Guide I. Match the following formal words with their less formal (neutral or colloquial) equivalents:
II. Join the two parts of the collocations. Supply the necessary form words (articles, prepositions, etc,):
III. Pick out from the text the words and expressions that describe the unsatisfactory state of affairs in language learning in Great Britain, You may begin with 8 Slump, fall,... IV. Explain the following:
V. Show the difference between: Pupil, student, entrant, undergraduate. VI. Answer the questions: 1. People of what professions need foreign languages more than others? 2. What foreign languages are popular in Great Britain? 3. How many Britons can speak foreign languages? 4. How can you account for English peopled lack of interest in foreign languages? 5. Why is it difficult to keep up the quality of language learning in Britain? VII. Compare the situation with foreign language learning in Britain and Belarus. VIII. Work out several arguments that you think might persuade British teenagers to take up foreign languages.