Тhемe 19. Salmonella. Microbiological diagnosis of intestinal infections.
Goal:To study the basic properties of intestinal families, classification and a general description of the genus Salmonella, the properties of pathogenic vibrios. Know the laboratory diagnosis of colibacillosis, dysentery, iersineozov, diseases caused by Salmonella, Campylobacter and Helicobacter. Tasks. Conduct a literature search using scientific journals, books, monographs, online resources to study the state of the question at the present stage and perform the SIW on one of the following forms ofrmit according to the requirements and deliver on time. Type of course: - essay - tests, case studies, crossword puzzles; - annotation and review, scientific papers reviews; - literature analysis; -organization of scientific debates and discussions - case studies preparations; - Auction of ideas -presentations; - Self research preparation - Glossary writing. -experiments and determination of quantitative and qualitative indicators, etc.; - creation of the atlas of microorganisms and methods of microbiological testing; -preparation and conduction of complete diagnostic evaluation for microbial diseases, Performance criteria (requirements for the implementation) - selection and study of the major sources on the topic; composing of a bibliography - Processing and ordering information; - Formatting rules SIW - depending on the chosen form Deadlines,no later than 4 boundarycontrol