| Subject of SIWT
| Assessed competence
| Skills
| Communicative competence
| Legal competence
| Self-development
| The setup of bacteriological laboratory. Guidelines. Microscopy technique. The principles of phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy. Microscopy technique. The structure of the microscope and microscopy equipment. Immersion method microscopy. Principles of phase-contrast and fluorescent microscopy.
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microscopy technique.
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| Morphology spirochetes, actinomycetes, rickettsia, mycoplasma, fungi and viruses. Virological research method. Cooking appliances native smear. Study of bacteria in the live state.
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preparation of native and fixed smear. Gram stain.
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| Formulation and analysis of on disbacteriosis. Study of the normal microflora of different habitats of the human body. Dysbacteriosis mouth. Methods of taking the test material in oral dysbiosis. Determination of susceptibility of bacteria to antimicrobial agents and disinfectants used in dentistry.
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Isolation of pure cultures of aerobes, anaerobes (1st 2nd day of the study).
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| Factors antimicrobial protection of the oral cavity. Smear microscopy with incomplete phagocytosis. Definition opsono phagocytic index. Staging complement fixation agglutination reaction precipitation reaction, neutralization reaction.
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Isolation of pure cultures of aerobes, anaerobes (3rd 4th day of the study).
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| Landmark control by themes: (№ 1, 2, 3, 4.) Morphology, physiology of microorganisms, virology research methods, bacteriophages. Genetics. Ecology. Microflora. Antibiotics. Disinfection. Sterilization. Infection. Immunity.
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| Pathogenic and pathogenic corynebacteria. Bordetella. Features microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases. Principles of treatment, prevention. Algorithm for the laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria, pertussis and parapertussis.
| Pathogenic and pathogenic mycobacteria. Tuberculosis. Leprosy. Features microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases. Principles of treatment, prevention. Algorithm for the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis.
| 100 testing (testing center)
| Causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases. Spirochetes. Mycoplasma. Chlamydia. Features microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases. Principles of treatment, prevention. Activators of anaerobic infections. Features microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases.
Determination of susceptibility of bacteria to antimicrobial agents and disinfectants used in dentistry.
| Infection of the chick embryo. Methods of infection. Setting mechanism and evaluation of phage-typing..
Agglutination (WGA, PHA, Coombs). Precipitation reaction. Reaction immunoflyuorostsenitsii (RIF). The reaction of the immune lysis bacteriolysis. Complement fixation (DGC). Linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Reaction immobilization of microorganisms. Staging IFA reactions in HIV infection. Interpretation of results.
Dysbacteriosis mouth. Methods of taking the test material in oral dysbiosis.
Total for the academic year
| 25h
Компетенция бойынша микробиология, вирусология және иммунология пәнінен «Стоматология» мамандығының 2 курс студенттеріне арналған тәжірибелік сабақтардың 2013-2014 оқу ж. тақырыптық жоспары
№ п\п
| Subjecct of practical lessons
| Assessed competence
| Practical skills
| Communicative competence
| Legal competence
| Self-development
| The device bacteriological laboratory. Rules of work. Technique smear preparation. Simple and complicated staining methods. Gram stain. The structure of the microscope and equipment for microscopy. Immersion microscopy method. Principles of Operation and phase contrast microscopes stsentnogo Luminy.
Testing and oral question
Cooking Appliances fixed smear, Gram stain, microscopy immersion method.
The requirement to work bacteriological laboratory.
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| The morphology of spirochetes, actinomycetes, rickettsia, mycoplasma, fungi, viruses. Virological methods. Study of bacteria in the live state. Isolation of pure cultures of bacteria-aerobic (1.2, 3.4 day of the study).
Testing and oral question
Isolation of pure culture of aerobic (1st 2 nd, 3, 4 day study).
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| Production and analysis of bacteria overgrowth. Study of the normal microflora of the human body a variety of habitats. Dysbacteriosis mouth. Methods of taking the test material at a dysbacteriosis mouth. Determination of the sensitivity of bacteria to antimicrobials and disinfectants used in dentistry.
Testing and oral question
Methods of taking the test material at a dysbacteriosis mouth
Determination of the sensitivity of bacteria to antimicrobials and disinfectants
compilation of case studies and intellectual games
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| Production and analysis of bacteria overgrowth. Study of the normal microflora of the human body a variety of habitats. Dysbacteriosis mouth. Methods of taking the test material at a dysbacteriosis mouth. Determination of the sensitivity of bacteria to antimicrobials and disinfectants used in dentistry.
Testing and oral question
Smear microscopy with incomplete phagocytosis. Autopsies b / mice Formulation of reactions: DGC, RGA, HI, and the precipitation reaction.
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| Landmark control. The morphology, physiology of microorganisms, virological research methods, bacteriophages. Genetics. Ecology. The microflora. Antibiotics. Disinfection. Sterilization. Infection. immunity
Testing and oral question
Technique microscopy.
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| Fundamentals of Clinical Microbiology. The etiological role of gram-positive and gram-negative coccal microflora in chronic inflammatory and infectious and allergic diseases, bacterial lesions of the teeth and oral mucosa. Microbial etiology of periodontal disease. Gingivitis. Periodontitis. Cariogenic microorganisms. Halitozis. Terms fence and shipping material in dental infectious diseases.
Testing and oral question
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Terms fence and delivery of the material in infectious dental diseases.
| Pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic mycobacteria. Tuberculosis. Leprosy. Features of microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of the disease. Principles of treatment, prevention.
Algorithm of laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Testing and oral question
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Terms fence and delivery of the material in infectious dental diseases
| The causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases. Spirochetes. Mycoplasmas. Chlamydia. Features of microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of the disease. Principles of treatment, prevention.
The causative agents of anaerobic infections. Features of microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of the disease.
Testing and oral question
Methodology: phase contrast mikroskapiya, RIF, mikrareaktsiya, Wasserman Production neutralization animals
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Methodology: phase contrast mikroskapiya, RIF, mikrareaktsiya, Wasserman Production neutralization animals
| Infection of chick embryo. Methods of infection. The mechanism of setting and evaluation of phage typing..
Agglutination test (WGA, PHA, Coombs). Precipitation reaction. Reaction immunoflyuorostsenitsii (RIF). The reaction of the immune lysis bacteriolysis. Complement fixation (RSK). Linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The reaction of the immobilization of microorganisms. Setting ELISA reaction when HIV infection. Interpretation of results.
Testing and oral question
Cultivation in eggs Statement ELISA (ELISA test simulation)
Intelectual game
| Landmark control. Cocchi. Ven. disease. Corynebacterium. Mycobacteria. Anaerobes. Microbiological diagnosis of viral infections..
Testing and oral question
| Total for the academic year
| 25 hours
| The amount of teaching hours
| 1 Credit
| General microbiology. Classification and systematics of microorganisms. The morphology of the bacteria. The structure of the bacterial cell. Methods of detecting bacterial cell components. Acid-resistant bacteria.
| Physiology of microorganisms. Basics bacteriological method. The basic principles of the cultivation of microorganisms on nutrient media. Characteristics of nutrient media. Requirements for the medium.
| Ecology of microorganisms. The microflora of the environment. Basics of sanitary-microbiological studies. Normal microflora of the human body. Age features of oral microflora
| Antimicrobial agents and factors. The use in dentistry. Methods of disinfection and sterilization of dental instruments. Asepsis. Antiseptic.
| Infection. Factors pathogenic bacteria. Non-specific protection factors. Phagocytosis.
2 Credit
| Pathogenic and opportunistic Corynebacterium. Bordetella. Features of microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of the disease. Principles of treatment, prevention.
| Algorithm of laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria, pertussis and parakoklyusha
| Microbiological diagnosis of thrush. Gingivostomatit Vincent (fuzospirohetoz). Microbiological diagnosis of actinomycosis face and lower jaw.
| Viruses. Structure and classification. Reproduction of viruses. Cultivation of viruses. Bacteriophages.
| Orthomyxoviruses (flu virus). Paramyxoviruses (parainfluenza, mumps, measles, respiratory syncytial virus). Adenoviruses. Poxviruses. Rhabdoviruses. Principles of microbiological diagnosis of hepatitis and herpes viruses role in human pathology. Principles of treatment. Prevention.
| Total in hours
- Glossary writing.
preparation and conduction of complete diagnostic evaluation for microbial diseases,
- creation of the atlas of microorganisms and methods of microbiological testing;