CHECK-LIST Criteria for assessing compliance standard preparation technology smears from liquid media________
| Evaluation criteria
| А
| А-
| В+
| В
| В-
| С+
| С
| С -
| Д+
| Д
| F
| Determine the purpose of preparing a smear
| Light the alcohol lamp
| The slide glass was wiped with tissue on both sides
| Clean with a slide to 2 sides
| Collotype make a circle the size of 1x2 cm
| Glass put on a bridge circle down
| In his right hand to take the loop as the pen, sterilize the loop and the flame of a spirit lamp. Culture tubes to take his left hand in an obliquely horizontally between the thumb and second and third fingers. The little finger of his right hand firmly gripping the outer ends of the cotton plugs, pinning her to the palmar surface of the hands and remove the cap from the tube. Burn the edges of the tube to the flame of a spirit lamp. Cool the loop on the wall of the tube. Take a drop of culture loop (full ear loops), placed in the middle of the glass, and spread evenly across the mug.
| The balance of culture in the loop to burn in the flame of a spirit lamp
| The drug stroke up to dry in a stream of warm air, keeping high (20 cm) above the flame of a spirit lamp. Dry swab becomes opaque.
| Fixing the drug: the thumb and forefinger to take the drug for stroke edge of the glass and hold up through the middle of the flame of a spirit lamp three times for 3-5 seconds.
| In Total