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Choose the correct answer.

1. December 31 is the deadline for_____.

a) vacations

b) applications

2. In the United Kingdom _____ refers to those who study toward a bachelor's degree which usually takes three or four years.

a) undergraduate programme

b) postgraduate programme

c)vocational school

3. The University is divided into separate _____ of humanities, social sciences, philosophy.

a) divisions

b) faculties

c) schools

4. _____ is the group of people who manage or direct an institution, especially a school or college.

a) Staff

b) Administration

c) Employers

5. A _____ company or specialist is expected to know not just how to prepare food but also how to make it attractive.

a) catering

b) accommodation

c) entertaining

4 Fill in the gaps with the following words from the text:

a. provided, b. destined, c. run, d. in charge, e. intent, f. supported,

g. responsible, h. report, i. upkeep, j. recruited.

1. This minister is _____ of foreign affairs.

2. A grant is _____ by the local education authority to ensure consistent standards in buildings and other facilities.

3. Academic department is a division of a school that is _____ for a given subject.

4. They _____ directly to the board of directors.

5. They _____ a small hotel.

6. She can no longer afford to _____ this house.

7. The scholarship _____ me when I was in college.

8. The lab director _____ a crew of assistants.

9. She seems _____ on specializing in family law.

10.She _____ was for success.

5 Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:


а. finances, b. partnerships, c. contribute, d. established,

e. teaching, f. methods, g. modernisation, h. increase, i. ministries,

j. institutions, k. working, l. the EU, m. partner countries,

n. quality, o. management, p. consortia


Tempus (The Trans-European mobility scheme for university studies) supports the 1) _______ of higher education and creates an area of co-operation in countries surrounding the EU. 2) _______ in 1990 after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the scheme now covers 27 countries in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.

Tempus 3) ______ two types of actions. Joint Projects are based on multilateral 4) _______ between higher education institutions in 5) ________ and the partner countries. They can develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, 6) ______ or materials, boost a quality assurance culture, and modernise the 7) _______ and governance of higher education 8) _______. Structural Measures 9) _______ to the development and reform of higher education institutions and systems in 10) _______, to enhance their 11) ____ and relevance, and 12) ______ their convergence with EU developments.

Partnerships are made up of 13) _____of organisations including higher education institutions, businesses, 14) ______, NGOs, and other organisations 15) _____ in higher education; both from the EU and partner countries.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 660. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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