Level 1 - 190 questions
1 In what color to stain Gram-positive bacteria: 1 Green 2 Brown 3 Yellow 4 Blue 5 Red
2 Mushrooms consist of: 1 Hyphae 2 peptidoglycan 3 reference fibrils 4 Chain located sticks. 5 of the axial filament
3 Yeast have the form: 1 oval cells 2 intertwining threads 3 acinar clusters 4 Druze 5. V-shaped arrangement of rods
4 Aspergillus belong to the kingdom: 1.Procariotae 2. Eucaryotae 3 Vir 4. Protozoa 5. Animalia
5 Spore formation is a property: 1 The taxonomic 2 Generic 3 Vidov 4 ordinal 5 class
6 Magenta Celia used to dye for: 1 Gram 2 Neisser 3 Ziehl-Neelsen 4 Leffler 5 Giessen
7 Structure of the bacterial cells involved in the regulation of osmotic pressure: 1 Cytoplasmic 2 capsule 3 GPM 4 Disputes 5 flagella
8 Method for detection of bacterial capsules: 1 Gram 2: Method Hiss 3 The method of Romanovsky-Giemsa 4 Neisseria 5 Ziehl-Nielsen
9 To subtype flagellates include: 1 Leishmania 2 Amoebas 3 Toxoplasma 4 balantidiums 5 Cryptosporidium
10 Parasites forming small and large vegetative forms: 1 Toxoplasma 2 Amoebas 3 Giardia 4 Rihomonady 5 plasmodium
11 Complement fixation for the diagnosis of pertussis: 1 Bordet-Gengou 2 Wasserman 3 Vidal 4 Coombs 5. precipitation
12 crimped bacteria: 1 Campylobacter 2 Mushrooms 3 Actinomycetes 4 Rickettsia 5 Staphylococci
13 In preparations stained by Gram-negative staphylococci are: 1 lanceolate 2 Gram-negative stain 3 Spore formation 4 division in one plane 5 Grozdevidnoe location
14 Staphylococci belong to the family: 1. Micrococcaceae 2. Neisseriaceae 3. Mycoplasmataceae 4. Campilobacteriaceae 5. Enterobacteriaceae
15 Form spirochete: 1 Spherical 2 filamentary 3 rod- 4 Tapered 5 tortuosity
16 Morphology of Mycobacterium leprae: 1 lanceolate cocci 2 Gram 3 Straight, slightly curved rods 4 Twin diplokokki 5 spores are formed in the external environment
17 Clostridium tetanus: 1 Have a terminally-located disputes 2 Gram 3 unencapsulated 4 Monotrihii 5 Grow on VSA
18. Toxins streptococci: 1 enterotoxin 2 erythrogenic toxin 3 Tetanolizin 4 Endotoxin 5 Tetanospasmin
19. Brucella: 1 Do not form spores 2 Devoid of flagella 3 Have capsule 4 Do not demanding on nutrient media 5 multiply quickly
20. Anthrax: 1 of especially dangerous infections 2 Refers to transmissible infections 3 Refers to anthroponotic infections 4 Refers to airborne infections 5 genital infections
21 For pneumococci characterized by: 1 Gram stain is not 2 Gram-positive cocci lanceolate 3 Gram-negative stain 4 Splitting of mannitol 5 Under unfavorable conditions form spores
22. Gram-positive rods that form endospores: 1 anthrax bacilli 2 Listeria 3 Corynebacterium 4 Mycobacteria 5 Actinomycetes
23. Antraksin: 1 Allergen 2 Toxoid 3 exotoxin 4 Endotoxin 5 Gamma Globulin 24 Entrance gate with meningococcal infection: 1 Gastrointestinal Tract 2 Skin 3 mucosa of the genital tract 4 The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract 5 of the eyes
25 Mycoplasma: 1 Hit the genitourinary tract 2 Cause of the disease with an acute course 3 Cause OCI 4 Hit the mucosa of the small intestine 5 are identified by the JRC in cell culture
26 Gonokokki are: 1 Pair diplococci as coffee beans arranged concave parties to each other 2 large Gram-positive rods, which are located Chain 3 Gram-positive thin, slightly twisted sticks 4 Gram-negative small rods, with rounded ends 5 Gram randomly arranged sticks
27 Immersion microscopy products includes: 1: Use a closed aperture 2: Use dry Lenses 3 Using Lenses * 100 4 Using Lenses * 40 5 Using Lenses * 8
28 Properties that define the shape of bacteria: 1 Morphological 2 tinctorial 3 Cultures 4 Biochemical 5 Virulence
29 Properties of determining the ability of the bacteria to the color: 1 Morphological 2 tinctorial 3 Cultures 4 Biochemical 5 Virulence
30.Svoystva, defining the nature of the growth of bacteria: 1 Morphological 2 tinctorial 3 Biochemical 4 Cultures 5 Pathogenicity
31 atrium with gonorrhea is: 1 The mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi 2 The mucous membrane of the intestinal tract 3 Skin 4 Blood 5 The mucous membrane of the urinary tract
32 morphological features characteristic of Escherichia: 1 Large Gram-positive rods 2 sticks, ranging in chain 3 Sticks with a centrally located spore 4 Gram-negative rods 5 Crimped bacteria
33 By appointment Wednesday Endo refers to: 1 Wednesdays accumulation 2 selection medium 3 Differential diagnosis 4 main 5 Transportation
34. Ch. trachomatis causes: 1 The appearance of a rash on the palms 2 Meningitis 3 Infertility 4 granulomas 5 The appearance of the chancre
35 Morphology of Escherichia coli: 1 Gram-positive, large 2 Location chain 3 Education dispute 4 Gram Average Size 5 Pairwise location
36 The causative agent of gas gangrene: 1. Clostridium perfringens 2. Bacillus cereus 3. Vibrio cholerae 4. Salmonella tiphi 5. Clostridium botulinum
37 Okraskakishechnyhpalochek: 1 Gram-positive 2 Location chain 3 Blue 4 Gram 5 Purple
38 Specific prevention of HIV infection: 1 live attenuated vaccine 2 corpuscular vaccine 3 Do not developed 4 gammaglobulin 5 Antitoxic serum
39 Cholera: 1 Food poisoning 2 Particularly dangerous quarantine infection 3 neuroinfections 4 zoonotic infections 5 Respiratory infections
40 Morphological features of Chlamydia: 1 Acid microorganisms 2 Have only DNA The body 3 form a capsule 4 depends on the stage of intracellular development 5 Have only RNA
41 The acid resistance of microorganisms associated with the presence of: 1 Nucleic Acids 2 Zhirovoskovyh substances 3 Capsules 4 cytoplasmic membrane 5 carbohydrates
42 intrapartum classification of Shigella is based on: 1 species morphological differences 2 Cultural differences 3 toxigenic capacity 4 tinctorial features 5 of antigenic structure
43 Which of the following is the enterobacteria no flagella generic feature: 1 salmonella 2 Escherichia 3 Shigella 4 Yersinia 5 Proteome
44 Methods for identifying coloring capsules: 1 Burri-Gins 2 Ziehl-Nielsen 3 Leffler 4 Romanovsky-Giemsa 5 Neisseria
45 Breath of bacteria is based: 1 On the redox reactions 2 On the physico-chemical processes 3 On the chemical and biological properties 4 On the self-reproduction 5 On the physical and biological potential
46 Height fakultativnyyh anaerobes may occur: 1 As to both oxygen and an oxygen-free environment 2 Only for oxygen 3 to the anoxic environment 4 in the presence of inert gases 5 In the presence of carbon dioxide
47 Spore-forming bacteria: 1 Clostridium 2 spirochetes 3 vibrio 4 Sartsyny 5 Cocci
48 crimped form bacteria: 1 Mycoplasma 2 spirochetes 3 Chlamydia 4 Klastridii 5 Cocci
49 Additional components of bacteria: 1 cytoplasmic membrane 2 The cell wall 3 cytoplasm 4 Nukleoyd 5 capsule
50 Plasmids: 1 extrachromosomal factors Unit 2 nosledstvennosti Chromosome 3 factors 4 pathogenicity factors 5 virulence factors
51 Genetic recombination: 1 Phenotypic variation 2 Transformation 3 Modification 4 Dissociation 5 mutation
52 The genetic apparatus in bacteria: Chromosome 1 2 ribosome 3 Volyutinovye grain 4 Mitochondria 5 Inclusions
53 Colouring Ziehl-Nielsen used to vyavleniya: 1 Staphylococci 2 streptococci 3 Mycobacteria 4 Corynebacterium 5 Viruses
54 medium for isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: 1 VSA 2 Löwenstein Jensen 3 of the yolk-salt agar 4 Alkaline Agar 5 Blood agar 55 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Ziehl-Neelsen stain: 1 In the color purple 2. red 3. yellow 4. blue 5. blue
56 causative agent of tuberculosis: 1 stick Leffler 2 stick of Escherichia 3 Stick Salmon 4 tubercle bacillus 5 Stick Shiga
57 Medical Parasitology this section: 1 Botany 2 Virology 3 Parasitology 4 Infectology 5 Immunology
58 Acids are part of the tubercle bacillus: 1 Sol 2 mycolic 3 Acetic 4 Nitric 5 Sulphuric
59 causative agent of tuberculosis cultivated on: 1 Medium Endo 2 Environment Ploskireva 3 Löwenstein-Jensen 4 Environment Saburo 5 VSA
60 causative agent of tuberculosis is incubated in an incubator for: 1 to 24 hours. 2 72 h. 3 60 days 4 48 h. 6 5 h.
61 Genetics of microorganisms eto- 1 Heredity bacteria 2 pathogenic bacteria 3 virulence 4 multiplication of bacteria 5 Physiology of bacteria
62 bacilli are: 1. coccoid form 2. Inclusion grains volutin 3. gram stain 4 rounded shape 5 Disputes
63 is Bacteria: 1 Micro-organisms that do not have issued the nucleus 2 Apply to eukaryotes 3 Are the nuclear envelope. 4 Have the capsid 5 Tiny, not visible in the light microscope the particles
64 Rules immersion microscopy include: 1 Omitted condenser 2 Using harsh side lighting 3: Use a lens with an increase of 40 4 Fully closed aperture 5 The use of immersion oil
65 Additional structural components in bacteria: 1 Cytoplasmic 2 nucleoid 3 capsule 4 cytoplasmic membrane 5 The cell wall
66 The main structural components of the bacterial cell: 1 Differential kernel 2 nucleoid 3 flagella 4 Villi 5 Intracellular inclusions
67 Capsule Bacteria 1 Protects against phagocytosis 2 consists of lipids 3 is characterized by resistance to acids 4 protein outer layer cytoplasm 5 Provides vital functions of bacteria in harsh environments
68 of the main mass of the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria: 1 peptidoglycan 2 Carbohydrates 3 Lipids 4 Polysaccharides 5 Proteins
69 nucleoid: 1 contains a double-stranded DNA molecule 2 DNA protected by capsid 3 is divided by mitosis 4 has a single-stranded DNA 5 Contains fragmented RNA
70 Functions of the ribosomes in bacteria: 1 of nutrients 2 centers of protein synthesis 3 is a derivative of the plasma membrane 4 Used for species conservation 5 Keep the cage from the adverse effects
71 The cell wall of bacteria 1 Robust, resilient structure 2 mucous formation 3 Protects against phagocytosis 4 consists only of protein 5 Promotes Conservation
72 Cocchi smears are listed by: 1: Dimensions of cocci 2 The number and location of flagella 3 Divisions in different planes 4 Kapsuloobrazovaniya 5 Process conjugation
73 spheroplasts: 1 Bacteria completely devoid of cell walls 2 Bacteria partially deprived of the cell wall 3 bacteria having a rigid cell wall 4 bacteria without cell wall, but surrounded by a three-layer cytoplasmic membrane 5 Bacteria coated capsule
74 flagella of bacteria: 1 consist of polysaccharides 2 of nutrients 3 consist of protein flagellin 4 consist of peptidoglycan 5 Responsible for adhesion
75 Meaning of spores in bacilli: 1 Reproduction 2 species conservation in adverse conditions 3 Accumulation of additional nutrients 4 Signs of degeneration of cells 5 Protects the immune system of host
76 Brucella characterized by: 1 small size, gram-stain 2 mobility due to contractile axial filament The body 3 form a capsule 4 sporulation 5 Do not demanding on nutrient media
77 units of measure for the size of bacteria: 1 Nanometers 2 Micrometers 3 Millimeters 4 angstrom 5 Centimeters
78 For the morphology and structure of fungi is characterized by: 1 Lack of cell wall 2 Education mycelium 3 Capsule formation 4 diffusely located nuclear substance 5 Availability zhirovoskovyh substances
79 Actinomycetes: 1 Moulds 2 Heterogeneous group of filamentous bacteria 3 is caused by subcutaneous mycoses 4 Apply to phycomycetes 5 Amaze Hair
80 The morphology of spirochetes: 1 Ball 2 Whisker 3 Rod- 4 Cone 5 crimped
81 major taxonomic method of painting Bacteria 1. Neisser 2 Gram 3 According to Morozov 4. Leffler 5.-Burri Hins
82. studying medical microbiology: 1 of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms 2 Plants 3 Friendly 4 Plants 5 Fish
83 The main function of the cytoplasmic membrane: 1 to give some form of bacteria 2 Implements the transport of nutrients into the cell 3 Does not form mezosomy 4 protects cells 5 does not contain the respiratory chain
84. liquid medium include: 1 plain agar 2 Wednesday Endo 3 Blood agar 4 beef-broth 5 of the yolk-salt agar
85.Bac. anthracis: 1 Gram-positive rods with a "chopped off" ends 2 Gram-negative rods with rounded ends 3 sticks, which are located at an angle 4 Sticks, located palisade 5 Have a curved sticks
86. disinfectants include: 1 Acids 2 Alkalis 3 Hormones 4 Enzymes 5 Chloramine
87 Sources of infection with anthrax: 1 Patients livestock 2 Rodents 3 Poultry 4 Sick Man 5 bacillicarriers
88 What are the cocci, located chains: 1 Micrococci 2 Streptococci 3 Gonokokki 4 Meningococci 5 Staphylococci
89 Ribosomes: 1 serves as a center for the supply of nutrients 2 is a derivative of the cytoplasmic membrane 3 is the center of protein synthesis 4 Used for species conservation 5 Keep the cell from the adverse effects of
90. Tr.pallidum: 1 Has 10-12 curls badly perceives dyes 2 Acid 3 The fixed 4 Under unfavorable conditions produces spores 5 has drawn up the core
91 Features of mycoplasmas: 1 Completely devoid of cell wall 2 Have a highly contagious 3 coccoid form 4 being destroyed by lysozyme 5. grow only in tissue culture
92 Cultivation of Chlamydia: 1. simple nutrient media 2 in the yolk sac of chick embryos 3 On the VSA 4 On blood agar 5. Löwenstein-Jensen
93 Genetic information is concentrated in bacteria: 1 cell wall 2 nucleoid 3 mezosomy 4 flagella 5 Pilyah
94 The main forms of bacteria: 1 spherical, rod-shaped, convoluted 2 spherical, conical, convoluted 3 bullet-shaped, filamentous, cubic 4 Bullet, filamentous, cubic 5 Bullet, filamentous, rod-shaped
95 organelle bacteria, preventing fogotsitozu: 1 capsule 2 Dispute 3 The cell wall 4 flagella 5 cytoplasm
96 According to the energy source of the bacteria are distinguished: 1 phototrophic 2 Metatrofy 3 organotrophs 4 aerobes 5 autotrophs
97 In the nucleoid of the bacterial cell is: 1 DNA 2 Lysosomes 3 mezosomy 4 Capsules 5 Disputes
98 obligate anaerobes: 1 Killed in the presence of oxygen 2 contain cytochromes 3 The action of oxygen, water is formed, which destroys the cell 4. growth requires sunlight 5 oxidizes the glucose to carbon dioxide and water
99 endoenzymes: 1 released into the environment 2 are localized in the cytoplasm of cells 3 Are in the periplasmic space 4 are localized in the cytoplasmic membrane 5 assimilates in the internal environment
100 Endofermenty Bacteria 1 released into the environment 2 is concentrated in bacterial spores Focused 3 capsules of bacteria 4 are localized in the cytoplasmic membrane 5 is assimilated in the environment
101 Laboratory diagnosis of primary syphilis: 1 Reaction of precipitation 2 ELISA 3 dark field microscopy of discharge "chancre" 4 Wasserman 5 Reaction Wright
102 Creator of the cellular theory of immunity: 1 Pasteur 2 Koch 3 Ivanovo 4 Leeuwenhoek 5 Mechnikov
103 nucleoid is: 1 equivalent of the nucleus in bacteria 2 Place of protein synthesis 3 mucous formation 4 mucoid exopolysaccharides 5 bacteria spores
104 Adenoviral infections are: 1 When fleas bite 2 Respiratory, contact-household and fecal-oral routes 3 Alimentary by 4 Transmissible by 5 Vertical Path
105 basic signs of viruses: Contain 1 or DNA or RNA 2 contain both DNA and RNA 3 has its own replication system 4 have their own protein-synthesizing system 5 Cell structure
106 Properties of viruses: 1 the ability to divide 2 The ability to divide 3 Disjunctive type of reproduction 4 are measured in micrometers 5 Well cultivated on artificial media
107 virion capsid: 1 envelope protein 2 consists of polysaccharides 3 lipoprotein envelope 4 causes the form of the virus 5 Not in viruses
108 Virion: 1 Formed virus particle 2 virus genome 3 supercoiled circular molecule of RNA 4 protein infectious particle 5 Viral capsids without genome
109 Viruses: 1 Apply to eukaryotes 2 The smallest micro-organisms that do not have a cellular structure 3 Have a nucleus with the nuclear envelope 4 Apply to prokaryotes 5 They belong to the bacilli
110 family of viruses involved in the pathology of the upper airways: 1. Rabdoviridae 2. Orthomyxoviridae 3. Togaviridae 4. Retroviridae 5 Hepadnaviridae
111 Bacteriophages are characterized by: 1 The content of the various nucleic acids 2 The absolute intracellular parasitism 3 cellular organization 4 cultivation on simple nutrient media 5 The presence of intracellular inclusions.
112 phages are divided into: 1 Anaerobic 2 Virulent and temperate 3 microaerophiles 4 Aerobic 5 Optional
113 result of the interaction of a virulent phage with the bacterial cell: 1 Chemotaxis Integration on chromosome 2 3 Intracellular digestion Lysis of the cells 4 5 DNA transfer through the cytoplasmic bridge
114 phage adsorption on the bacterial cell occurs via: 1 Receptor 2 proteins 3 Nucleic Acids 4 Polysaccharides 5 of the cytoplasmic membrane
115 differential diagnostic medium: 1 meat-peptone agar 2 Blood Agar 3 of the yolk-salt agar 4 Endo 5 Serum Agar
116 Requirements for antibiotics: 1 The absence of toxicity 2 Stimulation of antibody 3 Lack of bactericidal 4 Stimulation of phagocytosis 5 Stimulation of dysbiosis
117 Antibiotiki: 1 endoenzymes bacteria 2.Veschestva natural origin, have pronounced biological activity 3 Exotoxins bacteria 4 Inclusion of bacteria 5 Lipopolysaccharide bacteria
118 Intracellular inclusions characteristic of rabies virus: 1 Taurus Guarnieri 2 Taurus Babes-Negri 3 intranuclear inclusions 4 Taurus Cowdray 5 Taurus Paschen
119 The essence of pasteurization: Boil 1 2 heating the material to 70 ° C for 15 minutes followed by rapid cooling 3 Tindalizatsiya 4 Long-term warming at 80 ° C. 5 Processing of the current ferry
120 Vector control of infectious diseases: 1 Disinfection 2 Rodent 3 Pest control 4 Sterilization 5 Pasteurization
121 Rodent - sources of infectious diseases: 1 Deratizatsieya 2 Disinfection 3 Pest control 4 Sterilization 5 Pasteurization
122 enzyme, causing the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin: 1 Hyaluronidase 2 Plazmokoagulaza 3 Fibrinolizin 4 gelatinase 5 Collagenase
123 The researcher received the first rabies vaccine: 1 Koch 2 Pasteur 3 Sabin 4 Jenner 5 Jenner 124 rabies infection happens: 1 by nutritional 2 Respiratory 3 When an infected animal bites 4 Transmissible by 5 Sexually
125 The use of solar energy is characteristic of: 1 heterotrophs 2 autotrophs 3 phototrophic 4 Hemotrofov 5 Metatrofov
126 Sanitary demonstration soil microorganisms: 1. V. sholerae 2. M. leprae 3.Cl. Rerfringens 4. Str. pyogenes 5. Corynebacterium
127 Patogennyemikroby, длительносохраняющиесявпочве: 1 Meningococci 2 Clostridium 3 Shigella 4 E. coli 5 Streptococci
128 Coley index of water: 1 The smallest amount of water, which is found CGB 2 Number of pathogenic microbes in 1 ml 3 Number of Coliform 1 ml 4 Number of Coliform in 1 liter of water 5 Number of mesophilic bacteria in 1 ml
129 Sanitary demonstration microbes water: 1 perfringens 2 Vibrio cholerae 3 Enterococci 4 E. coli 5 Streptococci
130 Sanitary demonstration microbes Air 1 Proteus 2 meningococcus 3 E. coli 4.-hemolytic streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus 5 tubercle bacillus
131 in the cell wall peptidoglycan of gram-positive bacteria associated with: 1. teichoic acids 2 carbohydrates 3 Age-Defying 4 lipopolysaccharide 5 Proteins
132. smear from culture of microbes under the lens vidnyskopleniya cocci form resembling bags or bales blue. Name these cocci: 1 Staphylococci 2 Micrococci 3 sartsiny 4 Meningococci 5 Streptococci
133 pure culture of microbes isolated from a particular source, and different from the other members of the species is called: 1 Clone 2 strains 3 subtype 4 Colony 5 variant
134 Side effects of antibiotics: 1 Toxic reactions 2 Stimulation of the body's defenses 3 Action in immunogenic concentrations 4 binding proteins of an organism 5 filterable through a bacterial filter
135 The method of phase-contrast microscopy: 1 Gives increase in 900-1350 times 2 is used for the detection of flagella 3 Based on the conversion of optical means of phase fluctuations in the amplitude 4 Allows you to explore the fine structures of microbes 5 is used to study the structure of the bacterial cell
136 Rickettsia: 1 Gram-positive 2 grow on nutrient media 3 obligate intracellular parasites 4 Do not have the polymorphism 5 In human pathology not involved
137 The material basis of heredity in bacteria: 1 DNA 2 Plazmokoagulaza 3 Mucopolysaccharides 4 Dizoksiriboza 5 RNA
138 DNA containing genetic information that is localized in: 1 mitochondria 2 nucleoid 3 amino acids 4 deoxyribose 5 ribosomes
139 major reservoir of microorganisms in the environment is: 1 The human body. Water 2 3 Soil 4 Air 5 Warm-blooded animals
140 The disease, caused by contaminated water: 1 Influenza 2 Botulism 3 Viral Hepatitis A 4 Pertussis 5 Diphtheria
141 representative of the microflora of the upper respiratory tract: 1 Poliovirus 2 Brucella 3 Streptococci 4 Vibrio cholerae 5 E. coli
142 Main taxonomic unit in microbiology is: 1 Property Type 2 Rod 3 family 4 Procedure Class 5
143 bacterial flagellum consists of: 1 Protein-flagellin 2 Polysaccharides 3 enzymes 4 Lipids 5 Zhirovoskovyh substances
144 For Candida is characterized by: 1 The presence of a true nucleus 2 Diffuse-placed nuclear substance 3 Immunity aniline dyes 4 Prokaryotic microorganisms 5 The absence of membranes
145 bacteria without cell wall: 1 Chlamydia 2 Mycoplasma 3 Rickettsia 4 spirochetes 5 Actinomycetes
146 Morphological properties of Vibrio cholerae: Gram-positive, spore-forming bacillus 1 2 Gram-negative vibrio comma-shaped Gram-positive bacteria 3 spiral 4 Gram-positive curved rods 5 Gram-negative motile rod
147 Elective breeding ground for cholera: 1 Wednesday Endo 2 Wednesday Ploskireva 3 Vismutsulfitny agar 4 Alkaline Agar 5 Meat-peptone agar (MPA)
148 Specify the rapid method for the diagnosis of cholera: 1 bacterioscopic 2 Bacteriological 3 Serological 4 Immunolyuminestsentny 5 Allergic
149. tetanus bacillus characterized by the formation: 1 Endotoxin 2 exotoxin 3 hyaluronidase 4 Plazmokoagulazy 5 fibrinolizin
Gene 150: 1 Offspring of a single cell Fragment 2 DNA molecules which controls the synthesis of a protein or polypeptide 3 Detail of a certain length of DNA that can move from one area to another DNA 4 Change the sequence of nucleotides 5 Culture, consisting of genetically homogeneous cells
151 Chromosomal mutations on the molecular mechanism: 1 Deletion 2 Transduction 3 Modification 4 Conjugation 5 Transformation
152 Mutations are characterized by: 1 phenotypic variability 2 point and precinct changes in DNA 3 the transfer of genetic material by moderate phage 4 Changes in many cells 5. transfer of genetic material by direct contact
153 Deletion: 1 Repetition of chromosome region Drop 2 nucleotides of DNA 3 Rotate the chromosome region of 180 ° 4 Move segment of a chromosome to another region 5 Changes in chromosomes, exciting one base pair
154 Duplication: 1 Repetition of chromosome region 2 Drop large number of nucleotides 3 Turn chromosome region 180 degrees 4 Move segment of a chromosome to another region 5 Changes in chromosomes, exciting one base pair
155 On the origin of the mutations are divided into: 1 Spontaneous and induced 2 effector 3 True 4 suppressor 5 Return
156 Type of variability when mutations in bacteria: 1 genotypic 2 Phenotypic 3 recombination 4 The combined 5 Modification
157 organelle bacteria opposes the external factors: 1 Dispute 2 capsule 3 The cell wall 4 flagella 5 cytoplasm
158 Genetic recombination: 1 Dissociation 2 transformation, transduction, conjugation 3 mutation 4 Duplication 5 Deletion
159 On the characterization of viruses include: 1-celled life forms 2 "Infectious" protein particles 3 deprivation of genetic material 4 multiply outside the cell 5 can not reproduce outside of a living cell
160 Special medium for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus indoors: 1 Eijkman 2 Meat-peptone agar 3 Saburo 4 of the yolk-salt agar 5 Endo 161 Normally, a healthy person is sterile: 1 conjunctiva 2 vagina 3 Stomach 4 cecum 5 Easy
162 Cohabitation populations of microorganisms living in a certain biotope: 1 Biosphere 2 Ecosystem 3 Microbiocenosis 4 Atmosphere 5 Antagonism
163 obligate anaerobes: 1 Vegetative forms in the presence of oxygen die 2 contain cytochromes 3 The action of oxygen, water is formed, which destroys the cell 4. growth requires sunlight 5 oxidizes the glucose to carbon dioxide and water
164 resident intestinal microflora: 1 Brucella 2 Corynebacterium 3 Lactobacilli 4 Salmonella 5 Shigella
165 Gram-negative bacteria are stained by Gram: 1 In the color purple 2 + B red 3. blue 4. green 5. yellow
166 endoenzymes: 1 released into the environment 2 are localized in the cytoplasm of cells 3 Are in the periplasmic space 4 are localized in the cytoplasmic membrane 5 is assimilated in the environment
167 Transfer of DNA from a donor bacterium to a recipient bacterium under participation temperate phage: 1 Transformation 2 Transduction 3 Conjugation 4 Transfection 5 mutation
168 plasmids responsible for multidrug resistance of bacteria: 1. Ent-plasmid 2. F-plasmid 3. R-plasmids 4. Col-plasmid 5. Hl-plasmid
169 phage titration methods: 1 Gracia and Krotov 2 Koch and Pasteur 3 Graces and Appelman 4 Drygalski and Vidal 5 Wright and Wasserman
The transition 170 of the S bacteria in the R-form and back is called: 1 Dissociation 2 Recombination 3 Reparation 4 Transduction 5 Transformation
171 genes that carry information about the synthesis of proteins, called: 1 regulatory 2 Structural 3 Operators 4 transposon 5 Markers
172 plasmids are: 1 Bacterial ribosomes 2 Bacterial mezosomy 3 Phenotypic changes of any feature 4 extra-chromosomal genetic elements - DNA molecules 5 Sexual drinking
The recovery process 173 cell genome (DNA) 1 Modification 2 Reparation 3 mutation 4 Dissociation 5 Recombination
174 Symbiosis is: 1 Mutually existence 2 populations do not affect each other 3 Cohabitation pathogens 4 Suppression of life one other population 5 One population enhances livelihoods of another population
175 Endofermenty: 1 released into the environment 2 are localized in the capsules of the bacterial cell 3 Are in the periplasmic space 4 is localized in bacterial spores 5 is assimilated in the environment
176 main share germs colon (95-99%) are in: 1 E. coli and other Enterobacteriaceae 2 bifida bacteria and Bacteroides 3 Staphylococci and Streptococci 4 Clostridium 5 Mushrooms of the genus Candida
177 Dysbacteriosis bowel can be expressed: 1 Increase the number of bifida bacteria 2 reduce the amount of residual flora 3 The disappearance of yeasts of the genus Candida 4 increase in the number of staphylococci 5 Occurrence of lactic acid bacteria
178 Penetration of a microorganism in a macro-organism with a further reproduction, is called: 1 Commensalism 2 Metabolism 3 Symbiosis 4 Mutualism 5 Infection
179 "The Milkmaid" is localized to: 1 Teeth 2 pulp 3 periodontal 4 dentin 5 mucous membranes
180 Factor specific protection of the oral cavity: 1 Lysozyme 2 Lactoferrin 3 lactoperoxidase 4 Complement 5 Immunoglobulins
181 The specific protection of the oral cavity is provided by: 1 Lysozyme 2 Lactoferrin 3 lactoperoxidase 4 Complement 5 Immunoglobulins
182 candidiasis is common in: 1 Adult 2 Pregnant 3 children and the elderly 4 of Prematurity 5. allergy sufferers
183 Index carrier of hepatitis B virus: 1. HBs-antigen 2 Hemagglutinin 3 Neuraminidase 4 O-antigen 5.-antigen
184 Forms of infection by source: 1 Endogenous 2 antropos 3 pyosepticemia 4 Exogenous 5 Bacteremia 185 Enzymes invasion: 1 hyaluronidase, neuraminidase 2 Fibrinolizin 3 Lipase 4 Catalase 5 isomerase
186 protein toxins / exotoxins / are characterized by: 1 Organotropona 2 antigenic 3 Resistance to physical and chemical factors 4 thermostable 5 non-toxic
187 Human Trichomoniasis, caused by T. Vaginalis transmitted: 1 Respiratory 2 Sexually 3 parenteral 4 enteral 5 DUSTY
188 The carrier of trypanosomiasis are: 1 Pliers 2 Tsetse flies 3 Gophers 4 Mosquitoes 5 Fleas
189 enzymes secreted wand tuberculosis: 1 lipase 2 Plazmokoogulaza 3 Hyaluronidase 4 Niatsinaza 5 Lecithinase
190 The most common route of infection in tuberculosis: 1 After the meat and food 2 Fecal-oral 3 The parenteral 4 Dust 5 Transmissible