Syntactic compounds are formed
a) by juxtaposition of two stems b) by linking vowel or consonant between the stems c) by contracting of one of the stems d) from segments of speech preserving in their structure numerous traces of syntagmatic relations e) by other means.
77) Which of the following words are syntactical compounds? a) Jack-of-all-trades, good-far-nothing, mother –in-law, lily-of-the-valley b) blackboard, snowboard, bedroom c) V-day,H-bag,FBI-agent, T-shirt d) TV-set, mother-in-law, blackboard e) lady-killer,film-goer, honey-mooner
78) What type of word-building takes place in the words “ ping-pong, chiet-chat, walkie- talkie, riff-raff” a) word-composition b) blending c) back-formation d) reduplication e) other
79) Which of the following words are the cases of reduplication? a) snowball, word-group b) UNO, SALT, forget-me-not c) walkie-talkie, riff-raff, chit-chat d) mountain, weather, paper e) to baby-sit, to force-land, to blood-transfuse, to fingerprint
80) Which of the following words are the examples of back-formation? a) to baby-sit, to force-land, to blood-transfuse, to fingerprint b) deli, divi, afro c) snowhite, pleasure, good-looking d) good-for-nothing, no-goodnik e) talkaphone, walkie-talkie
81) A word having …. is called polysemantic a) one meaning b) several meanings c) no meaning at all d) two suffixes e) no suffix