Artificial -
active - after vaccination passive - introduction of ready-serum Am. duration of artificial immunity: Passive - 2 - 3 weeks виды иммунитета по отношению к возбудителю: Immunity can be formed against microorganisms, their toxins, viruses, tumor antigens. In these cases, the immune system is called — antibacterial —-antifungal —antiviral- —- A toxicity (in relation to microbial toxins) sterilizing immunity-preserved body after illness (plague, smallpox) premunition (infectious) - preserved only in the presence of the pathogen in the body. (In some diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis) resistance to re-infection persists for such time as is present in the body of the infectious agent.) antigens - substances of any nature that may cause the body a specific immune response and participate in its implementation Properties: —- Alien —- The antigenicity —- Specificity —- Immunogenicity —- Protein nature —- High MR — types of Antigen - Full - are able to induce the formation of antibodies and react specifically with them - Haptens - failed to induce the formation of specific antibodies and to react with them —Antigen structure: 2 components: — - Protein - determines the antigenicity - The amino acid residues located on the protein surface - define specificity. Called the determinant group. Slide Show: The formation of the antigen+ antibody Виды АГ - Geteroantigens - common antigens found in representatives razdichnyh species of microorganisms, animals and plants. For example, antigens Forsman - guinea pig, e / c ram and Salmonella. - Cross-reacting antigen (CRA) - have been found in a number of macro-and in human tissues. For example, hemolytic streptococcus antigens, human myocardium and renal glomerulus, so provokes rheumatic heart disease and glomerulonephritis. - Izoantigeny - them separate individuals or groups of individuals differ (ABO blood system) - Tumor - appear in cells resulting from the malignant transformation of - Viral - are associated with the nucleocapsid or envelope glycoproteins - HLA - antigens main complex gistosaovmestimosti - Somatic - thermostable O-AG - Flagellar - labile H-AG - Capsule - labile K - AG - AG virulence - Vi - AG - Autoantigens antibodies - proteins which are synthesized by the action of specific antigens and react with it Consist of chains: - 2 heavy - 2 light Each chain has a 2-ft - permanent - variable