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Case study №1

The dentist asked the patient about dental caries. When viewed from the mouth on the gums of the patient revealed a painless erosion of bright red color surrounding the tooth in the form of a half moon.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory.


Case study №2

The patient in the mandible found painful infiltration with abscess formation. In a smear of pus found friends - plexus of thin filaments with purple cone-shaped swellings at the ends.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №3

The dentist asked the patient complained of pain, a burning sensation in the mouth, which is amplified when taking acidic foods. When viewed from the oral mucosa revealed the formation of plaque, diffuse redness. From history revealed that the patient suffered a lobar pneumonia, taking large doses of antibiotics. On microscopic examination of plaque found budding cells oval and pseudomycelium.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №4

The patient appealed to the dental clinic complaining of discomfort in the appearance of the mouth and throat, causing pain and make it difficult swallowing, fever up to 37,5-38oS, malaise, loss of appetite. On examination, found fibrinous plaque in the form of thick film in the tonsils, the film surface is smooth and shiny.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №5

The reception was at the dentist the child, according to the mother of the child is deteriorating general condition, increasing the temperature to 38 ° C, malaise, headache, insomnia and appetite. The child complains of pain when eating, bleeding gums. On examination, the doctor discovered crater-like ulcers, necrosis of surrounding tissue, ulceration of the interdental papillae, oral mucosa moderately hyperemic. In preparation of the discharge ulcers found pink spindly sticks and pink bacteria spiral shape.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №6

In hospital infection dentist invited for consultation. Child of 7 years. Complaints of fever up to 38,5oS, sore throat. Sick for 2 days. Objectively: the skin of the trunk, limbs, except nasolabial triangle covered spot rash on hyperemic background. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged, thick, painful on palpation. Lips dry, cracked, crimson color. In the mouth: the mucous membrane of the tonsils, nѐbnyh arches bright hyperemic. Tongue coated gray-yellow, do not remove plaque, on the edges of the language - imprints of teeth. The material from the tonsils, the palatine arches found purple cocci arranged in a chain.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №7

Go to the dentist asked his mother with a child 3 years old complaining of sores in the mouth. According to his mother preceded the appearance of ulcers infiltrates, which are approximately 10 days ulcerate. Objectively: the ulcer diameter 1-1.5 cm cover mucosa tongue, gums and lips, and the bottom edge of their sealed, covered with dirty-gray patina, submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged. In preparation of the discharge ulcers stained by Ziehl-Nielsen on the background of squamous epithelial cells, leukocytes, staphylococci and streptococci blue found thin slightly twisted sticks pink.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №8

The patient often observed inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. When the next recurrence of material taken from a study of the oral mucosa. In preparation revealed gram-positive cocci in clusters resembling bunches of grapes.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №9

In the infant after suffering colds found local lesions of the oral cavity to form a cheesy plaque on the mucosa tongue, cheeks, lips, palate.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №10

In the tooth of the patient form a cavity filled with detritus and microbial mass. Tooth enamel is softened. A microscopic examination of the material of the cavity revealed gram-positive cocci arranged in a chain.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №11

In the maxillofacial clinic enrolled patient with symptoms of periodontitis, a high fever and intoxication.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis, and some micro-organisms more likely to cause such a process?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №12

The child is 14 years old. Complaints about first appeared 2 days ago the pain, bleeding, bad breath, headache, weakness, fever up to 38 ° C. When osmotredesna hyperemia, painful, bleeds when touched. Papilla and marginal gingiva are covered with gray, removes plaque, which is defined under the ulcer surface. The teeth are covered with plenty of soft plaque. In the preparation of plaque found in large quantities microorganisms stained pink - rods and fusiform bacteria spiral shape, among which there violet cocci arranged in chain form bunches of grapes.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №13

A. The patient, 19 years of age, came to the dentist. Complaints of "sores" in the language, which appeared a week ago. On examination, the submandibular lymph nodes up to 1 cm, densely-elastic consistency, mobile, painless on palpation, the skin over them in color is not changed. On the lateral surface of the tongue painless ulcer, 1 cm in diameter, saucer-like shape with raised edges. In the exudate obtained from ulcers in the study of dark-field microscopy detected microorganism spiral shape curls uniform, the number of them from 8-12, performs rotational, pendulum, translational and izgibatelnye movement.

1. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

2. What material is taken for the study?

3. How to make a fence and material transport to the laboratory


Case study №14

Patient D., aged 28 years, came to the dentist on planned survey. Doctor through a series of manipulations in the oral cavity revealed a bad smell, accompanied by gum disease, teeth, chronic tonsillitis, and gastritis.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis?

2. What material it is necessary to take from the patient for the study?

3. Methods of collection of material and its transportation to the laboratory.


Case study №15

Patient L., 30 years appealed to the dental clinic with complaints of bleeding gums, swelling and redness, while there is a glitch in the meal. Symptoms last for a week.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis?

2. What material it is necessary to take from the patient for the study?

3. Methods of collection of material and its transportation to the laboratory.


Case study №16

Patient L., 30 years appealed to the dental clinic with complaints of bleeding gums, swelling and redness, while there is a glitch in the meal. Symptoms last for a week.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis?

2. What material it is necessary to take from the patient for the study?

3. Methods of collection of material and its transportation to the laboratory.


Case study №17

In the lab made ​​swabs culture isolated from Petri dishes with potato-agar glitsirinovym. Test material was discharge from the gums of the upper jaw, the hard and soft palate, tongue and upper lip of the patient 40 years old, went to the hospital with complaints of pain sensitivity, the presence of purulent bloody crusts and cracks on the lips, in the oral secretions, as well as undermining teeth. In smears stained with Ziehl-Nielsen discovered red sticks.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis?

2. Specify the preventive measures for the disease.

3. Methods of collection of material and its transportation to the laboratory.


Case study №18

We entered the hospital male B., 50 years old, were found in the mucosa of the mouth several nodes - granuloma without acute inflammation. When viewed from the lower jaw were observed convulsive spasms of the muscles of the mouth (lockjaw), in some areas more nodes merged and formed the inflammatory infiltrate with significant density in the center of his holes were observed in the form of papillae, of which stood out with liquid pus containing yellow-gray grains.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis?

2. What material it is necessary to take from the patient for the study?

3. Methods of collection of material and its transportation to the laboratory.


Case study №19

Patient D., 5 years old, turned to the children's clinic on day 3 of the disease. Complained of unpleasant, slightly painful sensation in the mouth, accompanied by difficulty in eating. When viewed from the oral cavity was found in white coating on all mucous reminiscent crud that has curdled appearance, which is easily removed with a spatula scraping, and then you could see a bright red base, sometimes with a bleeding surface.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis?

2. What material it is necessary to take from the patient for the study?

3. Methods of collection of material and its transportation to the laboratory.


Case study №20

In the dental clinic turned 30 years old patient complained of severe pain in the lower jaw on the left. Paroxysmal pain occurs, gives to the ear, there was the night before, and increased sharply at night. When viewed from the oral cavity revealed deep carious cavity in the region 36.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis?

2. What material it is necessary to take from the patient for the study?

3. Methods of collection of material and its transportation to the laboratory.


Case study №21

Male 29 years old appealed for help to the dental clinic. The patient complains of bleeding gums, increased body temperature to 37,5-380, soreness of the oral mucosa, increasing the ingestion conversation. On examination, revealed acute inflammation of the gums with pronounced symptoms of alteration, deformation of the gingival margin, and the putrid odor from the mouth. The epithelium of the gingiva and interdental papillae muddy and necrotizing ("cut" edges)

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis?

2. What material it is necessary to take from the patient for the study?

3. Methods of collection of material and its transportation to the laboratory.


Case study №22

In the hospital the man after a car accident with multiple injuries of the face and neck, contaminated ground. Revealed lesions of the lips and mouth.

1. What forms of infection and sources of contamination might predict?

2. What methods of prevention should be applied?


Case study №23

Go to the dentist resulted in a child with a toothache, when viewed from the patient's mouth of the bright red on the cheeks, forehead - small dot character duster elements, the temperature increased.

1.What your presumptive diagnosis?

2. What material should be taken from the patient for the study?


Case study №24

During the manipulation in the mouth dentist exposes himself to the risk of infection. Correctly received dentist, working with a patient without gloves and masks? Do I need to change them and why?

1.What pathogenic microbes and viruses of the mouth of the patient are especially dangerous to the doctor?

2.What precautions should be used doctor?

3.Chem threatens a doctor and a patient?


Case study №25

In the dental clinic patient appealed with complaints of fever, malaise, pain in the mouth, worse food and conversation. On examination, the mucosa is hyperemic, edematous, visible aftochki.

1.O what disease is it?

2.How to treatment is necessary to assign?

3.What preventive measures to take?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 429. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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