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Sentences. 1 One type of voltage regulator that has no mechanical moving parts (except the


1 One type of voltage regulator that has no mechanical moving parts (except the

exciter control relay) is

2The ac generator output flows to the voltage regulator,

3 If the output is too low,

4 If the output is too high,

5The power supply for the bridge circuit is

6CR1 provides

7The negative anode of CR1 supplies

8Takeoff point C of the bridge is located

9The other leg of the reference bridge (resistors R9, R7, and temperature

compensating resistor RT1)

10 Since voltage across the Zener diode remains constant,

11 If the generator output voltage drops, point C is

12 If the generator voltage output increases,

13 The bridge output taken between points C and E connects

14 The coil of relay K1 connects

15When the field of the exciter generator energizes and the ac generator output

voltage increases,


a relay K1 energizes, opening the field flash circuit.

b across the power supply (CR4) for the transistor amplifier.

c between the emitter and the base of transistor Q1.

d the voltage between the two points reverses polarity.

e negative with respect to point E.

f the total voltage change occurring in that leg of the bridge is across resistor R2.

g connects in series with V1 and R1 through points B, A, and D.

h between resistor R2 and the Zener diode.

i power through point B, R2, point C, Zener diode CR1, point D, and to parallel-

connected V1 and R1.

j full-wave rectification of the three-phase output from transformer T1.

k CR1.

l it reduces the field strength.

m which compares it to a reference voltage.

n the solid-state regulator.

IV Grammar: Write out conditional and passive sentences in the text.

V Read the text again to fill in the spaces with the prepositions. 1The chief advantage of exciter units is that each generator has its own

independent source __excitation.

2 No external source __electric power is necessary __generator operation.

3 __ a multi-generator installation, failure __one generator exciter does not make

the complete system inoperative.

5 __ contrast to dc generators, the magnetic field coils __ most aircraft ac

generators rotate.

6 The negative anode of CR1 supplies power__ point B, R2, point C, Zener diode

CR1, point D, and __ parallel-connected V1 and R1.

7 Temperature compensating resistor RT1) connects _series __ V1 and R1 _ points

B, A, and D.

8The output __ this leg __ the bridge is __point E.

9Since voltage __ the Zener diode remains constant (once it starts conducting), the

total voltage change occurring __that leg __ the bridge is __ resistor R2.

10 __ the other leg __the bridge, the voltage change __ the resistors is proportional

__their resistance values.

11 __ this reason, the voltage change __ R2 is greater than the voltage change __

point E.

12If the generator output voltage drops, point C is negative __ respect __ point E.

13 The bridge output taken__points C and E connects __the emitter and the base

__transistor Q1.

14 __ the generator output voltage low, the voltage __ the bridge is negative __ the

emitter and positive __the base.

15 __ the increase __current, the voltage __ emitter resistor R11 increases.

16This increase, __ turn, applies a positive signal__ the base of transistor Q4,

which increases emitter __collector current and increases the voltage drop __

emitter resistor R10.

17This gives a positive bias __ the base __Q2, which increases its emitter

__collector current and increases the voltage drop __its emitter resistor, R4.

18 The control field __the exciter generator is __ the collector circuit.

19Resistors R27, R28, and R29 connect __ series __the normally closed contacts

__relay K1.

20The coil __relay K1 connects __ the power supply (CR4) __ the transistor


21When the generator starts turning, electricity _ the 28-volt dc bus goes __the

exciter generator field __ flash the field __initial excitation.

22Another type __solid-state voltage regulator operates __ sensing the voltage

existing __ the lines.

23The voltage regulator consists __ a sensing circuit __ input rectifiers.

24The output __ the bridge circuit is a voltage inversely proportional __ the

difference __ generator voltage and regulator set voltage.

25 The transformer output passes __the full-wave bridge rectifier (CR1) __ obtain

a dc voltage __supply the comparison circuit.

26The power __ operating the three-stage transistor amplifier comes __ the full-

wave bridge rectifier (CR4) __ transformer T1.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 583. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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