Actinomycosis of the face and mandible
Actinomycosis person observed in 55-60% of all patients with actinomycosis (thoracic, abdominal, actinomycosis of the genitourinary system, bones, central nervous system, generalized) and 6-10% of people with inflammatory lesions of the jaws and face. The main causative agents of actinomycosis - Actinomyces israelii and Actinomyces viscosus (Fig. 4). These actinomycetes inhabit in the oral cavity as saprophytes, in particular in the cavity of carious teeth, tartar. Pathogenic potential of microorganisms is very low, and actinomycoses develop only due to lower resistance as a result of deficiency diseases, serious illnesses, etc. The most frequently observed actinomycosis cervicofacial area and lower jaw. Pathogen overcomes the epithelial barrier of the oral mucosa with injuries, surgery, injections. In the mucosa or in the deep soft tissues of developing one, and often several dense nodes granulomas (aktinomikomy) without acute inflammation, fever and health violations. Signs of intoxication with headaches, general weakness and low grade fever body are manifested only in the decay of nodes with the release of pus through several narrow fistulas. With the localization of nodes in the lower jaw often develop convulsive spasm of the muscles of the mouth (lockjaw), making it difficult meal. In the merger of several nodes has a significant inflammatory infiltrate density, which is an important diagnostic feature. In the center of the infiltrate formed a few holes, representing bulging red ("flesh color") as a nipple. Of fistulas stands liquid pus with a high content of a yellowish-gray grains of an average of 0.3-2 mm, the so-called "sulfur granules" (calf Bollinger). Grains - clusters Druze formed mycelium with clavate peripheral swellings. When they are detected, the diagnosis is obvious. The disease runs a chronic but is often complicated by secondary bacterial infections; possible damage to the skin, muscles, glands, tongue, salivary glands and bone. Microbiological diagnosis. Purulent discharge mikroskopiruyut by "crushed drop" or in preparations stained by Romanovsky-Giemsa or Gram stain. In the formulations found Druze formed aggregates of mycelium, having a form of round or oval basophilic masses with eosinophilic inclusions on the surface. To isolate a pure culture of the pathogen carried seeding material on blood and serum agar, Sabouraud medium or Czapek. Crops were incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions for 1-2 weeks. In doubtful cases a skin-allergy tests with aktinolizatom (protein extract of culture). With a positive reaction after 24 h at the injection site redness and swelling occur. Causative treatment. Prescribe penicillin in high doses for at least 4-6 weeks. In some cases a specific therapy aktinolizatom (best autostrains).
Теsts: 1 Mushrooms candidates are: 1 deuteromycetes 2 basidiomycetes 3 Ascomycetes 4 phycomycetes 5 yeast- 2 Pathogen pseudomembranous oral candidiasis (thrush) 1. S. aureus 2. C. diphtheria 3. C.albicans 4. C. xerosis 5. C.pseudodiphtheriticum 3 The specific feature of fungi of the genus Candida: 1 Pathogenicity 2 oval shape 3 Form the mycelium 4 Availability hlamidiospor, blastospores 5 location in the form of clusters 4 What is the form of oral candidiasis is called "thrush": 1.Ostry pseudomembranous candidiasis 2 Acute atrophic candidiasis 3 Chronic atrophic candidiasis 4 Chronic hypertrophic candidiasis 5 Chronic pseudomembranous candidiasis 5 "cheesy" plaque on the tongue, soft and hard palate, gums, cheeks, tonsils, pharynx characteristic of: 1 pseudomembranous candidiasis (thrush) 2 TB 3 leprosy 4 syphilis 5 diphtheria 6 candidiasis is common in: 1 Adult 2 Pregnant 3 children and the elderly 4 of Prematurity 5. allergy sufferers 7 The medium for research on oral candidiasis: 1 Wednesday Endo 2 Wednesday Clauberg 3 Wednesday Saburo Wednesday 4 AMC 5 blood agar 8 "The Milkmaid" is localized to: 1 Teeth 2 pulp 3 periodontal 4 dentin 5 mucous membranes 9 etiological factors gingivostomatitis Vincent are: 1 spirochetes 2 staphylococci 3 staphylococci diphtheroids 4 fuzobakterii spirochetes 5 streptococci 10 The development of necrotizing gingivitis Vincent contributes to: 1 bad individual oral hygiene 2 plaque 3 presence of caries, decayed teeth 4 difficulty eruption of wisdom teeth (the presence of "the hood") 5. violation pH of saliva. 1 The main causative agents of actinomycosis: 1. Actinomyces israelii 2. Actinomyces viscosus 3. Veilonella alcalescens 4. Bacteroides melaninogenicus 5. Fusobacterium nucleatum 2 clusters formed mycelium with clavate peripheral swellings Lumpy: 1 Plaques 2 Druze 3 Bunches 4 Chains 5 petals 3 Methods of coloring actinomycetes: 1 Gram 2 Orzeszkowa 3 Neisser 4 Burri 5 Ziehl-Nielsen 4 medium for cultivation of actinomycetes: 1 Saburo 2 Endo 3 Blaurock 4 BCH 5 Hiss 5. microscopy stained preparations Lumpy apply: 1 crushed drop method 2 hanging drop method 3 dark field microscopy 4 phase-contrast method 5 luminescent method THESAURUS (glossary): lysis Gift toxoid isotope The approximate timing of the activity:
Тhемe 8. Structure and classification. Reproduction of viruses. Cultivation of viruses. Bacteriophages. Orthomyxoviruses (influenza virus). Paramyxoviruses (parainfluenza, mumps, measles, respiratory syncytial virus). Adenoviruses. Poxviruses. Rhabdoviridae. Principles of microbiological diagnosis of hepatitis and herpes viruses role in human pathology. Principles of treatment. Prevention. 2. Goal: formation of students 'knowledge about the structure, classification and reproduction of viruses, methods of culturing the virus, forming the students' knowledge of bacteriophages, to study the ortho, paramyxoviruses, their properties, role in the development of pathological conditions, laboratory diagnosis and principles of prevention and treatment. Familiarize students with herpesviruses (HSV-1, type 2) and examine the hepatitis viruses A, B, C, E, G. TTV their structure and properties, role in the development of pathological conditions, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment principles, to form students' knowledge of principles of laboratory diagnosis of viral infections using haemagglutination, hemagglutination inhibition and hemagglutination inhibition in paired sera 3. Learning Objectives: Form of knowledge: - To generate knowledge about virology research methods; - To generate knowledge about the principles of indication and identification of viruses; - Sformirovvat skills in the art of infection of the chick embryo; -sformirovat students knowledge about the peculiarities of the structure of viruses - To generate knowledge about their properties and role in human pathology - On the morphology and systematics of the ortho, paramyxoviruses; -o function of bacteriophages - On the antigenic structure of the ortho, paramyxoviruses; - The role of the ortho, paramyxoviruses in the occurrence of diseases; - On the morphology and systematics of the hepatitis viruses A, B, C; - On the antigenic structure of the hepatitis B virus; - Of herpesviruses, etioznachimyh in dental practice (HSV types 1 and 2); Oh hepatitis viruses A, B, C, E, G, TTV microbiological diagnosis of the aforementioned viruses. - The principles of laboratory diagnosis of diseases caused by the ortho, paramyxoviruses - Prevention of diseases caused by the ortho, paramyxoviruses. - The principles of laboratory diagnosis of viral hepatitis A, B, C; - Prevention of hepatitis A, B, C; - The principles of treatment for hepatitis A, B, C. - On the pathogenesis of hepatitis A, B, C; - About the nature of the WGA, HIT, HIT in paired sera; - On paired sera. Develop skills: -metodike culturing viruses - On the interpretation of the results of WGA, HIT, HIT in paired sera. 4. The main quessions of the theme: 1 Modern classification of ortho, paramyxoviruses. 2 The structure and chemical composition, the antigenic structure of the ortho, paramikosvirusov. 3 Pathogenesis and immunity in influenza, parainfluenza, mumps, measles. 4 Methods of laboratory diagnosis of ortho, paramikosvirusov 5 Measures specific and nonspecific prevention of diseases caused by the ortho, paramikosvirusami 6 Characteristics of the paramyxovirus. 7 Systematics of measles, mumps, respiratory syncytial virus, their structure, biological properties and pathogenesis of diseases caused by.. 8 Methods of laboratory diagnosis of measles, mumps, respiratory syncytial virus methods of laboratory diagnosis of measles, mumps, respiratory syncytial virus 9 The essence of RGA. 10 The essence of HAI. 11 The essence of HAI in paired sera. 13 The test material for the production of WGA, HI. 14 Paired serum: the nature, purpose.