Студопедия — Dealing with questions
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Dealing with questions



When someone in an audience asks a question it is a good idea to comment on it before you actually answer it. This actually gives you time to think.


There are four basic types of questions.


Good questions. Thank people for asking them. They help you to get your message across to the audience better.


Difficult questions. These are the ones you can’t or would prefer not to answer. Say you don’t know, offer to find out, address the question to the audience or ask the questioner what they think.


Unnecessary questions. You have already given this information. Point this out, answer briefly again, and move on.


Irrelevant questions. Try not to sound rude, but move on.



Put the following responses into 4 groups.


1. I’m afraid I don’t see the connection. 3. I don’t know that off the top of my head. 5. I think I answered that earlier. 7. Interesting. What do you think? 9. I am afraid I am not in a position to comment on that. 11. I am glad you asked that. 13. To be honest I think that raises a different issue. 15. I’m afraid I don’t have that information with me.   2. Sorry, I don’t follow you. 4. Can I get back to you on that? 6. Good point. 8. Well, I said … 10. I wish I knew. 12. Well, as I mentioned earlier. 14. That’s a very good question.  


Responses to good questions Responses to difficult questions Responses to unnecessary questions Responses to irrelevant question
6. Good point. 11. I am glad you asked that. 14. That’s a very good question.   3. I don’t know that off the top of my head. 4. Can I get back to you on that? 7. Interesting. What do you think? 9. I am afraid I am not in a position to comment on that. 10. I wish I knew. 15. I’m afraid I don’t have that information with me.   5. I think I answered that earlier. 8. Well, I said … 12. Well, as I mentioned earlier.     1. I’m afraid I don’t see the connection. 2. Sorry, I don’t follow you. 13. To be honest I think that raises a different issue.  


Describing trends

Up: verbs

Rise/increase: climb, soar, mount, ascend, grow, escalate, upsurge, advance, boost, multiply, shoot up, skyrocket.

The original estimate of $500 million has now climbed to a staggering $1300 million.

Profits have soared dramatically in recent months.

Production has dropped while prices and unemployment have skyrocketed.

The price of petrol shot up by 35% overnight.


Down: verbs

Fall/decrease: drop, plunge, plummet, reduce, descend, collapse, decline, sink, dwindle

Car sales are expected to plummet in Europe and North America during the next two years

The stock market plunged 30 points when the news was announced.

House prices in the northeast dropped sharply.

Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent.

To show a small change - Slight, small, moderate, modest, marginal

To show a regular development - Gradual, steady

To show a considerable, striking or unexpected change - Sharp, big, considerable, dramatic, enormous, huge, large, major, marked, significant, substantial, vast, dramatic, sudden, steep, rapid, abrupt

To show how much an amount increased/decreased by - Twofold, threefold, etc, 15 per cent


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 413. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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