Студопедия — Books in My Life
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Books in My Life

Of late I (devote) myself to the study of literature. It (become) clear to me what valuable friends books (be)! They (be) never cross or disagreeable, nor, like false friends, they (flatter). The characters described in the books of the great novelists (become) so real to me that I long (regard) them as my personal friends, and (long) to shake them by the hand. Our friends in life often (disappoint) us, they may go away and forget us, or they (become) our enemies, but we (can) always rely on our books. In life we (be) often disappointed of our dearest hopes, our ambitions (be) not realized, we (lose) our most prized possessions. But nothing (can) ever rob the memory that (be) well stocked with the gems of literature, and even though we (become) blind, or (sink) to destitution, we (can) always draw from the deep well of memory the thoughts that (delight) us in the past. How much I (regret) the time I (spend) in pursuing the shadows of this world, when I (may) store my mind with useful knowledge.

B. Speak about the role of books in your life.

Ex. 701. Report the following questions starting with the words He wanted to know.

1. Why is the earth moving? 2. Where are you staying? 3. What are they discussing?

4. When will the mail come? 5. What happened to them? 6. Did anyone call? 7. Could I talk to Brendon? 8. Have you always lived in Smolensk? 9. Who looks after your children? 10. How long have they been engaged? 11. Do I have to answer all the questions? 12. Shall I give you all the details? 13. Why hasn't anyone told me this? 14. Was Andrew driving too fast?

15. Whom do you like best? 16. Who likes you best? 17. Should we come as well?

18. Was the child sleeping when you came back?


Ex. 702. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Cora often has been seen playing tennis. 2. What time do you meet Nadya this evening? 3. It was a lovely morning so Sarah suggested us to go for a swim. 4. I'm looking forward to see you. 5. My friend is going to look for a new job when he'll return to his country. 6. 1 wish I wouldn't smoke so much. 7. We'd rather like to go to the theatre than to the cinema. 8. The war films have a negative effect to people. (2 mistakes) 9. Nowadays, a large amount of young people are studying languages. 10. She became very upset: even she asked me to leave the room. 11. The motorist asked the man why had he crossed the road at that point. 12. She left immediately her home. 13. Could you explain me how this machine works? 14. He was died in 1995. 15. Let's have a meeting sometimes next week. 16. When you arrive, I'll wait for you. 17. Did you make many friends since you came here? 18. When he was younger he was playing football.

Ex. 703. Translate into English.

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