Control (questions, tests, tasks).
Control of learning material: 1 Microscopic method in the determination of candidiasis. 2 The culture method for the detection of pathogens candidiasis. 3 Microbiological diagonstika fuzospirohetoza. Exam questions on the topic: 1 Methods of microbiological diagnosis of candidiasis. 2 Pathogens candidiasis. Features of their lesions in the oral cavity. 3 Exciters fuzospirohetoza. 4 Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of fuzospirohetoza. 5 Pathogens actinomycosis. 6 Factors contributing to the development of actinomycosis in humans. Transmission path. 7 Losses characteristic Lumpy face and mandible. 8 Methods of microbiological diagnosis of actinomycosis? 9 What appears actinomycosis of the face and the lower jaw? 10 The main methods of diagnosis of actinomycosis. 11 Methods of color and characteristic environment Lumpy. 12 friends - it?
Case studies: 1 At the dentist asked the patient complained of pain, a burning sensation in the mouth, which is amplified when taking acidic foods. When viewed from the oral mucosa revealed the formation of plaque, diffuse redness. From history revealed that the patient suffered kruppoznuyu pneumonia, taking large doses of antibiotics. On microscopic examination of plaque found budding cells oval and pseudomycelium. 1.Your preliminary diagnosis? 2.What methods should be used to identify the causative agent? 3.What could be the cause of this disease? 4.Your tactics in relation to the patient? 2. infant after suffering colds found local lesions of the oral cavity to form a cheesy plaque on the mucosa of the tongue, cheeks, lips, palate. 1. Which disease can be assumed? 2.What studies need to spend? 3 At a reception at the dentist's child, according to the mother of the child is observed deterioration in general condition, increase the temperature to 38 ° C, malaise, headache, insomnia and appetite. The child complains of pain when eating, bleeding gums. On examination, the doctor discovered crater-like ulcers, necrosis of surrounding tissue, ulceration of the interdental papillae, oral mucosa moderately hyperemic. In preparation of the discharge ulcers found pink spindly sticks and pink bacteria spiral shape. 1.Simptomy what disease your opinion given? 2. What method of research used? 3.What is painted by the drug? 4. What bacteria are found in the product? 4 The patient in the mandible found painful infiltration with abscess formation. In a smear of pus found friends - plexus of thin filaments with purple cone-shaped swellings at the ends. 1.Which method of research used? 2.What is colored by the drug? 3. What diagnosis can be made? Questions blitz - the survey: 1 Candidiasis - is it? 2 Pathogens candidiasis. 3 Which fungi are Candida? 4 Methods of diagnosis of Candida. 5 Methods microscopy Candida. 6 Mycological method for the determination of Candida. 7 The characteristics C. albicans. 8 Fuzospirohetoz Vincent - is it? 9 The most frequent pathogens fuzospirohetoza. 10 What method is most suitable when fuzospirohetoze.