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Brief explanations and descriptions of each skill

Skill self - properly introduce ourselves companion (hereinafter the patient) and colleagues. From the right of ownership this skill depends on subsequent interpersonal relationships.

Empathy - empathy, open posture, demonstration on nonverbal friendly attitude. This skill relates to the non-verbal, is in addition to previous skills, predisposes to more effective future communications.

Sets the open -ended questions, prompting a friend to talk to. - It is important to master the skill of asking open-ended questions to the source yourself informed as much as possible information.

Compliance with the pace of the conversation - students communicate as quickly as possible, but it does not look hurried or fussy.

Responsive perception - skills to listen attentively to a friend, do not interrupt him.

• The use and interpretation of non-verbal communication - the source not only provides information verbally, but confirms this gesture, posture.

• Sending out a signal of active listening (nodding, the technique of "peresprashivaniya" etc.) (Nodding, the technique of "peresprashivaniya", etc.) - This skill allows to confirm the above, to convince the interlocutor in interest, to focus attention

• Observation of the interlocutor. Skill to see the mood of the interlocutor, his willingness to promote the degree of trust, emotional background. Skill analytical nature, which allows to combine and leverage the information received in the course of communication.

• Application of appropriate expressive and encouraging comments, such as "it must be difficult for you", "please continue", "it sounds interesting," "I see" and "I understand" - intentionally released by a skill of verbal communication as sufficiently effective communication tool.

• Effective communication with patients, staff, colleagues in the transmission and receipt of messages intended - an example of this skill can be seen that many of the skills are very similar to each other (this, in particular, looks like the number 4, 12). In practice, it is proved that all of these skills on their own, and the relative similarity between a certain skill is explained by their common mechanisms of acquisition, the use of common areas, etc.

• Explanation of special (professional) terms and concepts (eg, in a conversation with colleagues, doctors of different specialties, nurses and people who have no relation to medicine) does not require a detailed explanation. Teacher only takes into account that the evaluation of students is given in light of the this time of the initial knowledge in the field of medicine.



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