Stages of bacteriological examination
The basic steps of isolation and identification of pure cultures of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria incorporated in the algorithm bacteriological examination. At the first stage of clinical material investigated prepare smears, mikroskopiruyut them, then carry out sowing (depending on the need for a qualitative or quantitative method) on solid nutrient media separation (method of applying the test sample is selected depending on the method). Incubation is carried out crops under optimal conditions - typically 20-24 hours at 35-370 C. The second phase is the isolation of a pure culture, selected on the basis of the study of biological characteristics (cultural properties of isolated colonies, microscopy of stained smears for the study of morphological and tinctorial properties). The third stage - identification with the study of other biological properties to be anticipated (in some cases, fixed) familial affiliation. It includes the study of the biochemical properties (enzymatic activity) saccharolytic, proteolytic, decarboxylation and deamination properties; redox potential; motility. In the event of a mandatory component is epidvspyshki intraspecific typing methods: biotipirovaniya, phage-typing, kolitsinotipirovaniya, kolitsinogenotipirovaniya, genotyping. Теsts: 1. The physiological characteristic is characterized by: 1 The shape and structure of bacteria 2 hours of bacterial growth 3 The morphology of microorganisms 4 Type of oxidative metabolism and plastic 5 Molecular biological signs 2. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) CONSISTS OF BACTERIA: 1. Ribose 2. Hyaluronidase 3. Timina 4. Lipase 5. Catalase 3. By energy source among bacteria are distinguished: 1. Phototrophic 2. Metatrofy 3. Organotrophs 4. Hemotrofy 5. Autotrophs 4. STUDY OBJECTIVES In Physiology of Microorganisms contains everything listed EXCEPT: 1. The feeding process 2. Breath 3. Growth and reproduction 4. Patterns of interaction of bacteria with the environment 5. Prevention and treatment of diseases 5. Heterotrophs FOR YOUR USE OF EXISTENCE: 1. Hexose 2. Polyalcohols 3. Hydrocarbons 4. All listed compounds 5. None of these compounds 6. Autotrophic 1. Decompose organic substances to mineral 2. Divide on methods and paratrofnye 3. Assimilate organogenic organic compounds 4. Use organic carbonaceous compounds 5. Synthesized carbonaceous components and CO2 7. Saprophytes: 1. Contain only DNA 2. Belong to anaerobes 3. Pathogenic to humans 4. Utilizing organic remains of dead organisms 5. Facultative parasites 8. Polysaccharides of bacteria: 1. Antigenic 2. Activates enzymes 3. Enter into capsules 4. Responsible for heredity 5. Are spare nutrients 9. MINERALS bacteria possess all the above properties, EXCEPT: 1. Participate in the regulation of the osmotic pressure 2. Activates enzymes 3. Part of the vitamin 4. Causes species belonging 5. Adjust the redox potential 10. ON carbon source for nutrition bacteria are divided into: 1. Autotrophs 2. Metatrofy 3. Organotrophs 4. Phototrophic 5. Heterotrophs 11. HEMOTROFS: 1. The ability to use solar energy 2. Prepared energy through redox reactions 3. Are acid 4. Bacteriophages 5. Divide longitudinal division 12. Growth factor bacterium is all of the following EXCEPT: 1. Amino Acids 2. Purine and pyrimidine bases 3. Carbohydrates 4. Vitamins 5. Lipids 13. Requirements as to the nutrient SREDAMOTNOSYAT all of the following EXCEPT: 1. Sterility 2. Determine the pH of the medium 3. Optimum moisture content and viscosity 4. Enzyme was 5. Isotonicity 14. The intended purpose nutrient medium are divided into: 1. Basic 2. Elective 3. Differential diagnostic 4. All mentioned correctly 5. Such division is incorrect 15. Name the selection medium: 1. Wednesday Endo 2. Roux Wednesday 3. Hiss Wednesday 4. Blood agar 5. Ploskireva Wednesday 16. MECHANISMS TO penetration of nutrients into bacterial cells do not include: 1. Simple diffusion 2. Facilitated diffusion 3. Active Transportation 4. Translocation 5. Reproduction 17. The following ALL SHARES OF BACTERIA BY TYPE OF BREATH, EXCEPT: 1. Obligate aerobes 2. Microaerophiles 3. Anaerobes 4. Hemoorganotrofy 5. Facultative anaerobes 18. ENDOFERMENTY 1. Released into the environment 2. Localized in the cytoplasm 3. Are in the periplasmic space of 4. Localized in the cytoplasmic membrane 5. Assimilates in the external environment 19. Microorganisms causing diseases are: 1. Avtorofam 2. Heterotrophs 3. Hemoavtorofam 4. Paratrofam 5. Photoautotrophs 20. BCH NEED TO COOK: 1. Meat water 2. Pepto 3. Sodium chloride 4. All of the above 5. None of these components are required 21. COOKING blood agar MUST: 1. Serum 2. Blood 3. Blood Plasma 4. Glucose 5. None of these components 22. Blood agar: 1. Is elective nutrient 2. Is differential diagnostic medium 3. Inhibits the growth of bacteria 4. Identifies the hemolytic activity of bacteria 5. Microorganism growth factor 23. Which of the environment is not the differential diagnosis: 1. Wednesday Endo 2. Ploskireva Wednesday 3. Alkaline Agar 4. Hiss Wednesday 5. Wednesday Russell 24. DIFFERENTIATION FOR USE ON MEDIUM ENDO all of the following EXCEPT: 1. Splitting glucose 2. Splitting lactose 3. Education acidic foods 4. Recovery magenta 5. Discoloration medium 25.METABOLIZM CONSISTS OF BACTERIA: 1) energy and transcription 2) constructive and broadcast 3) energy and constructive 4) transcription and translation 5) the replication and transduction 26. PREPARATION NEEDED blood agar: 1) serum 2) blood 3) glucose 4) Peptone 5) blood plasma 27. K liquid medium include: 1) plain agar 2) Wednesday Endo 3) blood agar 4) meat-broth 5) yolk-salt agar 28. STRUCTURE OF BACTERIA-ENERGY BATTERIES: 1) MTC 2) flagella 3) The nucleoid 4) mezosomy 5) The cell wall 29. CULTURAL PROPERTIES OF BACTERIA THAT: 1) the nature of growth on nutrient media 2) the ability to be painted 3) biochemical activity 4) antigenic composition 5) the shape of the bacterial cell 30. Bacteriological methods STUDY THIS: 1) selection of a pure culture 2) preparation of a smear 3) infected animals 4) preparing a vaccine 5) determining the level of immunity 31. K liquid medium include: 1) plain agar 2) Wednesday Endo 3) blood agar 4) meat-broth 5) yolk-salt agar 32. Methods for the isolation of pure cultures based on mechanical uncoupling at sowing: 1) Method Drigalski 2) Sowing loop (strokes) 3) Method of crops sector (by Gould) 4) Isolation of anaerobic bacteria (the creation of anaerobic conditions) 5) Isolation of acid-fast bacilli (acid treatment of the test material) 33. CULTURAL PROPERTIES: 1) growth media 2) the nature of the colonies 3) fermentation of proteins 4) Growth rate 5) fermentation fats
34. GROUPS OF BACTERIA BY TYPE OF BREATH: 1) aerobic 2) anaerobes 3) hemotrofy 4) microaerophiles 5) Optional aerobic / anaerobic 35. CULTURAL PROPERTIES: 1) growth media 2) the nature of the colonies 3) the growth rate 4) the ability to recombine 5) the quantity, volume, the molecular weight of the genome 36. TYPES OF BREATH BACTERIA: 1), aerobic and anaerobic 2) physical and chemical 3) chemical and biological 4) oxidizing and reducing 5) physical and biological 37. THERMOSTAT USED FOR: 1) the growth of microorganisms 2) sterilization of laboratory glassware 3) sterilization of surgical instruments 4) production of vaccines 5) stimulation of bacterial sporulation 38. The optimum temperature for GROWING pathogenic bacteria: 1) 37 ° C 2) 20 ° C 3) 52 ° C 4) 0 0C 5) 46 ° C 39. SEALING liquid medium Applies to: 1. Gelatin 2. Carbohydrate 3. Agar - agar 4. Protein 5. Collargol A) 1, 3 B) 1, 3, 5 C), 3, 4, 5 D) 2, 4 E) 3 4 40. Differential diagnostic Wednesday: 1) IPA 2) blood agar 3) yolk-salt agar 4) Endo 5) serum agar 41. MICROBIAL pure culture, secretions from certain sources and different from others of the species is called: 1) clone 2) a strain of 3) subspecies 4) colony 5) one 42. The method of cultivation of obligate parasites (viruses, chlamydia, rickettsia) 1) In the sera 2) Cell Culture 3) In the chick embryo 4) in the culture medium 5) In the body of animals Quiz Questions: The process by which microbial cells are derived from environmental hazardous components required to build its Biopolymers (organelles) are called ______________________________________________ 2. OPTIONAL aerobes / anaerobes: 1) grow and reproduce only in terms beskilorodnyh 2) Carry out vital functions only in the presence of oxygen 3) life need a small amount of oxygen in the air mixture 4) As the final acceptor and oxygen may be used, and inorganic substances 3. Cultivation of microorganisms (definitions, concepts) 1) progeny of a single cell to a dense medium 2) self-replication, leading to an increase in the number of individuals in the population 3) to create optimal conditions for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms 4. CULTURE microbes derived from a single cell ETO_____________________________ 5. FEATURE PARASITISM VIRUSES: 1) Gene parasites 2) Energy parasites: not able to synthesize NAD 3) Energy parasites: no system of regeneration 6. GOLOFITNYMI bacterial cells: 1) are 2) are not 7. SET THE CORRECT SEQUENCE phases POWER OF BACTERIA: 1) synthesis of substances in the cell 2) removal of metabolic products 3) cleavage of the substrate outside the cell (endoenzymes) 4) delivery of substances into the cell through its entire surface 5) entrapment in the native state (animal type of food) 6) additional splitting of substances in the cell (endofermenty) 8. CONDITIONS cultivation of bacteria: 1) Sterility 2) The medium 3) The cultivation time 4) The optimum temperature 5) The optimal pH 6) aerobic or anaerobic conditions 7) Contents of sufficient nutrients relevant 9. Wednesday SCS (Wednesday sterility control) is used for cultivation: 1) aerobes 2) anaerobes 10. "Recognition" unknown microorganisms based on comparison with known germs SIGNS THAT: ___________________________________________________________ 11. FEATURE PARASITISM rickettsiae: 1) Gene parasites 2) Energy parasites: not able to synthesize NAD 3) Energy parasites: no system of regeneration 12. The supply of nutrients in the microbial cells occurs due to: 1) The conjugation 2) transformation 3) active transport 4) transduction 5) osmosis and diffusion 6) passive transport 13. MECHANISM nutrition protozoa: 1) synthesis of substances in the cell 2) removal of metabolic products 3) cleavage of the substrate outside the cell (endoenzymes) 4) delivery of substances into the cell through its entire surface 5) entrapment in the native state (animal type of food) 6) additional splitting of substances in the cell (endofermenty) 14. REQUIREMENTS cultured 1) Sterility 2) The medium 3) The cultivation time 4) The optimum temperature 5) The optimal pH 6) aerobic or anaerobic conditions 7) Contents of sufficient nutrients relevant 15. Blaurock Wednesday APPLY FOR CULTIVATION: 1) aerobes 2) anaerobes 16. Virus on cultured 1) culturing 2) not cultured 17. FEATURE PARASITISM chlamydia: 1) Gene parasites 2) Energy parasites: not able to synthesize NAD 3) Energy parasites: no system of regeneration 18. The supply of nutrients in the microbial cells occurs due to osmosis and diffusion 1) yes 2) no 19. Autotrophs: 1) Microorganisms, assimilable carbon, nitrogen and inorganic compounds (CO2, NH3, etc. 2) heterotrophic microorganisms that require organic compounds finished dead substrate 3) Microorganisms are completely devoid of the ability to live outside the body's cells (viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia) 4) heterotrophic microorganisms that use organic compounds as a source of a living organism 5) Organisms that can exist in the body, and out of it, disposing of organic substrates (bacteria, spirochetes, and others 6) Microorganisms assimilable carbon and nitrogen, inorganic compounds previously synthesized from other living organisms 20. SIMPLE MATTER: 1) Universal medium for the isolation of most bacteria (MPA, MPB) 2) medium, having a well-defined chemical composition, prepared from pure chemicals (of 199 Needle) 2) Environments that are used to study the biochemical properties and differentiation of microbial species on the nature of their enzymatic activity (Endo Ploskireva, stafitest, ENTEROtest) 4) The media are used in the allocation of a certain type of microorganisms (alkaline peptone water, Wednesday Kitty Tarotstsi) 21. Thermophilic microorganisms that grow at: 1) 15-26 0C 2) 36-37 0C 3) 50-60 0C 22. Virus on cell cultures: 1) culturing 2) not cultured 23. The supply of nutrients in the microbial cells occurs due to passive transport: 1) yes 2) no 24. Heterotrophs: 1) Microorganisms, assimilable carbon, nitrogen and inorganic compounds (CO2, NH3, etc. 2) heterotrophic microorganisms that require organic compounds finished dead substrate 3) Microorganisms are completely devoid of the ability to live outside the body's cells (viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia) 4) heterotrophic microorganisms that use organic compounds as a source of a living organism 5) Organisms that can exist in the body, and out of it, disposing of organic substrates (bacteria, spirochetes, and others 6) Microorganisms assimilable carbon and nitrogen, inorganic compounds previously synthesized from other living organisms 25. The selection medium: 1) Universal medium for the isolation of most bacteria (MPA, MPB) 2) medium, having a well-defined chemical composition, prepared from pure chemicals (of 199 Needle) 3) Environment, which are used to study the biochemical properties and differentiation of microbial species on the nature of their enzymatic activity (Endo Ploskireva, stafitest, ENTEROtest) 4) The media are used in the allocation of a certain type of microorganisms (alkaline peptone water, Wednesday Kitty Tarotstsi) 26. Psychrophiles - microorganisms that grow at: 1) 15-26 0C 2) 36-37 0C 3) 50-60 0C 27. Virus on chicken embryo: 1) culturing 2) not cultured 28. The supply of nutrients in the microbial cells use active transport: 1) yes 2) no 29. Heterotrophs: 1) Microorganisms, assimilable carbon, nitrogen and inorganic compounds (CO2, NH3, etc. 2) heterotrophic microorganisms that require organic compounds finished dead substrate 3) Microorganisms are completely devoid of the ability to live outside the body's cells (viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia) 4) heterotrophic microorganisms that use organic compounds as a source of a living organism 5) Organisms that can exist in the body, and out of it, disposing of organic substrates (bacteria, spirochetes, and others 6) Microorganisms assimilable carbon and nitrogen, inorganic compounds previously synthesized from other living organisms 30. DIFFERENTIAL - DIAGNOSTIC ENVIRONMENT: 1) Universal medium for the isolation of most bacteria (MPA, MPB) 2) medium, having a well-defined chemical composition, prepared from pure chemicals (of 199 Needle) 3) Environment, which are used to study the biochemical properties and differentiation of microbial species on the nature of their enzymatic activity (Endo Ploskireva, stafitest, ENTEROtest) 4) The media are used in the allocation of a certain type of microorganisms (alkaline peptone water, Wednesday Kitty Tarotstsi) 31. Mesophyll - microorganisms that grow at: 1) 15-26C 2) 36-37C 3) 50-60C 32. Virus on tissue culture: 1) culturing 2) not cultured 33. CONDITIONS cultivation of bacteria: 1) Sterility 2) The medium 3) The cultivation time 4) The optimum temperature 5) The optimal pH 6) aerobic or anaerobic conditions 7) Contents of sufficient nutrients relevant 34. CARBON SOURCE: 1) autotrophs 2) heterotrophic 3) phototrophs 4) hemotrofy 35. PARASITES: 1) Microorganisms, assimilable carbon, nitrogen and inorganic compounds (CO2, NH3, etc. 2) heterotrophic microorganisms that require organic compounds finished dead substrate 3) Microorganisms are completely devoid of the ability to live outside the body's cells (viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia) 4) heterotrophic microorganisms that use organic compounds as a source of a living organism 5) Organisms that can exist in the body, and out of it, disposing of organic substrates (bacteria, spirochetes, and others 6) Microorganisms assimilable carbon and nitrogen, inorganic compounds previously synthesized from other living organisms 36. SYNTHETIC ENVIRONMENT: 1) Universal medium for the isolation of most bacteria (MPA, MPB) 2) medium, having a well-defined chemical composition, prepared from pure chemicals (of 199 Needle) 3) Environment, which are used to study the biochemical properties and differentiation of microbial species on the nature of their enzymatic activity (Endo Ploskireva, stafitest, ENTEROtest) 4) The media are used in the allocation of a certain type of microorganisms (alkaline peptone water, Wednesday Kitty Tarotstsi) 37. Bacteria on nutrient media: 1) culturing 3) do not cultivate 38. REQUIREMENTS cultured 1) Sterility 2) The medium 3) The cultivation time 4) The optimum temperature 5) The optimal pH 6) aerobic or anaerobic conditions 7) Contents of sufficient nutrients relevant 39. MICROORGANISMS depending on the source of the received energy to distinguish between: 1) autotrophs 2) heterotrophic 3) phototrophs 4) hemotrofy 40. Facultative parasites: 1) Microorganisms, assimilable carbon, nitrogen and inorganic compounds (CO2, NH3, etc. 2) heterotrophic microorganisms that require organic compounds finished dead substrate 3) Microorganisms are completely devoid of the ability to live outside the body's cells (viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia) 4) heterotrophic microorganisms that use organic compounds as a source of a living organism 5) Organisms that can exist in the body, and out of it, disposing of organic substrates (bacteria, spirochetes, and others 6) Microorganisms assimilable carbon and nitrogen, inorganic compounds previously synthesized from other living organisms 41. Bacteria on cell culture: 1) culturing 2) not cultured 42. The method of cultivation of obligate parasites (viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia) 1) In the body of animals 2) In the chick embryo 3) Culture cells 43. STAGES BACTERIOL (virological) diagnostic methods 1) isolating microorganisms Cheka 2) identification of microorganisms Cheka 3) mechanical separation of microorganisms at sowing 4) Use of the biological properties of microorganisms 44. SUMMARY OF POWER Microorganisms: 1) Production of energy (ATP) formed during oxidation biological substance with oxygen or by dehydrogenation subtrata 2) Physical-chemical, biochemical and endothermic processes, providing a synthesis of components required for the growth and reproduction of microbes 45. SOURCE OF NITROGEN: 1.azotfiksiruyuschie microorganisms 2.assimiliruyuschie inorganic nitrogen 3. Autotrophs 4. Heterotrophs 46. Obligate intracellular parasites: 1) Microorganisms, assimilable carbon, nitrogen and inorganic compounds (CO2, NH3, etc. 2) heterotrophic microorganisms that require organic compounds finished dead substrate 3) Microorganisms are completely devoid of the ability to live outside the body's cells (viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia) 4) heterotrophic microorganisms that use organic compounds as a source of a living organism 5) Organisms that can exist in the body, and out of it, disposing of organic substrates (bacteria, spirochetes, and others 6) Microorganisms assimilable carbon and nitrogen, inorganic compounds previously synthesized from other living organisms 47. Grown on artificial media populations of the same microbial species THIS ______________________________________________________________________________ 48. Bacteria on chicken embryos: 1) culturing 2) not cultured 49. Methods for the isolation of pure cultures based on mechanical uncoupling at sowing: 1) Method Drigalski 2) Sowing loop (strokes) 3) Method of crops sector (by Gould) 4) Isolation of anaerobic bacteria (the creation of anaerobic conditions) 5) Isolation of spore-forming bacteria (heating of the test material) 6) Isolation of acid-fast bacilli (acid treatment of the test material) 7) Isolation of pathogenic bacteria using a biological method (infected animals) 8) Isolation of motile bacteria (method Shukevich - seeding condensation water) 50. TYPES OF BREATH BACTERIA: 1), aerobic and anaerobic 2) physical and chemical 3) chemical and biological 4) oxidizing and reducing 5) physical and biological 51. Fixing microorganisms: 1) ammonifying 2) nitrate- 3) nitritredutsiruyuschie 4) assimilate molecular nitrogen atmosphere 52. CULTURE THE SAME microbial species isolated from various locations, or from a single source at different times THIS: ____________________________________________________ 53. Bacteria on tissue culture: 1) grow 2) does not grow 54. Methods for the isolation of pure cultures, based on the biological properties of microorganisms: 1) Method Drigalski 2) Sowing loop (strokes) 3) Method of crops sector (by Gould) 4) Isolation of anaerobic bacteria (the creation of anaerobic conditions) 5) Isolation of spore-forming bacteria (heating of the test material) 6) Isolation of acid-fast bacilli (acid treatment of the test material) 7) Isolation of pathogenic bacteria using a biological method (infected animals) 8) Isolation of motile bacteria (method Shukevich - seeding condensation water) 55. Microorganisms assimilate inorganic nitrogen: 1) ammonifying 2) nitrate- 3) nitritredutsiruyuschie 4) assimilate molecular nitrogen atmosphere 56. CULTURAL PROPERTIES: 1) Form 8) disputes 2) capsule 9) flagella 3) the value of 10) growth media 4) the growth rate of 11) the nature of the colonies 5) fermentation fat 12) fermentation of proteins 6) interposition 13) Fermentation of carbohydrates 7) the ability to be painted 14) especially ultrastructure 57. PURE CULTURE IS: 1) The culture of the microbe derived from a single cell 2) grown on artificial nutrient medium population of one species of microbes 3) culture of the same microbial species, isolated from different locations, or from the same source at different times 4) the collection of microorganisms having a common origin and genotype similar to their biological characteristics, which under standard conditions manifested similar phenotypic traits 58. UNIVERSE reactions, which provide cells with energy EST______________________ 59. PRINCIPLES isolation of pure cultures: 1) isolation of pure cultures of microorganisms 2) identification of pure cultures of microorganisms 3) mechanical separation of microorganisms at sowing 4) Use of the biological properties of microorganisms 60. SUMMARY OF BREATH microorganisms: 1) Production of energy (ATP) formed during oxidation biological substance with oxygen or by dehydrogenation subtrata 2) Physical-chemical, biochemical and endothermic processes, providing a synthesis of components required for the growth and reproduction of microbes 3) The study of the morphological and physiological properties of microorganisms in order to determine their taxonomy (genus, species, variety) 61. UNIVERSE biochemical reactions, the synthesis of cellular components IS ________________________________________________________________________________ 62. CLONE THIS: 1) The culture of the microbe derived from a single cell 2) grown on artificial nutrient medium population of one species of microbes 3) culture of the same microbial species, isolated from different locations, or from the same source at different times 4) the collection of microorganisms having a common origin and genotype similar to their biological characteristics, which under standard conditions manifested similar phenotypic traits 63. Aerobic respiration: 1) of the respiratory chain is the final electron acceptor molecular oxygen 2) the respiratory chain end are various electron acceptor compounds, inorganic sulfates, nitrates, fumarates, etc. 64. Methods for the isolation of pure cultures, based on the biological properties of microorganisms: 1) Method Drigalski 2) Sowing loop (strokes) 3) Method of crops sector (by Gould) 4) Isolation of anaerobic bacteria (the creation of anaerobic conditions) 5) Isolation of spore-forming bacteria (heating of the test material) 6) Isolation of acid-fast bacilli (acid treatment of the test material) 7) Isolation of pathogenic bacteria using a biological method (infection zhivtnyh) 8) Isolation of motile bacteria (method Shukevich - seeding condensation water) 65. Aerobic respiration: 1) of the respiratory chain is the final electron acceptor molecular oxygen 2) the respiratory chain end are various electron acceptor compounds, inorganic sulfates, nitrates, fumarates, etc. 66. Bacterial populations THIS: 1) progeny of a single cell to a dense medium 2) synthesis of the necessary components and an increase in cell size 3) self-replication, leading to an increase in the number of individuals in the population 4) Set of the same species, formed in certain environmental conditions 67. Establish appropriate: In the liquid nutrient medium bacteria may form: 1. Crystalline slurry 2. Complete condensation protection 3. Clouding 4. Film 5. Colonies 6. Precipitate A) 1, 3, 4 B) 1, 3, 6 C), 3, 4, 5, 6 D) 2, 4, 5 E) 3, 4, 6 68. COLONY IS: 1) progeny of a single cell to a dense medium 2) synthesis of the necessary components and an increase in cell size 3) self-replication, leading to an increase in the number of individuals in the population 4) Set of the same species, formed in certain environmental conditions 69. GROUPS OF BACTERIA BY TYPE OF FOOD: 1) aerobes 2) Anaerobes 3) autotrophs 4) phototrophs 5) hemotrofy 6) heterotrophs 7) microaerophiles 8) facultative aerobic / anaerobic 70. The cultivation of microorganisms (DEF) 1) Creating optimal conditions for growth and reproduction of microorganisms 2) Preparation of the biological product or by using genetic engineering techniques 3) Set of the same species, formed in certain environmental conditions 4) Knowledge of the conditions (interactions) that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms 71. Aerobes: 1) grow and reproduce only in terms beskilorodnyh 2) Carry out vital functions only in the presence of oxygen 3) life need a small amount of oxygen in the air mixture 4) As the final acceptor and oxygen may be used, and inorganic substances 72. METHOD DEVELOPED isolation of pure cultures ______________________________ 73. Microaerophiles: 1) grow and reproduce only in terms beskilorodnyh 2) Carry out vital functions only in the presence of oxygen 3) life need a small amount of oxygen in the air mixture 4) As the final acceptor and oxygen may be used, and inorganic substances THESAURUS (glossary): Passive diffusion Active transport Aerobe Nutrient media Pure culture The nutrient medium Autotrophic Hemotrof Strain Clone Colony The approximate timing of the activity:
Тheme 3. Ecology of microorganisms. Microflora environment. Fundamentals of sanitary and microbiological studies. Normal microflora of the human body. Age features of oral microflora