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Thematic plan of students' independent work with the teacher


Subject SRSP Продолжит. (в час.)
3 semester
Credit 1
  The setup of bacteriological laboratory. Guidelines. Microscopy technique. The principles of phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy. Microscopy technique. The structure of the microscope and microscopy equipment. Immersion method microscopy. Principles of phase-contrast and fluorescent microscopy.  
  Morphology spirochetes, actinomycetes, rickettsia, mycoplasma, fungi and viruses. Virological research method. Cooking appliances native smear. Study of bacteria in the live state.  
  Formulation and analysis of on disbacteriosis. Study of the normal microflora of different habitats of the human body. Dysbacteriosis mouth. Methods of taking the test material in oral dysbiosis. Determination of susceptibility of bacteria to antimicrobial agents and disinfectants used in dentistry.  
  Factors antimicrobial protection of the oral cavity. Smear microscopy with incomplete phagocytosis. Definition opsono phagocytic index. Staging complement fixation agglutination reaction precipitation reaction, neutralization reaction.  
  Landmark control by themes: (№ 1, 2, 3, 4.) Morphology, physiology of microorganisms, virology research methods, bacteriophages. Genetics. Ecology. Microflora. Antibiotics. Disinfection. Sterilization. Infection. Immunity.  
Credit 2
  Pathogenic and pathogenic corynebacteria. Bordetella. Features microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases. Principles of treatment, prevention. Algorithm for the laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria, pertussis and parapertussis.  
  Pathogenic and pathogenic mycobacteria. Tuberculosis. Leprosy. Features microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases. Principles of treatment, prevention. Algorithm for the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis.  
  Causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases. Spirochetes. Mycoplasma. Chlamydia. Features microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases. Principles of treatment, prevention. Activators of anaerobic infections. Features microbiological diagnostics in connection with the pathogenesis of diseases.  
  Infection of the chick embryo. Methods of infection. Setting mechanism and evaluation of phage-typing.. Agglutination (WGA, PHA, Coombs). Precipitation reaction. Reaction immunoflyuorostsenitsii (RIF). The reaction of the immune lysis bacteriolysis. Complement fixation (DGC). Linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Reaction immobilization of microorganisms. Staging IFA reactions in HIV infection. Interpretation of results.  
  Landmark control. Cocci. Veins. disease. Corynebacterium. Mycobacteria. Anaerobes. Microbiological diagnosis of viral infections.  
  Total for the academic year 30h

Type of course:

Interactive method: group discussions, question-answer, filling the feedback questionnaires, work in small groups, drafting tables, crossword puzzles, working with visual materials, case studies, seminars.

Passive method: subject consultations, introduction to diagnostic methods

Active method: assessment of practical skills, workbook and study protocol preparation, essays, organization of scientific debates and discussions, browsing and use of interactive learning programs, diagnosis and prevention of infectious disease algorithms, discussions, tables, schemes preparations, glossaries, multiple choice questions.

The plan of students' independent work (SIW)

Subject of SIW Duration (in hours).
Credit 1,2
  Historical stages of development of Microbiology  
  Эмержентные и реэмержентные инфекции в стоматологии.  
  The role of anaerobes in the etiology of odontogenic inflammatory diseases.  
  Problem diagnosis of anaerobic infections in clinical dentistry  
  Ulcerous-necrotic lesions of the oral mucosa. Odontogenic gangrene maxillofacial region.  
  Practical use of genetic engineering in medical microbiology, virology, immunology and biotechnology  
  Allergological diagnostic methods and their use in dental practice.  
  Fundamentals of chemotherapy: antiviral, antifungal agents dental practice. Drug resistance of microorganisms.  
  Species and the mechanism of action of antimicrobial agents used in dental practice.  
  The oral cavity as a portal of entry.  
  Application biological drugs for dentistry (vaccines, dietary supplements, eubiotiki, probiotics, prebiotics, bacteriophages).    
  Age features of oral microflora.  
  Persistence of bacteria and viruses  
  Function of the normal microflora of the mouth.  
Credit 3
  Prions and viroids. Their importance in the development of conformational diseases causing disproteinoz  
  General characteristics of the Enterobacteriaceae.  
  Pathogenic and pathogenic vibrio. Vibrio cholerae. Helicobacter role in the etiology of gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.  
  Ehsherihioza and colibacillosis. Shigella. Microbiological diagnosis of intestinal infections.  
  Salmonellosis. Microbiological diagnosis prevention and treatment.  
  Yeast-like fungi Candida. Properties. Role in human pathology. Oral candidiasis (thrush). Treatment and prevention of oral thrush.  
  Framework for prevention and treatment. Meaning of sensitization of the organism in the pathogenesis of parasitic infestations.  
  Plaque, its composition and its role in the development of caries.  
  Meaning of Parasitology in practice health care.  
  Total hours: 45 hour

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 477. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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