Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy of infectious diseases in dental practice. Hypersensitivity manifestations in the oral cavity
2.Goal:Generate knowledge about the infectious process, micro-organisms and its causing factors of their pathogenicity, periods of infectious disease; examine nonspecific protective factors and their implications for the human body, forming the students basic competence on the basics of immunity; types and mechanisms of immunity; nespetseficheskih on protective factors of the mouth, on the principles of immunization and treatment of infectious diseases, to give an idea of the immunopathology. 3. Learning objectives: Form a student of knowledge: - About the features of the growth of microorganisms - About the features of the growth of microorganisms - About the biochemical properties of microorganisms; - To introduce the principles of microbial identification by morphological, tinctorial, cultural and biochemical characteristics. - Introduce the classification of enzymes and their role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases - Teach the identification of a pure culture of a microorganism selected. - On the stages of isolation of pure cultures aerobic / anaerobic - The biochemical properties of the microorganisms and their practical application - About. methods of mushroom cultivation Form to skill: - An infectious process, the factors for its occurrence - Periods of infectious disease - Ways of infection - Pathogenicity and virulence of microorganisms - Factors of pathogenic microorganisms. - Non-specific factors of the body's defense. - Transmission routes, forms of infection, generate knowledge on the basics of immunity; - To master the concept of antigen and antibody; - To master the concept of phagocytosis, terms of its intensity; - To generate ideas about the non-specific protective factors of the oral cavity. - The principles of immunization and immunotherapy of infectious diseases - The principles of immunotherapy of infectious diseases - To give an idea of the immunopathological states, their types. - Types of immunodeficiencies - Mechanisms manifestations of allergic reactions of immediate and delayed type - The role of vaccines in the formation of artificial active immunity - The role of serum in the formation of artificial passive immunity - Sera primenemyh for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes - An immunopathological states, their classification according to the type of immune responses To develop skills in: - The ability to use knowledge of toxins, adhesion, colonization and invasive activity of microorganisms in deciphering the pathogenesis and clinical features of the disease - Intraperitoneally infected laboratory animal, its opening and interpretation of the data - Formulation of titration reaction of complement and lysozyme - Conduct counting phagocytic number and phagocytic index; - Interpretation of the results 4. Main issues of the theme: 1 Infection. Concept. Factors arise. 2 Periods of infectious disease. 3 forms of infection. 4 Factors pathogens. 5 Non-specific factors of the body's defense. 6 kinds and forms of immunity 7.faktory nonspecific anti-infectious defense 8.faktory nonspecific and specific protection of the oral cavity 9 organs and tissues of the immune system 10 notion of antigens and antibodies on their chemical nature, properties 11 phagocytosis, stage performance intensity, their value Vaccines 12. Species. Scope. 13 sera. Species. Scope. 14.Tipy immunopathological states. 15. Allergy. The mechanism of development (small group discussion, case studies, working in pairs, presentations, case studies, etc.) Passive method - explanation. Active method - preparation and discussion of practical work, research protocol, work with multimedia databases, computer models and programs..) Interactive - case studies, work in small groups, quick poll, role playing tasks, brainstorming, critical thinking, mini-researches, etc.) 6. Literature: