Methods of learning (small group discussion, case studies, working in pairs, presentations, case studies, etc.)
Passive-method - explanation. Active method - preparation and discussion of practical work, research protocol, work with multimedia databases, computer models and programs. Interactive - work in small groups 6. Literature: Main: 10. Борисов Л.Б. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология.- М.: МИА, 2005. - 734 с. 11. Табаева А.А. Микробиология поражений полости рта при стоматологических и инфекционных заболеваниях. Учебное пособие. – Алматы, 2006. -127с 12. Ричард Дж.Ламонт., Роберт А.Берне., Мерилин С.Лантц., Дональд Дж.Лебланк., перевод с английского В.К. Леонтьева. Микробиология и иммунология для стоматологов. Практическая медицина. Москва 2010.- 502с. 13. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология (под ред. Воробьёв А.А) МИА., Москва, 2004.- 690с. 14. Коротяев А.И, Бабичев С.Л. Медицинская микробиология, иммунология и вирусология. - СПб.: Спец. лит, 2000. - 591 с. 15. Медицинская микробиология /Гл.ред В.И. Покровский, O.K. Поздеев. - М.: ГЭОТАР МЕДИЦИНА, 2006. — 1200 с. 16. Тец В.В. Руководство к практическим занятиям по медицинской микробиологии, вирусологии и иммунологии – М.:Медицина, 2002. - 352 с. 17. Компьютерная программа "Диаморф" - "Медицинская микробиология" - атлас-руководство по бактериологии микологии, протозоологии и вирусологии под редакцией акад.проф. Воробьева А.А. 18. Дикий И.Л, Сидарчук И.И. и др. Микробиология. Руководство к лабораторным занятием. Киев, 2004, 583 с. Additional: 1.Борисов Л.Б., Козьмин-Соколов Б.В., Фрейдлин И.С. Руководство клабораторным занятиямпо медицинской микробиологии, вирусологии, иммунологии. - М.: Медицина, 1993. 2.Н.Красилыников А II. Справочник по антисептике. - Минск. - Выс шк.- 1995. - 367с. 3.Галактионов В.Т. Иммунология. - М. - Изд. "РИЦ МДК". - 2000. – 487с. 4.Воробьев А.А. "Микробиология, иммунология". - М.: МИА, 2002. 5.Воробьев А.А., Кривошейн Ю.С., Широбоков В.П. Медицинская и санитарнаямикробиология. - М.: Издательский центр "Академия" – 2003. – 464 с. 6.Аравийский Р.А., Горшкова Г.И. Практикум по медицинской микологии. - С-Пб. - 1995. - 50 с. 7.Всант P., Мосс У., Уивер Р. Определитель нетривиальных патогенных грамотрицательных бактерий (аэробных и факультативно-анаэробных). - М.: Мир, 1999. – 791 с. 8.Внутрибольничные инфекции // Под ред. Р.П.Венцелла. - М.:Медицина, 1990.- 656 с. 9.Саттон Д., Фотергилл А., Ринальди М. Определитель патогенных и условно-патогенных грибов. - Изд. Мир, 2001. - 470 с. 10.МаянскийА.Н.Микробиология дляврачей. - Нижний Новгород: Издательство Нижегородской государственной медицинской академии, 1999. — 400 с. 11.Котова А.Л. Клиническая микробиология: Методические указания.-Алматы, 2004.- 162с. 12.Тец В.В. Справочник по клинической микробиологии – СП Стройлеспечать. – 1994.– 224 с. 13.Определитель бактерий Берджи /Под ред Д.Хоулта, Н.Крига, П.Снитаи др.// М.: Мир, 1997. - в 2 томах. 14.Вопросы общей вирусологии, под ред. Кисилева И.О. Санкт- Петербург, 2007, 375 с. 15.Поздеев О.К. Медицинская микробиология: Учеб. О.К.Поздеев; под ред. В.И.Покровского.-2-е изд.испр.-М.:ГЭОТАР-МЕД,2004.-768 с in Kazakh: Main: 1. Медициналық микробиология, Алматы,2011,683 б Рамазанова Б.А, Кудайбергенұлы К.К редакциялаумен. 2.Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л. Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер морфологиясы.(оқу- әдістемелік құрал) Алматы,2007, 131б. 3.Б.А. Рамазанова, К.К Құдайбергенұлы, А.Л Котова. Инфекция туралы ілім.(оқу-құралы) Алматы 2007,111 б. 4. Б.А.Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер физиологиясы. (оқу - әдістемелік құрал). Алматы,2007, 126 б. 5. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микроорганизмдер экологиясы. (оқу- құралы). Алматы, 2007, 95 б. 6. Б.А. Рамазанова, А.Л Котова және т.б. Микробтарға қарсы қолданылатын препараттар (оқу- құралы) Алматы, 2007.,47 б. 7. Микробиология және вирусология (жалпы бөлімі): Оқу құралы /Ү.Т.Арықпаева, К.Х.Алмағамбетов, Н.М.Бисенова, Н.Б.Рахметова, Г.Д.Асемова, Койшебаева К.Б., Бисимбаева С.К., Калина Н.В./. 1-ші басылым. (Медициналық және фармацевтикалық мамандық бойынша жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы) - Астана, 2005. – 208 б. 8. «Микроорганизмдердің морфологиясы» оқу құралы, Астана, 2004, 32б.; Микробиология және вирусология (жеке бөлімі): Оқу құралы /Ү.Т.Арықпаева, К.Х.Алмағамбетов, Н.М.Бисенова, Ә.Ө.Байдүйсенова, Н.Б.Рахметова, Г.Д.Асемова /1-ші басылым. (Медициналық және фармацевтикалық мамандық бойынша жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы) - Астана, 2006. – 199 б. Additional: 1. Жалпы микробиологиядан лабораториялық сабақтар бойынша оқу-әдістемелік құрал (А.Л. Котованың ред.). – Алматы, 1997. in English: Main: 1.Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims,Peter L Chiodini “Medical Microbiology”,4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656. 2.Jacquelyn G Black “Microbiology”,7 th ,WILEY,2010,p.846 3. Patric R Muray,Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller “Medical Mcrobiology”,5th Edithion, 2008,p.962 4. Cedric Mims, Hazel M Docrell, Richard V Georing, Ivan M Roit, Derek Wakelin, Mark Zukerman, “Medical Microbiology”,3th Edithion, 2004, ELSEVIER MOSBY, p.659. 5. Geo F Brooks,Kaaren C Carroll, Janett S Butel, Stephen F Morse,24th Edithion, JAWETZ,MELNICK&ADELBERG^S 6. Mark Gladwin, Bill Trattler, “Clinical Microbiology”, 4th Edithion, MedMaster, Miami, 2007, p.393. 7. Anathanarayan R., Paniker C.K.J. Text book of microbiology. Orien Longman. Seven edition, 2005. 8. Medical microbiology. Inta Ozols. Elsevier Mosby, 2004. Additional: 11. Robert M Diamond “Designing Assessing Courses and Curricula”, 3th Edithion,Jossey-Bass,2008,p.487 12. Patric Leonardi “Microbiology Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers”, Silver Educational Publishig,2005,p.78 13. N.Cary Engelberg,Victor DiRita,Terence S Dermondy, “Mechanisms of Microbial Disease”, 4th Edithion,Lippincton Williams&Wilkins,2007,p.762 14. William F Strohl, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D Fisher, “Microbiology”, Lippincton^s,2001,p.516 15. Jawetz, Melnic & Adelberg. Medical microbiology. Singapore. 2004. 16. Arora D.R. Text book of microbiology. CB. 2001. 17. William A. Stradit, Harriet Rouse, Bruce D. Fisher. Microbiology. 2001, Lippencott, Williams and Wilkins 18. Black Jacquelyn G. Microbiology. Principles & Applications, 1996 by Prentice-Hall, New Jersey 19. Medical microbiology. An introduction to Infectious Diseases. Ed. by Ryan Kenneth J. Appleton and Lange. Stamford, Connecticut, 1998. 20. Toni Hart, Paul Shears. Atlas de Roche de Microbiologie. - Paris., 1997.- 314р. . 7. Control (questions, tests, tasks, etc): Questions:
1. List of methods of microscopy 2. What method is used for study of morphology of bacteria? 3. What are the tinctorial properties of bacteria? 4. What is an immersion microscope system? 5. List the steps for working with a microscope using an immersion system. 6. The main groups of microorganisms. Taxonomic categories. Definitions: clone, strain, species, population, gender, kingdom, serovar 8. List the morphological characteristics of bacteria? 9. The main groups of bacteria. 10. The methods of preparation of a bacterial smear from broth and solid media. 11. Simple methods of staining. The Reagent used in bacteriological practice. 12. Gram stain. The essence of method, the modification by Sinev Case Studies:
1. In the smear from the culture microbes under oil immersion microscopy there are purple cocci in clusters, shaped like packets. Determine the morphology of bacteria and relation to Gram staining. A: Gram (+) cocci – Sarcine.
2. In Gram stained smear medium size red bacilli with rounded ends and purple cocci groupped as grape bunches seen. Determine the morphology and correlation with Gram staining. Answer: a smear mixture of microbes, similar to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Questions Quiz: 1. Give examples of spirillum bacteria. Answer: spirillae, campylobacter, vibrio, spirochete
2. What is the arrangement of diplococci in a smear? Answer: in pairs
3. Give examples of gram (-) bacteria. Answer: E. coli, meningococci, Bordetella, gonococci, Proteus
4. Is morfovariant the taxonomic feature? Answer: Yes
5. What is the arrangement of Staphylococci in smear? Answer: bunch of grapes
6. What is the arrangement of Streptococci in smear? A: a chain
7. Give a description of prokaryotes. A: binary type of fission, one chromosome, 1-10 microns, nitrogen fixation, anaerobic respiration
Answer: forms cuboidal packets and bales
9. Describe eukaryotes. A. histones, nuclear membrane, multiple chromosomes, steroids of cell wall, 10-100 microns, chitin or cellulose, tissue differentiation
10. What kind of forms of bacteria do you know? Answer: spirilla, cocci, rodes
11. List microbiological methods of research. A: biological, serological, microscopic, allergic, bacteriological, virological, mycological, genotyping (PCR etc.)
12. What is the measurement unit of bacterial size? Answer: micrometers
13. Give examples of rod-shaped bacterias. Answer: E. coli, Salmonella, Anthrax Bacteria Тесты: Tests: 1. Discoveries of Louis Pasteur do not include: 1. The discovery of anaerobioz 2. Fermentation of microorganisms 3. The discovery of Ways to Protect Against Infectious Diseases 4. Description of the causative agent of tuberculosis 5. The basis of sterilization
2. ROBERT KNOX 1. Developed vaccine against anthrax 2. Discovered causative agent of rabies 3. Developed of polio vaccine 4. Vaccination against smallpox 5. The Founder of stained bacteria study
3. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS of I. Mechnikov: 1. Development of pure culture isolation method 2. Discovered doctrine of phagocytosis 3. Described HIV 4. The Founder of immunology 5. The study of anaphylaxis
4 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: 1. Suggested the idea of living Contague 2. Constructed the microscope 3. Proved that there is no spontaneous generation 4. Found the causative agent of plague 5. Suggested theory about the nature of infectious diseases
5. SPECIES: 1. The culture of microorganisms from a single cell 2. The group of microorganisms of same species 3. The group of microorganisms of same genotypes 4. The group of microorganisms is Growing on artificial nutrient medium 5. The name of taxon
6. The Role of microorganisms in nature: 1. Provide circulation of substances in the nature 2. Disrupt the gas composition in atmosphere 3. There is no danger to human 4. Have an adverse effect 5. Not used by a human
7. Bacteria belong to the kingdom: 1. Eucaryotae 2. Vira 3. Enterobacteriaceae 4. Procaryotae 5. Nocardia
8. CLONE: 1. The groups of cells of single species 2. The culture that is isolated from a particular reservoir 3. The groups of cells of single genotype 4. The Culture that is isolated from single cell 5. The groups of microorganisms of single species is growing on nutrient medium
9. Which of the following definitions is correct? (match numbers with letters (right column).
1.Taxon A. The culture isolated from a particular reservoir and different from the 2.Pure culture others 3. Species B. The groups of microorganisms isolated on a nutrient medium 4 Strain C. The Groups of microorganisms with uniform properties of single 5. Clone taxons D. The groups of microorganisms isolated from single cell E. The group of microorganisms with similar characteristics but different from other species of the genus
10. KINGDOM PROCARIOTAE is divided into: 1. Chemoorganotrophs 2. Viruses 3. Scotobacteria 4. Bacilli 5. Photobacteria
11. Common feature of Prokaryotes and eukaryotes: 1. Without the membrane 2. Fibrillar Structure of nucleoid 3. Lack the Mitochondria 4. Involved in human pathology 5. Redox enzymes are localized in mezosomy
12. Morphological features of bacteria characterized by: 1. The shape and structure 2. Type of oxidative metabolism 3. Specific the growth of bacteria 4. The Morphology of colonies 5. The type of stain
13. The main forms of bacteria are: 1. cocci 2. rods 3. spirochаetes 4. fungi 5. rickettsia
14. The arrangement of cocci depends on: 1. size of cocci 2. number and arrangement of flagella 3. Division in different planes 4. Differences of capsule formation 5. arrangement in smear
15. Bacterias are characterized by: 1. rod-shape 2. rounded shape 3. Produce a Spore 4. The obligatory presence of flagella 5. Fission, budding
16. The bacillus have: 1. Coccoid form 2. Volutin granules 3. Gram stain 4. Rounded form 5. Spores
17. SPECIES: 1. The culture of microorganisms from a single cell 2. The group of microorganisms of same species 3. The group of microorganisms of same genotypes 4. The group of microorganisms grown on artificial nutrient medium 5. The name of taxon 18. BACTERIAl DIMENSIONS are measured in: 1. nanometers 2. micrometers 3. angstroms 4. millimeters 5. sedimentation constant
19. There are clusters of violet cocci shaped as packets or bales in a smear. Identify them. 1. staphylococci 2. micrococci 3. sarcinae 4. meningococci 5. streptococci
20. Preparation of smear from living microbial culture requires: 1. Work in rubber gloves 2. Work within a fume hood or laminar flow hood 3. Fixation in the flame for decontamination of microorganisms 4. All the above
21. To study bacterial morphology in a smear after staining you will need: 1.Metod phase-contrast microscopy 2. Fluorescent microscope 3. Immersion objective 4. Dry objective 5. Dark field of view
22. For microscopy of smears under oil immersion objective you will need: 1. Turn revolver and put a drop of oil 2. Turn revolver from the mark of 40 3. To lower microscope tube to the oil surface 4. To set approximate focus by using the micro ikrovinta 5. To set focus with mikrovintom
23. List stages of gram (+) bacterias staining in the correct order: 1) Bacteria are stained by fuchsin in red color 2) Complex is removed with ethyl alcohol through the wide pore membrane 3) Crystal violet and iodine form complex that is not fixed 4) Stable complex is not washed with alcohol, cells staining in the purple color 5) The crystal violet and iodine formed complex that is fixed in the cell with magnesium ribonukleata
24. Choose a simple method of staining: 1) Water - alcohol solution of methylene blue 2) Aqueous methylene blue 3) Water-alcohol solution of fuchsin 4) Romanovsky-Gimza 5) Ziehl-Nielsen 6) Neisser Stain 7) Ozheshko 8) Burri 9) Gram stain
25. With physical method of fixation the glass slide pass _________________________________________________________________________
26. With CHEMICAL method of fixation the glass slide is immersed into ___________________________________________________________________________________ 27. In SIMPLE METHODS OF staining additional ingredients without staining properties are used, 1) YES 2) NO
28. In SIMPLE METHODS of staining several colourants are used: 1) Yes 2) No
29. list correct stages of gram (-) bacteria staining: 1) Bacteria are stained by fuchsin in red color 2) Complex is removed with ethyl alcohol through the wide pore membrane 3) Crystal violet and iodine form complex that is not fixed 4) Stable complex is not washed out with alcohol, cells staining in the purple color 5) The crystal violet and iodine form the complex that is fixed in the cell with magnesium ribonukleata
30. List correct steps in Gram staining: 1) Wash with a gentle stream of water 2) decolorize with alcohol-1min 30sec 3) additionally stain with fuchsin solution for 1-2 minutes 4) Add Lugol's solution to achieve blackening or for 1-2 min 5) Add gentian violet for 1-2 minutes
31. list correct stages of fixed smear preparation from liquid material: 1) degrease the slide 2) Fixation in the flame 3) air dry or dry in a stream of warm air over the burner flame 4) Add 1-2 drops of the liquid sample onto a glass slide. 5) Spread the drop over a portion of the slide to make a thin film with a diameter of about 1-1.5 cm
32. Set correct stages of fixed smear preparation from solid media: 1) degrease the slide 2)) Fixation in the flame 3) Apply 1-2 drops of water or saline solution onto a glass slide. 4) air dry or dry in a stream of warm air over the burner flame 5) with loop add culture in the drop and circular motion to make a circle with a diameter of about 1-1.5 cm
33.Preparation of stained smear includes: 1. air drying smear 2. Fixation in the flame 3. the use of pre-killed bacteria 4. drying smear in a burner flame 5. fixing a smear by air drying
34 Fixation of smears from microbial cultures requires: 1.burner flame 2. mixture Nikiforov 3.Aceton 4. Methyl alcohol 5. All the above
35. Gram staining requires: 1. gentian violet 2. Methylene Blue 3.Vezuvin 4. Azure Eosin
36.The purpose of Gram staining: 1. To differentiate species of bacteria from each other 2. identification of flagella 3. identificationof protoplasts 4. identification of membranes 5 identification of nuclear substance 37. Name the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (labeled) A. Gr + 1. Vibrio B. Gr-2. Campylobacter 3. Actinomycetes 4. Rickettsia 5. Bacillus 6. Chlamydia 7. Mycobacterium 8. Clostridium 9. Spirochetes 10. Corynebacteria 38. To the basic structural components of the bacterial cell ALL OF THE LISTED EXCEPT: 1.Nukleotida 2.Tsitoplazmy 1. The cytoplasmic membrane 2. Flagella 3. Cell wall 39. WHAT DOES NOT APPLY TO THE MANDATORY IN BACTERIA structural components: 1. Cytoplasmic membrane 2. Cytoplasmic 3. Volyutinovye grain 4. Nucleotide 5. Cell wall 40. Additional structural component in the bacteria are: 1. Cytoplasmic 2. Nucleotide 3. Capsule 4. Controversy 5. Cytoplasmic membrane 41. Name the structural components of the bacterial cell: 1. Differentiated core 2. Diffusely scattered nuclear substance 3. Absence of cell wall 4. Cytoplasm, surrounded by multi-clad 5. Presence of elementary bodies in the cytoplasm of 42. CAPSULE BACTERIA: 1. Protects from phagocytes 2. Consists of lipids 3. Characterized acid resistance 4. This protein outer layer of cytoplasm 5. Differs resistant to desiccation 42. In stained smears from the sputum of patients with pneumonia FOUND lanceolate cocci located pairwise purple color with unpainted border around. What is this Border: 1. Disputes 2. Cytoplasmic membrane 3. Capsule 4. Sheath 5. Zhirovoskovye substance 12. WHAT METHODS OF PAINT YOU USE TO DETERMINE CAPSULES: 1. Orzeszkowa 2. Ziehl-Nielsen 3. Hiss 4. Romanovsky-Giemsa 5. Neisseria 13. Nucleoid: 1. Double-stranded DNA and RNA 2. DNA is protected by a protein coat 3. Divided mitosis 4. Has a single-stranded DNA 5. Fragmented RNA 14. Ribosome: 1. Zapras nutrients 2. Centers protein synthesis 3. Cytoplasmic membrane is derived 4. Serve for species conservation 5. Preserve cell from the adverse effects 15. The bacterial cell wall: 1. Robust, resilient structure 2. Mucous education 3. Gives certain bacteria form 4. Consists only of protein 5. Promotes Conservation THESAURUS (Glossary): Microscopy Micrometer Cocci Bacilli Clostridia Gram stain THESAURUS (Glossary): Microscopy Micrometer Cocci Bacilli Clostridia Gram stain The approximate timing of practical classes:
Тheme 2. Physiology of microorganisms. Basics bacteriological method. Basic principles of cultivation of microorganisms in nutrient media. Characteristics of nutrient media. Requirements for nutrient media. Isolation of pure cultures of 7aerobic bacteria (Day 1,2,3,4 of study). 2.Goals:creation of knowledge about the features of nutrition and respiration of microorganisms, their ability to grow on nutrient media, meaning the study of the culture of properties for the differential diagnosis, as well as mastering the skill of sowing the test material on the culture media and teach pure culture isolation procedure. 3. Learning objectives: Form students' knowledge: - Mechanisms of microbial nutrition - About the features of respiratory microorganisms - About the kinds of culture media and their purpose - The nature of the growth of microorganisms on various culture media - About the importance of studying the nature of growth on nutrient media for the differential diagnosis - The basics of bacteriological method, its goals, objectives, scope of application; - About how aerobic cultivation of microorganisms. - Master 1,2,3,4 step aerobic isolation of a pure culture - The principles of separation of pure culture - On nutrient media used for the isolation of aerobes, requirements for them; - About the equipment to isolate aerobes - The methods of isolating pure cultures of aerobic bacteria; - Stages of isolation of a pure culture of aerobes; - Studies on the properties of the bacteria culture. Form skill to: - Isolation of pure cultures of microorganisms; - Master test methods seeding material for liquid and solid nutrient media in order to obtain isolated colonies; - Description of colonies grown on the solid medium; - Description of the nature of growth in liquid media; - Description of growth slant; - Subcultured isolated colony on the mown MPA; - Preparation of smears from the isolated colonies, Gram staining it (modification) The Blue; - Carrying microorganism identification based on interpretatsiiego morfologicheskihi culture properties. - The definition of purity culture skoshennomagare smear. meat peptone agar 4. Basic questions of the theme: 1. The bacterial metabolism 2. Division germs on nutrition types depending on the source of energy and nutrient substrate 3. Types of transport of substances into the bacterial cell 4. Energy metabolism of microorganisms 5. Types breath germs. 6. Basic requirements for nutrient media, 7. Classification of nutrient media 8. Simple culture media preparation, application 9. Complex nutrient medium, examples of the preparation. 10. Elective features and differential diagnosis of nutrient media examples use 11. Synthetic culture media application. Examples. 12. The main types of character microbial growth on nutrient media. 13. Bacteriological method of diagnosing infectious diseases, its capabilities, advantages, disadvantages. 14. Isolation of pure culture of aerobic microbes