Cable laying
. Cables may be laid directly in the ground or put into ducts already laid. Cables laid directly in the ground must always have some protection against corrosion. Faulty cable must be taken out and inspected. The cost of direct laying is rather low but laying of this kind has a disadvantage: directly laid cables cannot be taken out. In cities it is not possible to use direct laying and cables must be put in ducts. In tunnels and subways cables are usually put on walls. In cold weather cables must be kept warm or warmed before laying. No cable should be laid when the temperature is low because of the possible damage to the paper core. If a cable is faulty or if it is corroded, it stops operating or operates badly. Most common faults in cables are a break, a short, and a contact between conductors in a multi-wire system. Naturally, different combinations of these faults are also possible. Faulty cables are taken out and replaced by new ones. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту • What must be done if the laid cable has a fault? • What are common faults in cables? • Can cables be laid when the temperature is low? • Where are cables put in subways?
Литература 1. Луговая, А.Л. Современные средства связи: Учебное пособие по английскому языку / А. Л. Луговая. – М.: Высшая школа, 2004. – 213 с.
2. Jeremy Comfort, Rod Revell, Ian Simson English for the Telecommunication Industry / Jeremy Comfort, Rod Revell, Ian Simson.- Oxford University Press, 1994.
3. Гузеева К.А., Трошко Т.Г. Английский язык: Справочные материалы: Кн. для учащихся / К.А. Гузеева, Т.Г. Трошко - М.:Просвещение, 1993. – 288 с.