In english
Main: 1.Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims,Peter L Chiodini “Medical Microbiology”,4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656. 2.Jacquelyn G Black “Microbiology”,7 th ,WILEY,2010,p.846 3.Patric R Muray,Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller “Medical Mcrobiology”,5th Edithion, 2008,p.962 4.Cedric Mims, Hazel M Docrell, Richard V Georing, Ivan M Roit, Derek Wakelin, Mark Zukerman, “Medical Microbiology”,3th Edithion, 2004, ELSEVIER MOSBY, p.659. 5.Geo F Brooks,Kaaren C Carroll, Janett S Butel, Stephen F Morse,24th Edithion, JAWETZ,MELNICK&ADELBERG^S 6. Mark Gladwin, Bill Trattler, “Clinical Microbiology”, 4th Edithion, MedMaster, Miami, 2007, p.393. 7.Anathanarayan R., Paniker C.K.J. Text book of microbiology. Orien Longman. Seven edition, 2005. 8.Medical microbiology. Inta Ozols. Elsevier Mosby, 2004. Additional: 1. Robert M Diamond “Designing Assessing Courses and Curricula”, 3th Edithion,Jossey-Bass,2008,p.487 2. Patric Leonardi “Microbiology Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers”, Silver Educational Publishig,2005,p.78 3. N.Cary Engelberg,Victor DiRita,Terence S Dermondy, “Mechanisms of Microbial Disease”, 4th Edithion,Lippincton Williams&Wilkins,2007,p.762 4. William F Strohl, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D Fisher, “Microbiology”, Lippincton^s,2001,p.516 5. Jawetz, Melnic & Adelberg. Medical microbiology. Singapore. 2004. 6. Arora D.R. Text book of microbiology. CB. 2001. 7. William A. Stradit, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D. Fisher. Microbiology. 2001, Lippencott, Williams and Wilkins 8. Black Jacquelyn G. Microbiology. Principles & Applications, 1996 by Prentice-Hall, New Jersey 9. Medical microbiology. An introduction to Infectious Diseases. Ed. by Ryan Kenneth J. Appleton and Lange. Stamford, Connecticut, 1998. 10. Toni Hart, Paul Shears. Atlas de Roche de Microbiologie. - Paris., 1997.- 314р. · 3.9. Methods of teaching and learning · • Lectures:overview, problem. Practical classes: study literature, search and use of interactive learning programs (еlectronic databases and computer training programs), the solution case studies, independent analysis and interpretation of the demonstration works, algorithms of diagnosis and prophylaxis of microbial diseases, the solution of tests, the preparation and presentation of scientific abstracts. · Students' independent work (SIW):practical work, leraning of microbiological methods, study protocol preparation and interpretation of the results, case studies, work practice using bacteriological analyzer, browsing and use of interactive learning programs - multimedia databases, computer models and programs.
· The active method: Making and discussion of practical work, study protocol preparation, search and use of interactive learning programs (multimedia databases, computer models and programs), etc. · Interactive ( solution case studies, group work, Quick Poll, role playing tasks, brainstorming, critical thinking, mini-researches, etc.) 3.10. Methods of assessment of student”s knowledge and skills: Assessment system is based on the Resolution assessment of educational achievements of students of RGF "KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiayrov", 2014-2015 school year, it assesses all 5 competences as per core curriculum of the medical education KazNMU. Final certification of discipline has 2 stages. 5 competencies being assessed: Phase I - computer test; assessment of the following competences: cognitive (knowledge) and legal competences as per core curriculum; Phase II – Assessment of Practical Skills (OSME), case studies and clinical tasks (assessment of level of operational and communicative competences). Assessment of "self-development" competence via preparation of SIW and portfolio during an academic period and current and final controls. Assessment of the intermediate rating: The first rating is held at 7-8 weeks, the second rating - at 14-15 weeks of semesters. It is necessary fill in the appropriate list. The student should know the results of the intermediate ratings and the results of admittance.
- Monitoring students' knowledge is held during the course on practical exercises and SIWT, at the end of SIW. -Type of course: preparation of essay, presentation of written work, work with case studies, exercises, preparation of situational dialogues, making crosswords, analytical review, mini-tests, Round-table discussions with the written report, panel discussion of the problem questions, glossary writing, multiple choice questions test, writing and oral asessment, performing laboratory work, the solution case studies, filling of study protocols and other (see The Thematic plan). - Policy on Student Evaluation: evaluation of student performance is based on the criteria that reflect the learning course requirements: skills of critical thinking, the ability to think creatively, analyze, argue, evaluate course material and its presentation, the logical relationship between the topics, demonstration of skills for independent thinking and decision-making, formulation of own point of view. Calculation of ongoing monitoring (current control) of Achievement: Current control t- assessment of competency level t= (Z+N+K+P+S)/n where n – the number of tasks in all competencies Z: z1+z2+…+zn- Knowledge Assessment N: n1+n2+…+nn- Practical skills assessment K: k1+k2+…+kn- Communication assessment P: p1+p2+…+pn- Legal competence assessment S: s1+ s2+…+sn- SIW assessment Each unit will be assessed on 100 point scale system Boundary control: The main form of boundary control assessment is students' portfolios evaluation or testing in the CT. Assessment of current knowledge based on established criteria of the task: practical sessions: - Active method – Preparation and discussion of practical work, fill in protocols, workbooks, work with multimedia databases, computer models and programs; - Interactive method - decision to case studies, group work, Quick Poll, role playing tasks, brainstorming, critical thinking, mini - research, etc.; SIWT: Performing and discussion of practical work, filling of of research protocols, workbooks, essays, organization of scientific debates and discussions, search and use interactive learning programs, algorithms of diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases the SIW: - essay - tests, case studies, crossword puzzles; - annotation and review, scientific papers reviews; - analysis of the literature; -organization of scientific debates and discussions - case studies preparations; - Auction of ideas -presentations; - Self research preparation -preparation and conduction of complete diagnostic evaluation for microbial diseases, - the experiment and to assess their quantitative and qualitative indicators, etc.; - preparation of the atlas of microorganisms and methods of microbiological testing; - Glossary writing. Student should have to complete 4 different types of SIW:: 2 - General Microbiology, 2 – Applied microbiology. The deadline of SIW is no later than end of each credit · Portfolio: · Portfolio is present achievements as well as development or growth of the student. Portfolios for Student Growth (PSG) is a holistic, student-centered is process-led approach to portfolio development. Through the portfolio process, students develop the self-awareness, goal-setting, and decision-making skills essential for lifelong self-determination. · The portfolio of the student keeps samples of their writing, electronic work performed during the cours, and at the end module can be used as evidence of their learning (learning). · For student portfolios to be a reflection of all student's achievements, a shared understanding about the purpose, value, and process of portfolios is a critical step. The professional process is the series of dialogues, work sessions, and hands-on experiences that lead to a common understanding of the value of student portfolios, the role of the educator and the student in the portfolio process, and the portfolio itself. Through the professional process, educators share ideas about the value of student portfolios and their role in promoting student achievement, independence and responsibility. Clearly defining the concept of the portfolio advisor is a critical part of the professional process. The model of portfolio (the number and volume of papers)