Course Outcomes
Quarter/Year: Fall/2014 Instructor: Elena Volovyk Email: Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Principles of Management, Microeconomics, Business Statistics, Business Finance Course Description Understanding of the role of operations function and its impact on the competitiveness of the firm is an important part of any manager’s training. Operational issues include designing, acquiring, operation, and maintaining the facilities and processes; purchasing raw materials; controlling and maintaining inventories; and providing the proper labor needed to produce a good or service so that customers’ expectations are met. This course in operations management is intended to be a survey of operating practices and models in both manufacturing and service oriented firms. It is intended to provide managers in all functional areas with sufficient knowledge to make informed “total business decisions” and to introduce standard terms and concepts for communications with operating personnel. In such a course, it should be recognized that breadth of the subject matter, not depth of topic, will be the goal. Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: