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Thematic plan competency workshops in microbiology, virology and immunology for the 2nd year students of the specialty "Dentistry" for 2013-2014 academic year


№ п\п The plan of practical training Assessed competence
Knowledge Practical skills Communicative competence Legal competence Self-development
1. General microbiology. Classification and taxonomy of microorganisms. Morphology of bacteria. Technique of smear preparation. Simple methods of staining. Gram stains. The structure of the bacterial cell. Detection methods of bacterial cell components. Acid-fast bacilli.       principle of bacterial laboratory  
2. Physiology of microorganisms. Basics bacteriological method. Basic principles of cultivation of microorganisms in nutrient media. Characteristics of nutrient media. Requirements for nutrient media. Isolation of pure cultures of 7aerobic bacteria (Day 1,2,3,4 of study). testing, verbal questioning        
3. Ecology of microorganisms. The microflora of the environment. Sanitary and microbiological studies. Normal microflora of the human body. Age features of oral microflora. Antimicrobial agents and factors. The use in dentistry. Methods of disinfection and sterilization of dental instruments. Asepsis. Antiseptic. testing, verbal questioning        
4. Infection. Pathogenicity factors of bacteria. Methods for determination of pathogenicity factors. Immunity. Types and mechanisms of immunity. Factors oral antimicrobial protection. Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy of infectious diseases in dental practice. Hypersensitivity manifestation in the oral cavity. testing, verbal questioning        
5. Genetics of bacteria and viruses, genetic recombination (transformation, transduction, conjugation). Basics of variation, modification, mutation. Molecular genetic research methods (PCR, DNA-DNA hybridization). testing, verbal questioning        
6. Fundamentals of Clinical Microbiology. Etiologic role coccal microflora in chronic inflammatory and infectious and allergic diseases, microbial lesions of teeth and oral mucosa. Periodontal disease microbial etiology. Gingivitis. Periodontitis. Prevention of dental caries. Halitozis. testing, verbal questioning   compilation of case studies and intellectual games    
7. Microbiological diagnosis of thrush. Gingivostomatit Vincent (fuzospirohetoz). Microbiological diagnosis of actinomycosis of the face and mandible. testing, verbal questioning   compilation of case studies and intellectual games    
8. Viruses. Structure and classification. Reproduction of viruses. Cultivation of viruses. Bacteriophages. Orthomyxoviruses (flu virus). Paramyxoviruses (parainfluenza, mumps, measles, respiratory syncytial virus). Adenoviruses. Poxviruses. Rhabdoviridae. Principles of microbiological diagnosis of hepatitis and herpes viruses role in human pathology. Principles of treatment. Prevention. testing, verbal questioning   compilation of case studies and intellectual games    
9. Picornaviruses - poliomyelitis, Coxsackie viruses, ECHO. Arboviruses. Rubella virus. Principles of treatment, prevention. Oncoviruses. Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Nature of oral mucosa lesions in HIV infection (hairy leukoplakia). Principles of treatment, prevention. testing, verbal questioning        
10. Practical aspects of the prevention of nosocomial infection in the dental clinic. Zone of microbial contamination in the dental office. Compliance rules biosecurity dentist. testing, verbal questioning        
Total for the academic year 25h

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 412. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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