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Chapter XXIX


Now we come to speak of some parts of a sentence whose position in its structure has been variously treated by different authors. One of these is the apposition.


It has been often regarded as a special kind of attribute, and sometimes as a secondary part of a sentence distinct from an attribute.

By apposition we mean a word or phrase referring to a part of the sentence expressed by a noun, and giving some other designation to the person or thing named by that noun. If the noun denotes a person, the apposition will often be a word or phrase naming the title, or profession, or social position of the person, etc., as the word Captain in the sentence, For a moment, Melanie thought how nice Captain Butler was. (M. MITCHELL) Concerning the apposition the same question may arise as concerning the attribute, namely, whether it is not part of a phrase rather than of a sentence, and arguments similar to those applied to the attribute may be put forward here.

As to the relation between an apposition and an attribute, there seems to be no convincing reason for considering the apposition a special kind of attribute. An apposition appears to have distinctive features strong enough to establish it as a separate secondary part: it is always expressed either by a noun, or by a phrase centred around a noun, and characterises the person or thing in a way different from that of an attribute. This will become clear if we compare the phrases stone wall and President Roosevelt: the relations between their components are entirely different.


There are some elements of the sentence which are neither its main parts, nor any of the usual secondary ones.

These are the direct address and the parenthesis.1

1 The term "parenthesis" has two meanings: it may denote either a part of the sentence or a punctuation mark also called brackets. We will here use the term in its first sense.

232 The Apposition, Direct Address, Parentheses, and Insertions

The direct address and the parenthesis are often said to be outside the sentence, in the sense that they are not an integral part of its structure but are, as it were, added to it "from the outside". 1 This view, however, seems hardly justified and it is based on a rather too narrow view of the structure of a sentence. If we were to take the term "outside the sentence" at its face value, we should have to omit these elements, for example, when asked to read a sentence aloud. This is never done, and should not be done. By "structure of the sentence" we should mean the whole of a sentence, with all the elements which it may contain, with their varying degrees of organic unity. In this sense, then, the direct address is no less a part of the sentence than any other word or phrase.

The direct address is a name or designation of the person or persons (or, occasionally, thing or things) to whom the speech or writing is addressed. We should not include in a definition of direct address the purpose of its use, as is done occasionally in grammars. 2 The purpose may be different in different circumstances, but this does not alter the fact that it is a direct address in all cases.

The direct address may consist of one word or of a phrase. If it is one word, this may be the person's name, or profession, or title, or it may denote a relationship between the person addressed and the speaker. If it is a phrase, this may again be any of the types just mentioned, or it may be some emotional address, whether friendly, as my dear fellow, or hostile, as you swine, you old rascal, etc. In the latter case, it is quite clear that the speaker's purpose in using a direct address is to express his attitude towards the person spoken to, whether it be friendly or otherwise. A few examples from modern fiction will do well to illustrate the various possibilities in the structure and function of the direct address: Heathenish woman, how right they were to give you that outlandish name. (A. WILSON) The adjective heathenish of course expresses very violent emotion on the part of the speaker towards the person addressed. Quite a different emotional note is struck in the following sentence: Jennie, darling, you're looking very pretty," he said. (Idem) The name Jennie as such is neutral in tone, but the second part of the direct address, darling, of course expresses the speaker's emotional attitude toward the person addressed.

The emotional range of the words and phrases used in direct address can of course be very wide indeed, and this deserves close study from a lexical and stylistic viewpoint, but it does not affect the grammatical aspect of the matter.

1 For this view, see, for instance, Грамматика русского языка, т. II, ч. 2, стр. 122.

2 See, for example, M. Ganshina and N. Vasilevskaya, English Grammar, 7th ed.,1951, p. 320.

Parentheses and Insertions 233


Besides the direct address, there are other syntactical elements which are usually said to be outside the sentence. Until recently, they used to be all taken together under the name of parenthesis. This term would then cover a considerable variety of syntactical elements. To illustrate this, we will give two extreme examples from modern texts: (1) Of course Mrs Elsing was simply forced to it... (M. MITCHELL) (2).. .he told Nelly that an old friend of his had visited him just as he was about to leave, and for politeness' sakemere politeness, that frailty in human intercoursehe had brought her with him. (LINKLATER) It will be readily seen that there is a great difference between the additional element in the two sentences: in (1) the phrase of course expresses the speaker's attitude towards the thought expressed in the sentence, whereas in (2) the additional element is of a different kind: it carries some extra information about something mentioned in the sentence.

The Academy's Grammar deviated from the usual view and introduced a new category, that of insertions, as distinct from parentheses. According to this grammar, a parenthesis should be defined as follows: words and phrases which have no syntactical ties with the sentence, and express the speaker's attitude towards what he says, a general assessment of the statement, or an indication of its sources, its connection with other statements, or with a wider context in speech. 1

In a vast majority of cases, a parenthesis refers to the sentence or clause as a whole. Sometimes, however, it refers only to a secondary part of the sentence. This may be seen, for example, in the following sentences: I was deeply though doubtless not disinterestedly anxious for more news of the old lady. (H. JAMES) Here the parenthesis doubtless refers only to the connection between not disinterestedly and anxious. Miss Lavish he believed he understood, but Miss Bartlett might reveal unknown depths of strangeness, though not, perhaps, of meaning. (FORSTER) The parenthesis perhaps refers only to the connection between not of meaning and depths. She could only assure herself that Cecil had known Freddy some time, and that they had always got on pleasantly, except, perhaps, during the last few days, which was an accident, perhaps. (Idem) The two parentheses perhaps refer to their special spheres in the sentence, without affecting the main predication expressed in it.

As to insertions, they are described as various additional statements inserted in the sentence. The main carcass of the sentence may be, as it were, interrupted by additional remarks, clarifications,

1 See Грамматика русского языка, т. II, ч. 2, стр. 142.

234 The Apposition, Direct Address, Parentheses, and Insertions

corrections, extra information about something, or remarks containing comparison or contrasting something with what is expressed in the sentence, etc. 1

In analysing these definitions, we must first of all see what the difference between a parenthesis and an insertion is and what principle lies at the bottom of it.

It is obvious at once that the difference between the two types as stated here is, in the first place, semantic: it is a difference in the way the parenthesis or the insertion is connected with the main body of the sentence. The connection in the case of parentheses is much closer than in the case of insertions. This in itself is, however, hardly sufficient to describe the two as different grammatical types. We must therefore see what the syntactical aspect of the matter is. like. This is not evident from the above definitions. Parentheses are described as having no syntactical connection with the sentence, and the insertions as statements inserted in the sentence, which of course amounts to the same thing. So the grammatical difference between the two types is not well brought out.

If the distinction between parentheses and insertions is to be upheld, a difference in their syntactic peculiarities must be found.

The difference would seem to be this. Parentheses are rather close to adverbial modifiers in their relation to the rest of the sentence. They are a part of the sentence and so they cannot be said to have no connection at all with it. Let us, for instance, compare the two following sentences, the first of which has an adverbial modifier at the beginning, while the second begins with a parenthesis: Somehow it would come out all right when the war was over. (M. MITCHELL) Perhaps you know best about that, but I should say — (Idem).

There is a clear difference between the two, yet at the same time there is something they have in common.

An interjection, or a phrase equivalent to an interjection, can also be considered a kind of parenthesis (unless, of course, it is a sentence in itself). Thus, the interjection oh in the following sentence: Oh, but she depended entirely on her voice! (FITCH) can be called a parenthesis, and so can the phrase oh dear in the sentence Oh dear, I hope I shall be a success! (Idem)

Now let us take a sentence with an insertion: And the thought that, after all, he had not really killed her. No, no. Thank God for that. He had not. And yet (stepping up on the near-by bank and shaking the water from his clothes) had he? (DREISER) Here things are quite different. The insertion contains some information about Clyde's movements as he was brooding in the way expressed by the main body of the sentence.

1 See Грамматика русского языка, т. II, ч. 2, стр. 167.

Loose Parts 285

The very fact that an insertion can only come in the middle of a sentence, interrupting its course, while a parenthesis can also be at the beginning or at the end of a sentence, is an important point of grammatical difference between the two.

This is not to say that these distinctions are always equally clear. As in so many other spheres, borderline cases, which show no clear and unmistakable signs of a word or a phrase performing this or that syntactical function, are quite possible here.

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