester consist of? What are they? What faculties is your University made up of?

4. Describe the administrative structure of The University of Manchester.

5. What is the purpose of Career Service? Do you have a similar service at your University?

6. What is the University’s library famous for? Does your University possess a large collection of books?

7. Characterise the aim of IT Service.

8. What is STARS responsible for?

9. Can you name any cultural attractions of The University of Manchester?

Information gap. Use information from the text to fill in the missing facts about The University of Manchester. Find out and fill in the information about your University. Compare the facts and figures.

  The University of Manchester Your University
Mission and Vision “To make The University of Manchester, already an internationally distinguished centre of research, innovation, learning and scholarly enquiry, one of the leading universities in the world by 2015.”  
Number of students    
Number of programmes: Undergraduate Postgraduate    
Undergraduate application per annum    
Estate 300 buildings, 299 acres  

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 581. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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