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Ex. 675. A. Add still or yet to the sentences, making the necessary changes.

1. Do you work at Olivetti? 2. Have you finished your exams? 3. They will be here when you get back. 4. He hasn't come back. (He'll be here soon.) 5. He hasn't come back! (I wonder what has happened to him.) 6. He won't be back for some time. 7. Are you here? I thought you were leaving. 8. Hasn't the mail arrived? 9. It isn't raining, is it?

B, Respond to the following using the words provided and adding still, yet or (not)... any more / any longer.

1. — I see you have got rid of your car. — Yes, I decided I couldn't afford it.... 2. — Have you ordered my new cooker? — But you... haven't told me which one you want. 3. — Why do you continue to wear those awful shoes? — Because I... find them very comfortable. 4. — Is 398

Mr. Jones... your accountant? — No, we... employ him. 5. — Why has she left him? — Because she doesn't love him.... 6. — I'm surprised you haven't had your hair done. — I just haven't got around to it.... 7. — We

haven't seen you at college lately. — I rarely go there.....

8. — What are you going to study at University? — I... haven't decided. 9. — When will your next book come out? — I haven't even finished writing it...!


Ex. 676. Put the following words and phrases into non-emphatic sentences. In some cases more than one order is possible.

1. they, had been, patiently, waiting, for several hours, outside the cinema. 2. I, like to get, by five, generally, home. 3. she, sleep, always, badly, in a strange bed. 4. he, spends, a long time, at his desk, in the evening, usually. 5. she, dozed, in her armchair, peacefully, until teatime. 6.1, never, would, go, by car, to work. 7. she, with a sharp knife, cut the bread, carefully, into thin slices. 8. he has, in history, done, well, really, this term. 9. we, go, at night, in London, seldom, out. 10.1, used to work, always, before lunch, much better. 11. people, go, abroad, for their holidays, frequently, in summer. 12. we, continued, for hours, to climb, steadily, towards the summit. 13. I don't care, frankly, in the least, really. 14. we, had to stand, absolutely still, at our posts, for the moment, simply. 15. I, get a chance, to sit and read, quietly, rarely, unfortunately. 16. you can, blame her for reacting, actually, hardly, violently. 17. he has been, abroad, apparently, just, on business. 18. my friend, tells me, what happens at board meetings, as a matter of fact, confidentially, quite often.

Ex. 677. Choose the right word.

1. Tom shuffled... off into the kitchen. I feel... in such circumstances, (miserable, miserably) 2. Who on earth wants to talk to you this...? What a... habit it is! (bad, badly) 3, They kept looking at each other.... It gets... early in winter, (dark, darkly) 4. We paid... for that error. My native town is very... to me. (dear, dearly\ 5, He eyed them... as he passed. She looks... today What's the reason? (angry, angrily) 6. Ben tried to act.... They are perfectly... people, (normal, normally) 7. The man cleared his throat.... What a... woman she is! (nervous, nervously) 8. "I've got the key," said Linda.... Today we are meeting very... people, (important, importantly) 9. He trains... to become a bodyguard. Before moving to Paris, Monica went on an... course to improve her French, (intensive, intensively) 10. She could hear... footsteps approaching. Tim's heart was beating... as he stood up to make his first public speech, (heavy, heavily) 11. Our life changes..., like night and day. We are... viewers of this programme, (regular, regularly) 12. English spelling is... difficult. The area was... for murders, (notorious, notoriously) 13. We can do nothing at the... time. We shall do something.... (present, presently) 14. People must fill their time... and.... He has lived a... and... life, (healthy, meaningful; healthily, meaningfully)

Ex. 678. Correct the sentences with misplaced (dangling) modifiers.

1. The restaurant serves brunch on Sunday only. 2. She puts ketchup even on her ice-cream. 3. Speaking before a crowd of people for the first time, my knees shook. 4. While waiting for a bus, a passing car splashed mud all over my skirt. 5. While walking to my chemistry class,a dog nipped my leg. 6. After considering the offer carefully,it was refused. 7. The canoe tipped over while stepping into it. 8. Dancing to an old Beatles record, the thought of John Lennon's tragic end suddenly ran through my mind. 9. Having at last reached home, the door closed behind him. 10. Dancing and drinking every night, her reputation in the community suffered. 11. Our vacation passed happily, we were swimming and playing tennis. 12. Having entered his car, the windows were immediately rolled down. 13. Entering the drug store, his cigarette hung limply between his lips. 14. Hanging round her neck, he saw her diamond necklace. 15. Harold kept the child who had misbehaved in the corner.


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