Студопедия — All Marina Suites, designer suites with views towards Ipanema
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All Marina Suites, designer suites with views towards Ipanema

Escrito en America

The Marina All Suites Hotel is a boutique hotel located in Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. This hotel is located directly on the beach, and its bar is a meeting place for celebrities from all over the world.


The hotel was designed by a group of architects. The whole building was reconstructed and redesigned into 38 spacious suites with a different design each filled with many works of art.

All the suites have a master bedroom with a large double bed, a bathroom and a small kitchenette. Price starts from around 292€ per night.

The Luxe Suites are the smallest suites at the hotel and have side views towards the sea. These suites can have either two individual beds or a double bed, and have a bathroom, a living room with a sofa and a small dining area with a buffet.

The Super Luxe Suites have partial views of the sea. The suites have a large double bedroom with a bathroom, a separate living area and a dining room with a buffet and a kitchen.

The Master Suites have views towards the sea. All of these suites have a large bed, a spacious bathroom, a living room with a sofa and a dining room with an American kitchen.

Each one of the three types of suites exists in a Club Level format, which means guests will be able to choose between Luxe, Super Luxe and Master suites with an extra attention to detail. Such details include a larger working area, a kingsize bed, a minibar and Egyptian cotton bedlinen. Club Floor suites have iPod docks and LCD television sets, with a price of 400€ per night.

The nine designer suites were designed by several local architects. Each one of these suites has a bedroom with a kingsize bed, a living and dining room, a bathroom and all kinds of art works and ornaments decorating the walls. Price is from 500€ per night.

The Âmber Suite, designed by André Piva, has cherry wood furniture, a glass table and a living room with walls decorated in tribal sculptures. The marble bathroom is spacious and has a large hydromassage bathtub.

The Esmeralda Suite, another one of Piva’s designs, is located on the top floor of the hotel. This suite has a large marble bathroom with a Jacuzzi, two pressure showers and a closet. There is a spacious living room with plenty of natural light that leads to the bedroom, the lounge, the work space and the dining room.

Jairo de Sender’s Ônix Suite has lateral views towards the sea. The suite is decorated in sombre shades and dark wooden furniture. There is a large double bedroom and a living room with an American kitchen. The floors are all wooden, and the bathroom is made of marble.

The Opala Suite, designed by Beth Lucena, is a white suite. The double bedroom has white ornaments, with a white marble bathroom and a living area with a white buffet and a white television set.

The Rubi Suite, designed by TarcilaPiva, is a spacious open plan suite. The ergonomic furniture is painted in greens and purples. The bathroom is separated from the bedroom by a thick curtain, and the living room is integrated with the working and dining areas.

The Turmalina Suite, another of TarcilaPiva’s creations, is decorated in beiges and greens. The suite has a retro style. The living room is covered by Persian carpets and has a large glass table, and the marble bathroom has a hydromassage bathtub.

The Topaz Suite, by Joy Garrido, is a suite decorated in mellow yellow shades. The suite has views towards Leblon Beach. The Carrara marble bathroom has two sinks and a jacuzzi, and the bathroom has a kingsize bed with views towards the sea. The dining and working spaces are located to wither side of the living room.

The Diamante Suite was designed by Pedro Paranaguá. This spacious suite has a red and white bedroom next to a bathroom with a shower, and a large living room with marble floors and a dining hall with an American kitchen.

Another Piva suite is the Cristal Design suite, the hotel’s largest suite. The bathroom has large windows with views towards the sea opening from the Jacuzzi. The living room has leather furniture. The master bedroom has a large kingsize bed and many artworks, and the extra bedroom has two individual beds.


The hotel has a very well known restaurant, the Bar D’Hotel, a bistro specialising in Brazilian cuisine with a touch of international gourmet dishes. Many celebrities from all over the world come to this retro chic place.

In the balcony of the hotel guests will find the Bar do Lado bar, conveniently known as the next door bar. Guests and visitors will be able to enjoy a wide range of cocktails and tapas with views towards Leblon beach.

Gym, lounge and swimming pool.

On the rooftop guests will find the hotel’s pool, which has views towards the ocean. There is a gym with a sauna, and guests will be able to enjoy massages in the wellness area. On the ground floor there is a lounge area and a small theatre where guests can watch movies.

Conference room.

The hotel has a conference hall and a small theatre style meeting room that can accommodate up to ten delegates. There is a business centre with several computers near the lobby.


The hotel is located only a couple of minutes away from a large mall, the ZonaSul, and there are many bars, coffee bars and restaurants within walking distance from the hotel. The hotel is located in the Leblonneighbourhood, south of the famous Ipanema beach. The hotel is not considered to be in the touristy part of the city and is seen as a very chic place to stay, with many boutiques and gourmet restaurants lining the nearby streets.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 446. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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