Literature in Russian
Main: 1. Борисов Л.Б. Медицинская микробиология, вирусология, иммунология. - М.: МИА, 2001.- 734 с. 2. Табаева А.А. Микробиология поражений полости рта при стоматологических и инфекционных заболеваниях. Учебное пособие. – Алматы, 2006. -127с. 3. Медициналық микробиология, Алматы, 2011.-683б Рамазанова Б.А, Кудайбергенұлы К.К редакциялаумен. 1. Ричард Дж.Ламонт., Роберт А.Берне., Мерилин С.Лантц., Дональд Дж.Лебланк., перевод с английского В.К. Леонтьева. Микробиология и иммунология для стоматологов. Практическая медицина. Москва 2010.- 502с. 2. Jacquelyn G Black “Microbiology”,7 th ,WILEY,2010,p.846 Test questions (feedback): 1. What is the importance of microbiology in the activities of a dentist. 2. Principles of classification of microbes. Key taxa. 3. Mechanism nutrient in the cell 4. Types respiratory bacteria 5. Main classes of enzymes in bacteria 6. What are the culture media? 7. How to grow anaerobes? Theme №2: «Infection. Forms of infection. Methods of laboratory diagnosis of infection in dentistry "" Immunity. Factors specific and nonspecific defense mouth. Antigens. Antibodies. Forms of the immune response. Immunopathological processes in oral cavity. The types of allergic reactions. Allergy to dental material» Objective:The main objective of the study of this topic is to develop students knowledge about infection, infectious process, their ways of transmission, sources and forms of infection, their classification, microbial virulence factors, the main methods of diagnosis of infection, as well as basic knowledge of the structure of the immune system, the immune response, antigens, antibodies, allergies, autoimmune conditions, immunodeficiencies, their meaning.