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Level 2 - 190 questions

191 Non-specific protection factors of the body:

1 Volyutinovye grain

2 Mucous obalochka

3 Ribosomes

4 Antibodies

5 cytoplasm


192 Humoral factors of the body's defense:

1 Complement

2 Antibodies

3 Vitamins

4 Vaccines

5 Hormones


193 Infectious process has:

1 One time

2 Two periods

3 Three periods

4 Four period

5 Five periods


194 The minimum dose of virulence in bacteria:

1 infectious dose

2 Sowing dose

3. DLm

4. LD50

5. DcL


195 lethal dose of virulence in bacteria:

1 infectious dose

2 Sowing dose

3. DcL

4. LD50

5. DLm


196 pathogenicity factors responsible for attachment to baktrey macroorganism:

1 Plazmokaogulaza

2 Neuraminidase

3 Hyaluronidase

4 Aggression

5 Adhesion


197 pathogenicity factors responsible for the protection of bacteria from phagocytes and antibodies:

1 Plazmokoogulaza

2 Neuraminidase

3 Lecithinase

capsule 4

5 Dispute


198 Net culture is:

1 The collection of organisms of one species

2 The collection of microorganisms of different species

3 The set of micro-organisms of one kind

4 The set of micro-organisms of different genera

5 The set of Gram-negative organisms


199 The purpose of fixing the smear:

1 To identify the capsule

2 To identify the flagella

3 For degreasing preparations

4 To keep the size of bacteria

5 for bacterial attachment to the slide


200 Stages of viral replication:

1 logarithmic growth

2 Negative accelerate breeding

3 Maximum

4 Fixed

5 Synthesis of early and late proteins


201 In some of the clinical stages of whooping cough is most contagious:

1 The incubation period

2 Bluetongue stage

3 paroxysmal stage

4 Step recovery

5 prodrome


202 pathogenic factors of the pathogen, which is manifested penetration of

one cell to another:

1 Invasion

2 Aggression

3 Adhesion

4 Penetration

5 Chemotaxis


203 For the development of the infectious process, you must:

1 Symbiosis normal microflora macroorganism

2 The absence of a pathogenic microbe

3 Implementation of the temperate phage

4 The penetration of the pathogen in susceptible macroorganism

5 Normal ambient conditions


204 Forms of generalized infection, depending on the spread of germs:

1 Alopecia

2 Septicaemia pyosepticemia, bacteremia

3 Generalized

4 Centralized

5 Exogenous


205 Superinfection:

1 re-infection by the same pathogen after recovery

2 reinfection with the same agent prior to liquidation of the primary


3 Infection pathogen distinguishing exotoxin

4 occur in diseases with a strong immunity

5 Available at the expense of the normal microflora


206 Hemotrofy

1 Use of solar energy

2 Use the energy of redox reactions

3 are acid

4 Bacteriophages

5 Divide the longitudinal division


207 On-site administration of allergen observed:

1 infiltrate

2 Burn

3 rash

4 Dry scab

5 The development of necrosis


208 Colouring by Ziehl-Nielsen used to identify:

1 dispute

2 Capsules

3 Grains volutin


5 of the cytoplasmic membrane


209. smear from culture of microbes under the microscope show large sticks blue and purple with a centrally located education, colored in red. What are these sticks:

1 E. coli

2 anthrax

3 Stick plague

4 tubercle bacillus

5.-hemophilic vaginal wand

210 material for bacteriological examination for suspected abdominal

fever in the 1st week of the disease is:

1 stools

2 Bile

3 Blood

4 Urine

5 washings bowel


211 Salmonella pathogenicity factors are:

1 endotoxin enterotoxin ability to multiply in macrophages

2 Neuraminidase

3 cytotoxin

4 They drank

5 Gistotoksin


212 Material for bacteriological examination of typhoid fever at 2-3 week of illness:

1 Bile

2 Blood

3 stools, urine

4 washings stomach

5 washings bowel


213. kaprologicheskom study of stool under the microscope show small rod-shaped bacteria. Name the bacteria:

1 Enterobacteriaceae

2 Campylobacter

3 Helicobacter

4 fuzobakterii

5 Legionella


214 The ability of Gram-painted in blue-violet color depends on:

1 Presence of carbohydrates

2 Properties peptidoglycan interact with paint

3 Having MTC

4 Presence of fatty acids

5 wall thickness


215 The action of Vibrio cholerae pathogenicity factor due

dehydration in cholera:

1 actively motile vibrio

2 Adhesion of Vibrio

3 Penetration

4.-exotoxin choleric

5 endotoxin


216 Sterilization:

1 The complete destruction of all (vegetative and spore) forms of bacteria

2 Destruction of only vegetative forms of bacteria

3 Destruction only spore forms of bacteria

4 is to use only natural methods

5 Assumes use only chemical methods


217 High content oxyacids, lipids and waxes characteristic:

1 tubercle bacillus

2 diphtheria bacilli

3 clostridial tetanus

4 clostridial botulinum

5 Staphylococci


218 In tuberculosis enrichment in sputum added xylene or benzene. What do you call this method:

1 aggregation

2 agglutination

3 flotation

4 precipitation

5 luminescence


Metabolism 219 bacteria happens as a result of:

1 Progressive growth

2 catabolism and anabolism

3 The beneficial effects of environmental conditions

4.-term adverse effects of environmental conditions

5 Chemical reactions


220 With the help of the old tuberculin of Koch can be supplied sample:


2 Pirke

3 Burne

4 Dick

5 Mantoux


221 BCG vaccine is:

1 living bacteria, weakened during passages on animals

2 Attenuated strains M. bovis obtained through long passages on potato-glycerol medium with bile

3 highly virulent strains

4 Toxoid

5 Chemical vaccine


222 Tuberculin:

1 Prepared from microbes and toxins

2 obtained from the filtrate of broth culture of mycobacteria by treatment

chemicals precipitating protein

3 is used for the treatment of

4 consists of live bacteria

5 leads to the development of antitoxic immunity


223 Under the growth of bacteria to understand:

1 Transformation

2 Coordinated play all cell components

3 Increase in the number of cells in the population

4 Cell division

5 Segregation daughter DNA strands


224 State B-cell immunity in leprosy reflects the reaction:

1 Wasserman

2 Wright

3 Heddelsona

4 Mitsuda

5 Sachs


225 Gram-positive bacilli, with clavate bristles at the ends containing grain polyphosphates (volutin), located in a smear in the form of Roman numerals V, H. Call these sticks:

1 tubercle bacillus

2 Corynebacterium diphtheria

3 Bacillus subtilis

4 Bacillus anthracis

5 E. coli


226 grains of Babes-Ernst detected when stained by the method:

1 Gram

2 Orzeszkowa


4 Romanovsky-Giemsa

5 Hiss


227 The essence of Bacteriological Methods:

1 Bydelenie pure culture

2 Preparation of smear microscopy and

3 Conduct a biological sample

4 Statement of the serological tests

5 Statement of allergy test


228 for pertussis is characterized by:

1.Melkie, gram-negative coccobacillus, strict aerobes form a capsule

2 large sticks with rounded ends

3 Small, Gram-negative bacilli

4 Gram-positive cocci arranged singly

5 sticks of medium size with rounded edges


229 infectious disease characterized by attacks of spasmodic cough as a result of constant irritation toxin receptor airways. On the pathogen of the disease in question:

1 pertussis

2 Diphtheria

3 tuberculosis

4 legionellosis

5 Pneumonia


230 Trust appointment sanitary bacteriological research facilities

the environment is:

1: Determination of epidemiological safety

2 Examination of the methods of research facilities

3 The study of non-pathogenic microflora

4: Determination of antibiotic resistance

5 Detection of lysogenic bacteria


231 Form of interspecific relationships in which both populations removed for yourself


1 Commensalism

2 Mutualism

3 Antagonism

4 Parasitism

5 Neutralism


232 Clostridium tetanus:

1 Gram-positive rods with terminal spores peritrichous flagellum

2 Gram-negative rods with subterminal spores monotrihialno flagellum

3 Gram-positive cocci with a centrally located spores

4 Gram-negative bacillus ovoidal bipolar staining

5 Gram positive cocci in a pair of coffee beans


233 Form of interspecific relationships in which the suppression of

ability to live a different population:

1 Commensalism

2 Symbiosis

3 Antagonism

4 Parasitism

5 Neutralism


234 Based on the increase in morbidity and inguinal lymph node

Education chancre, the doctor has diagnosed - syphilis. In which period

is a disease:

1 Primary

2 Incubation

3 Secondary

4 Third

5 Fourth


236. mechanism nutrient into the bacterium:

1 of pinocytosis

2 Phagocytosis

3 Facilitated diffusion

4 Endocytosis

5 Education phagosomes


237 In determining the sensitivity to antibiotics defined zone of growth inhibition

around an antibiotic disc, indicating that the:

1 Stimulation of cell metabolism

2 The absence of toxicity

3 Increased membrane permeability

4 Sensitivity of culture

5 protein denaturation


238 According to the type of breathing bacteria are divided into:

1 autotrophs.

2 heterotrophs.

3 Obligate aerobes.

4 Hemotrofy.

5 phototrophic


239 Lag phase is:

Phase 1 beginning of intensive growth

Phase 2 deaths

Phase 3 in which the number of bacterial cells was not increased

Phase 4 respiration

5 Phase dying off viruses

240 stationary growth phase:

Phase 1 breath

2 Coloring

Phase 3 in which the number of bacterial cells was not increased

4 The number of viable cells was consistently and is at a maximum

5 Phase otmironiya bacteria.


241 Antiseptic is:

1 Prevention of microorganisms from entering the environment in

human tissue

2 A set of activities aimed at the destruction of bacteria in the tissues

human organism

3 disinfects environmental objects

4 Obesplozhivanie

5 Substances selectively inhibit the growth and development of infectious

outbreaks in humans


242 phages have:

1 The lack of specificity

2 lytic or lysogenic activity

3 bacterial

4 cellular organization

5 The ability to divide


243 Transformation is carried out using:

1 temperate phage

2 Factor fertility

3 DNA donor culture

4 lysogenization

5 RNA donor culture


244 Morphological features of the pathogen of tularemia:

1 forms the central arrangement of the spores

2 coccobacillus

3 mobility

4 characterized by a pronounced polymorphism

5 Gram


Transduction of 245 consists of the following stages:

1.Rasscheplenie chromosome donor

2.Perenos DNA through the cytoplasmic bridge

3.Vklyuchenie part of the chromosome of the donor into the genome of temperate phage

4.Rekombinatsiya between chromosomes of the recipient

5.Adsorbtsiya DNA donor to the recipient cell


246 For anthrax most dangerous:

1 Meat and meat products

Water 2

3 Vegetables

4 Fish products

5 Birds


247 Specific prevention of staphylococcal disease is carried out by:

1 bacteriophage

2 toxoid

3 Serum

4 Interferon

5 Specific prophylaxis is not carried out


248 The use of any product is the most dangerous for brucellosis:

1 Water

2 Milk, cheese, butter, meat

3 Vegetables

4 Fish products

5 Fowl


249 The main natural reservoir of infection in swine:

1 Rodents (gophers, marmots, gerbils)

2 Ticks

3 Sheep

4 Camels

5 Rats


250 for primary syphilis is characterized by:

1 The incubation period lasts for years

2 Education chancre

3 The source of infection - livestock

4 Transmission by droplets

5 Mucosal gastrointestinal


251 antitoxic serum is used to treat:

1 TB

2 Pertussis

3 Dysentery

4 Botulism

5 Kolienterita


252 infectivity of Chlamydia provide:

1 initially calf

2 reticular cells

3 elementary bodies

4 exotoxin

5 Inclusion bodies


253 pyosepticemia this:

1 parasite multiplies in the blood

2 Blood performs only transport role

3 Infectious disease without clinical manifestations

4 The causative agent circulates in the blood and pus forms lesions in organs and systems

5.-associated infection


254 Relapse is:

1 Relapse after complete recovery due to the secondary

contamination from outside

2 In the body vegetates pathogenic microbes, but the disease does not occur

3 Form of infection in which the disease is attached to the main other

4 The appearance of the disease some time after its termination due to remaining in the body of pathogens

5 Relapse same infection that has occurred prior to the elimination of the primary disease


255 spirochetosis (Lyme disease), transmissible lice:

1 Leptospirosis

2 Endemic relapsing fever

3 Marseilles fever

Omsk hemorrhagic fever 4

5 Relapsing fever


256 The first phase of the pathogenesis of typhoid fever:

1 Bluetongue.

2 Bacteremia

3 convulsive

4 Septic

5 Allergic


257 febrile illness accompanied by damage

gray matter of the spinal cord and brain stem:

1 Hepatitis

2 Poliomyelitis

3 Rabies

4 Rubella

5 Enterocolitis


258 acute infectious disease characterized by

fever, liver damage, in some cases, jaundice:

1 Campylobacteriosis

2 Hepatitis A

3 Polio

4 Iersinioz

5 Brucellosis


259 Intracellular inclusions have diagnostic value in:

1 rabies

2 typhus

3 Tick-borne encephalitis

4 coxsackievirus infection



260 The group of paramyxoviruses are pathogens:

1 Smallpox

2 parainfluenza

3 rabies

4 Flu

5 Herpes


261 The man with a history of typhoid fever, wants to work in the nutrition unit.

What research is needed to carry out in order to allow it to work:

1 Select the stool culture and put p. Vi-hemagglutination

2 Select stool culture and put p. neutralization

3 Select hemocultures

4 Mark runoff from the nasopharynx

5 Select urinokulturu


262 Immunity of the flu:

1 associated with the production of interferon

2 Non-specific

3 Tense, type-specific

4 antitoxic

5 Non-sterile


263. picornaviruses include:

1 Adenovirus

2 Hepatitis A virus

3 influenza virus

4 Herpes

5 Hepatitis B virus

264 Pathogenesis of poliomyelitis:

1 Defeat hippocampal

2 defeat of muscle tissue

3 The concentration of virus in the parenchymal oragnah

4 defeat motor neurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord

5 has a tropism for epithelial cells


265 When furiously pathogen accumulates in:

1 Blood

2 Moche

3 Spit

4 bowel movements

5. throat


266 The virus enters the blood parenterally, transferring blood to the liver and replicates in hepatocytes:

1 Hepatitis B

2 Hepatitis A

3 rabies

4 tick-borne encephalitis



267 A child 7 years 2 months after blood transfusion developed jaundice.

Laboratory studies have been diagnosed - hepatitis B. What a way to


1 Vertical

2 Alimentary

3 parenteral

4 Airborne

5 Transmissible


268 HIV belongs to the family:

1. Picornaviridae

2. Adenoviridae

3. Retroviridae

4. Togaviridae

5. Orthomyxoviridae


Function 269, the enzyme reverse transcriptase:

1 is responsible for the integration of HIV into the host cell genome

2 The regulatory protein

3 Determines DNA synthesis on the matrix virion RNA

4 Provides viral entry into the cell

5 Helps release of the nucleic acid of the virus from the genome of the cells


270 The primary method of laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is:

1 Immunofluorescence

2 Phragmites

3 Radioimmunoassay


5 Reaction coagulation


271 HIV:

1 Has a cuboidal shape

2 Refers to arboviruses

3 comprises DNA

4 Refers to retroviruses in the outer shell has the gp-120

5 pathogenic to animals


272 HIV affects:

1 anterior horn of the spinal cord

2 human immune system

3 respiratory system

4 salivary glands

5 Muscle tissue


273 Ways of HIV infection:

1 sexual, parenteral, vertical

2 Alimentary

3 Airborne

4 Transmissible

5 Air-dust


274 Characteristic of adenoviruses is:

1 The absence of the outer shell

2 Alimentary route of infection

3 Large sizes

4 The content of RNA

5 susceptibility thereto in laboratory animals


275 organelles fungus required for the synthesis of chitin:

1 Segrosomy

2 Hitosomy

3 Lysosomes

4 Phagosomes

5 phagolysosome


276 When the microscope swab from the urethra found diplococci Gram pair located inside the white blood cells. It may be:

1 Clostridium

2 Staphylococci

3 Streptococci

4 yeasts

5 Gonokokki


277 Mushrooms, reproduce sexually and asexually, it is:

1 deuteromycetes

2 Perfect mushrooms

3 Disputes

4 Ascomycetes

5. Candida


278 What is meant by "disinfection":

1 The destruction of pathogenic forms of microorganisms

2 Freezing

3 Drying

4 Destruction only spore forms

5 Complete elimination of all forms under the influence of chemicals


279 For the development of opportunistic infections is important:

1 Violation of the integrity of the integument

2 Immunodeficiency states

3 Immunological memory

4 Autoimmune diseases

5 immunological paralysis


280 On the development of nosocomial infections is:

1 Reduction of non-specific resistance

2 Malnutrition

3 Climatic conditions

4 Environment

5 Irrational use of antibiotics


281 What does the presence of antibodies to HIV:

1 person is infected with HIV

2 A person is immune from exposure to HIV

3 A man is in the incubation period

4 There is an opportunistic infection

5 There is a recovery


282 The sensitivity of cells to HIV due to the presence:

1 Surface tension

2 CD-4 receptor

3 corresponds to the chemical structure of cells

4 Special enzymes

5 Toxins

283 vital functions of the cytoplasmic membrane:

1 to give some form of bacteria

2 Release in cell metabolites and ions

3 Does not form mezosomy

4 protects cells

5 does not contain the respiratory chain


284 The most sensitive reaction for the detection of antibodies is:

1 Precipitation


3 Neutralization of toxin

4 Bacterial agglutination

5 immunoelectrophoresis


285 When adding hemolytic system in vitro with bacteriological system K + AT occurred hemolysis. What kind of reaction in question:




4 Flocculation



286 What is the logarithmic phase (exponential) growth:

1 The number of bacterial cells was not increased

Phase 2 the maximum rate of reproduction

3 Phase delay reproduction

4 Lower activity of the bacterial cells

5 Number of bacterial cells was not increased


287 When sowing internal organs mouse dead after intraperitoneal infection with staphylococcus, revealed multiple lesions of the internal organs. What kind of property can be thought of microbe:

1 invasive

2 toxigenic

3 Adhesion

4 aggression

5 Penetration


288 Natural immunity against pathogens coli infection in infants is provided mainly by:

1 fuzobakterii

2 bacteroides

3 tsitrobakter

4 Veylonellami

5 bifidumbacteria


289 When sowing culture in BCH 24 hours strips have

fortified under the plug in the tube changed color - one - turned pink,

other - black. What it says:

1 Culture allocates saccharolytic enzymes

2 Culture allocates proteolytic enzymes

3 Listed formate fermentation

4 form acids

5 form a gas


290 On the mechanism of action of antiviral drugs are divided into:

1 Drugs that inhibit virus adsorption to the host cell receptors

2 drugs interfere with the process of chemotaxis

3 Drugs that inhibit phagocytosis

4 Drugs - inhibitors gemadsorbtsii

5 Preparations delaying agglutination


291 Which of the structures of the cell wall determines the ability of bacteria to attach

to the cell surface:

1 flagella

2 Controversy

3 microvilli (drinking)

4 mezosomy

5 Hitosomy


292 What is a characteristic phase II dysbiosis:

1 is characterized by a significant increase in the number of normal

symbionts in natural habitats

2 Changes localization autoflora appear microbes in their unusual habitats

3 Change of pathogens

4 There is a disappearance of some microorganisms by increasing the content of other

5 Modified enzyme activity


293 How are eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells against viruses:

1 contain only one type of nucleic acid

2 Reproduction disjunctive way

3 Do not have a cellular structure

4 have a cellular structure

5 multiply in living cells

6 Do not have your own metabolic systems


294 Under the growth of bacteria to understand:

1 Transformation

2 Coordinated play all cell components

3 Increase in the number of cells in the population

4 Conjugation

5 Segregation daughter DNA strands


295 Meaning of spores in the anthrax:

1 participate in reproduction

2 Contribute to Conservation in adverse conditions

3 Accumulation of additional nutrients

4 Are degenerated cells

5 Participants in the adhesion


296 The causative agent of epidemic relapsing fever is:

1 Tr.pallіdum

2 Bor.recurrentіs

3 Tr.refrіngens

4. Tr.pertenue

5 R.prowazekіі


297 Chemotherapy:

1 Measures to direct suppression or destruction of pathogens in the internal environment of the body

2 Full obesplozhivanie organism

3 Report of the ecological balance between the microbial populations in the composition of the microflora of the human body

4 Destruction of pathogens only protozoal infections

5 Toxic effects on phagotypes


Clone 298 is:

1 The set of individuals of one species

2 cultures isolated from a particular source

3 The set of individuals having one genotype

4 Culture of microorganisms obtained from a single individual

5 Microbial one species grown in a nutrient medium


Plasmids 299 is:

1 Circular DNA molecules dvunitievoy

2 is a derivative of the cytoplasmic membrane

3 is essential for cell

4 of nutrients

5 Centers of protein synthesis


300 from other groups of microorganisms actinomycetes characterized in that:

1 Have the form of long branching filaments

2 Gram

3 Acid

4 Have grain volutin

5 As part of the peptidoglycan found arabinose, galactose


301 division of the kingdom into two Vira subkingdoms made ​​by:

1 environmental attributes

2 According to the type of nucleic acid DNA or RNA

3 Morphological characteristics

4. tinctorial ossobenno

5 cytopathogenic effect


302 obligate intracellular parasites of man, living in the body of arthropods and transmitted mainly transmissible by:

1 Mycoplasma

2 Chlamydia

3 Spirogety

4 Actinomycetes

5 Rickettsia


303 The presence of enzymes in bacteria detected by the decomposition:

1 carbohydrates

2 Acid

3 alkalis

4 Gas

5 Indicators


304 With the help of the enzyme catalase bacteria break down:

1 Lipids

2 Carbohydrates

3 Proteins

4 Peroxide

5 Water


Period 305 is the generation of:

1 Time microbes adapt to changing environmental conditions

2 The period of restoration of damaged structures

3 Integration with bacterial chromosome

4 The period during which the cell division

5 Period reduce the rate of cell death

306 aerobes carry out:

1 substrate phosphorylation

2 Fermentation

3 Oxidative phosphorylation

4 Glycolysis

5 of the pentose phosphate shunt


307 cytopathogenic effect of viruses:

1 Do not depend on the physical, chemical and biological factors of the environment

2 depends only on the infectivity of the virus

3 rises under the influence of interferon

4 used to indicate the virus

5 used in the identification of viruses


308 Phase interaction virulent phage with the bacterial cell:

1 Chemotaxis

Integration on chromosome 2

3 Intracellular digestion

Lysis of the cells 4

5 DNA transfer through the cytoplasmic bridge


309 prophage:

1 cause lysis of bacteria

2 Propagated in lysogenic bacteria without destroying them

3 is used for phage typing of bacteria

4 material carrier of heredity

5 Has bacteriostatic action


310 prophage in lysogenic bacteria:

1 is integrated into the chromosome of bacterial cells

2 lysis

3 is the inclusion of

4 is used for phage typing of cultures

5 Represents the accumulation of chromosomal


311 One of the main factors of pathogenicity of the tubercle bacillus is:

1 Generation gistotoksina

2 Development of the neurotoxin

3 Education and hyaluronidase plazmokoagulazy

4 Toxic glycolipid - Korf factor

5 The presence of flagella and pili


312 The main factor pathogenicity diphtheria bacilli:

1 neurotoxin

2 Gistotoksin

3 enterotoxin

4 Endotoxin

5 The ability to protect themselves from phagocytosis


313 Main role in the pathogenesis of meningococcal disease has:

1 capsule protects meningococci from phagocytosis

2 Mobility, due to the presence of flagella

3 Development of exotoxin

4 The presence of toxic surface glycolipid

5 Development of toxin-superantigen


314 For bubonic plague is characterized by way of infection:

1 parenteral

2 Fecal-oral

3 Airborne

4 Alimentary

5 Transmissible


315 Tensions postvaccination immunity can be assessed:

1 specific antigen in the blood

2 determine the titer of antibodies in serum

3 According to the characteristic clinical manifestations

4. pathogen isolation from clinical specimens from human

5 immediate hypersensitivity


316 In a smear of the discharge of the chancre with dark-field microscopy can be seen

corkscrew microbe performing rotation, flexion and

pendulum-like motion. What kind of exciter likely to think:

1. T. Pallidum

2. Leptospira

3. B. Duttoni

4. B. Recurrentis

5. B. Persica


317 The structure of the bacteriological laboratory includes:

1 Sredovarochnaya

2 Room spektroanaliza

3 dressings

4 Procedural

5 Operating


318 Procaryotae Kingdom is divided into sections:

1 Hemoorganotrofy

2 Viruses

3 Skotobakterii

4 Bacillus

5 Anaerobes


319 Amfitrihi this:

1 flagella at both poles of the cell

2 At one extreme - one flagellum

3 beam flagella

4 flagella over the entire surface

5 Thin hollow filaments of protein nature


320 T-helper cells:

1 Provide cell specific immunity

2 Learn determinant group antigens on the membrane of macrophages

3 the synthesis of immunoglobulins

4 Pull the synthesis of antibodies

Destroy 5 cell "target", carrying a foreign antigen


321 The main feature of adaptive immunity:

1 Species sign

2 specific

3 is inherited

4 nonspecific

5 Relative


322 Acquired immunity:

1 is developed as a result of changes in the genotype

2 Occurs when artificial immunization

3 is a congenital

4 Genetically fixed sign

5 is inherited


323 Artificial passive immunity:

1 provides a mechanical barrier

2 is produced after the introduction of vaccines

3 obtained after administration of vaccines

4 is acquired after the administration of immune sera

5 Dispatched in breast milk


324 The barrier function of the skin and mucous membranes:

1 antagonistic effect

2 Mechanical barrier

3 The action of complement

4 Appears when administered vaccines

5 has specific character


325 The protective role of the normal microflora of the skin and mucous membranes:

1 Barrier-fixing

2 Mechanical barrier

3 Antagonism to pathogens

4 creates as a result of immune sera

5 Not in humans


326 Cell protective factors of natural immunity:

1 Complement

2 Phagocytes

3 Properdin

4 Antibodies

5 Interferon


327 Lysozyme:

1 Carbohydrate

2 lipoprotein

3 enzyme murominidaza

4 has bactericidal activity against bacterial cell wall polysaccharides

5 Suppresses the normal microflora


328 Antibodies:

1 Immunoglobulins

2 Albumin

3 enzyme murominidaza

4 interacts with macrophages

5 Enzymes pathogenicity


329 Mobile macrophages:

1 Monocytes

2 Reticular cells

3 endothelial cells

4 bone marrow stromal

5 Neutrophils

330 Functions of phagocytes:

1 Participation in the synthesis of antibodies

2 The destruction of microorganisms

3 bactericidal action

4 The antagonistic effect

5 binds to the antigen-antibody complex


331 Artificial active immunity:

1 is created with the introduction of the vaccine

2 There is a few hours

3 Lasts 2-3 weeks

4 Sent through the placenta

5 not specific


332 Viral antigens:

1 Hemagglutinin



4 autoantigen

5 H-flagelyarny


333 immunocompetent cells are:

1 Erythrocytes

2 Fibroblasts

3 Platelets

4 T-and B-lymphocytes

5 ganglia nerve cells



334 Mushrooms candidates are:

1 deuteromycetes

2 basidiomycetes

3 Ascomycetes

4 phycomycetes

5 yeast-


335 The main test material for the detection of gonorrhea:

1 Pus

2 Urine


4 Blood

5 Saliva


336 Functions of the cell wall:

1 Gives bacteria form

2 Stores in adverse conditions

3 Protects against phagocytosis

4 It is the site of synthesis of the protein

5 is synthesized permeases


337 oral commensal having anticaries action:

1 Actinomycetes

2 Veylonelly

3 Lactobacilli

4 Streptococci

5 Staphylococci


338 spirochetes and Bacteroides begin to vegetate in the mouth:

1 Immediately after birth

2 When teething

3 To 14-15 years

4 In the elderly

5 If you have a removable denture


339 The combination of contributing to the development of dental caries:

1 Excess sucrose, poor hygiene, lack of acid

2 The excess sucrose, hygiene, lack of acid

3 Excess sucrose, poor hygiene, the presence of acid

4 Deficit sucrose, poor hygiene, the presence of acid

5 Deficit sucrose, hygiene, lack of acid


340 Which occurring oral pathology demonstrates

microbial synergy:

1 Tuberculosis

2 Actinomycosis

3 Candidiasis

4 Caries

5 Herpes


341 obligate anaerobes begin to vegetate in the mouth:

1 Immediately after birth

2 Breastfeeding

3 When teething

4 When mixed feeding

5 At the age of seven


342 leading role in the etiology of dental caries is played:

1 spirochetes

2 Mycoplasma

3 Streptococci

4 Corynebacterium

5 Neisser


343.Etiologicheskuyu role in the development of periodontal disease are:

1 Streptococci

2 Bacteroides

3 Staphylococci

4 Veylonelly

5 Lactobacilli


344 Gram-positive aerobic rods relating to permanent microflora of the oral cavity:

1 Lactobacilli

2 Leptospires

3 Veylonelly

4 Typhoid sticks

5 Haemophilus influenzae


345 Gram-negative anaerobic rods belonging to the permanent microflora of the oral cavity:

1 Leptospires

2 E. coli

3 Corynebacterium.

4 Bacteroides

5 Propionobakterii


346 Gram-positive anaerobic cocci related to ongoing oral microflora:

1 peptokokki

2 Staphylococci

3 Enterobacteriaceae

4 Lactobacilli

5 Streptococci


347 Gram-negative anaerobic cocci related to ongoing oral microflora:

1 peptokokki

2 Lactobacilli

3 Neisser

4 Enterobacteriaceae

5 Veylonelly


348 Gram-positive anaerobic cocci of the oral cavity:

1 Enterobacteriaceae

2 stafilokok

3 Streptococci

4 Veylonelly

5 peptokokki

349 The main role in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease by:

1 Microbial factors

2 Immune Mechanism

3 cellular mechanisms

4 humoral factors

5 hormonal factors



350 Name the virus, which has immunosuppressive effects, long-term persistent in the body that causes recurrent exacerbations with lesions of the mouth and lips:

Herpes simplex virus 1

2 FMD virus

3 Vesicular stomatitis virus

4 The measles virus



351 zoonotic viral infection with oral mucosal lesions:

1 Foot and mouth disease

2 Herpes

3 Enterovirus infection

4 Measles

5 Mumps


352 To what family of viruses belong to vesicular stomatitis virus:

1 picornavirus

2 rhabdoviridae

3 reovirus

4 Retroviruses

5 orthomyxoviruses


353 Dentist at occupational risk of infection:

1 leptospirosis

2 actinomycosis

3 Hepatitis B

4 gonorrhea

5 Syphilis


354 Specify a factor contributing to decalcification of teeth:

1 Hypothermia

2 Alkaline conditions

3 The acidic environment

4 Hypersalivation

5 The use of hot drinks and food


355 What bacteria play a major role in the damage of tooth enamel:

1 acidifying

2 Acid

3 Mobile

4 Toxigenic

5 Pathogenic


356 Which of the proceeding in the oral microbial infections demonstrates synergy:

1 Tuberculosis

2 Actinomycosis

3 Candidiasis

4 Caries

5 Herpes



357 The normal microflora of the oral cavity can cause illness if:

1 decreased immunity

2 Increased immunity

3 Frequent rinses

4 hypersalivation

5 untimely power


358. oral anaerobes begin to vegetate:

1 Immediately after birth

2 Breastfeeding

3 When teething

4 When mixed feeding

5 At the age of seven


359 In the etiology of dental caries play a leading role:

1 spirochetes

2 Mycoplasma

3 Streptococci

4 Corynebacterium

5 Neisser


360 Ckoplenie bacteria on the tooth enamel matrix organic substances named:

1 plaque

2 Caries

3 Periodontitis

4 Pulpitis

5 Periodontitis


361 How is the process of demineralization and softening of dental hard tissues with the subsequent formation of the cavity:

1 plaque

2 Caries

3 Pulpitis

4 Periodontitis

5 Periodontitis


362 Value of Medical Microbiology for dentists:

1 does not matter

2 plays a minor role

3 Required to orthopedic work

4 is needed for correction of occlusion

5.Neobhodima in the study of inflammatory diseases


363 When stomatitis happens defeat:

1 Oral mucosal

2 gums

3 Dental Enamel

4 dentin of the teeth

5 Periodontal


364 Microorganisms, initiating the formation of dental plaque on the stage of the pellicle:

1 Streptococci

2 Veylonelly

3 Corynebacterium

4 Actinomycetes

5 fusiform bacteria


365 K-purulent inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips are:

1 gingivostomatitis

2 fronts

3 Pharyngitis

4 Tonsillitis

5 Caries


366 Pathogens gingivostomatitis Vincent:

1 fuzobakterii treponemy

2 fuzobakterii Borrelia

3 fuzobakterii leptospira

4 Veylonelly

5 fuzobakterii gonococci


367 Productive viral infection is to:

1 Defeat nuclear substance.

2 Destruction of cellular ribosomes.

3 The formation of new virions

4 Transformation of the affected cells in malignant

5 Interferences viruses


368 Stomatogenny sepsis caused by:

1 influenza virus

2 streptococcal

3 of Escherichia coli

4 clostridial

5 Shigella


369 Heylitvyzyvaetsya:

1. Treponema radialis

2. Candida albicans

3. Staphylococcus aureus

4. Coccidioides immitis

5. Neisseria sicca


370 What is the pathological process in the oral cavity caused by tortuous forms of bacteria (spirochete)

1 Tuberculosis

2 Actinomycosis

3 Candidiasis

4 Syphilis

5 Leprosy


371 The nature of the pathological changes in the oral cavity of varicella:

1.-Koplik spots Filatova

2 Papules

3 pustules

4 vesicles

5 Petechiae


372 The appearance of scars in the corners of the mouth (scars Robinson-Fournier) is characteristic:

1 Fuzospirohetoza

2 of congenital syphilis

3 Candida

4 Herpes


372 The appearance of scars in the corners of the mouth (scars Robinson-Fournier) is characteristic:

1 Fuzospirohetoza

2 of congenital syphilis

3 Candida

4 Herpes



373 In the etiopathogenesis of acute (focal) pulpitis involved:

1 Shigella

2 Salmonella

3 Streptococci

4 Yersinia

5 Klebsiella


374 Pathogen prosthetic stomatitis:

1 Mushrooms candida

2 Actinomycetes

3 Veylonelly

4 Streptococci

5 Neisser


375 Specific protection of the oral cavity:

1 Lysozyme

2 Lactoferrin

3 lactoperoxidase

4 Complement

5 Immunoglobulins


376 Protivokarioznye commensal oral cavity:

1 Actinomycetes

2 Veylonelly

3 Lactobacilli

4 Streptococci

5 Staphylococci


377 Bacteria damaging tooth enamel:

1 of acid

2 Lactobacilli

3 fuzobakterii

4 Liptospira

5 Triponema


378 Pathogen Herpangina:

1 Poliovirus

2 coxsackievirus and

3 Coxsackie virus in

4 Hepatitis B virus and

5 ECHO virus


379 Biotope oral cavity with the most low-O2:

1 buccal mucosa

2 Oral Fluid

3 The tooth surface

4 surface of the tongue

5 periodontal pocket


380 Biotope mouth, in which the most high proportion of aerobes:

1 periodontal pocket

2 surface of the tongue

3 The tooth surface

4 Oral fluid

5 buccal mucosa


Level 3 - 160 questions


381 Manifestations of HIV in their mouths: the cavity:

1 Influenza

2 hairy leukoplakia

3 Pneumocystis pneumonia

4 Atypical mycobacteriosis

5 Generalized cytomegalovirus infection


Feature 382 phagocytosis in the oral cavity:

1 Incomplete phagocytosis

2 Lack of phagocytes in saliva

3 Fixation of phagocytes to the epithelium

4 A large number of free phagocytes in saliva

5 The absence of the protective properties of phagocytes oral


383 Vesicular stomatitis is transmitted:

1 Contact

2 Alimentary

3 Air-dust

4 Airborne

5 Transmissible (mosquito bite)



384.Uskorennaya diagnosis of tuberculosis:

1 Bacteriological method

2: Method of Ziehl-Nielsen

3 Allergic method

4 Method of microcultures

5 Biological


385.V haemagglutination involved:

1 sheep erythrocytes

2 Erythrocytes chickens

3 of human erythrocytes

4 equine erythrocytes

5 rabbit erythrocytes


386. type influenza virus was determined in the reaction:

1 hemagglutination

2 precipitation

3 agglutination

4 immunofluorescence

5 hemagglutination inhibition


387 Infection of chick embryo applies to:

1 virological diagnostic method

2 culture methods of diagnosis

3 Allergic finding method

4 biological methods of diagnosis

5 of serological diagnostic methods


388 Test material for laboratory diagnosis of influenza:

1 Urine

2 Feces

3 Sputum

4 Serum



389 To display the virus used:

1 agglutination

2 Reaction precipitation

3 haemagglutination

4 Responses Coombs

5 Responses Ascoli


390.Do infection in chicken embryo browsing:







391 A condition in which abjection continues after clinical recovery of the patient, is called:

1 Relapse

2 Sepsis

3 bacteriocarrier

4 auto-infection

5 Endogenous infection

392 The term "penetration" in relation to the factors of pathogenic bacteria means:

1 Attach the microbial cells to the surface

2 microbial growth in adhesion

3 Penetration of germs through the mucous membranes and connective tissue barriers

4 Penetration of microbes inside the cells

5 Development of toxins


393 cytotoxin:

1 leukocidin

2 toxin genes

3 neurotoxin

4 Dermonekrotoksin

5 eksfoliatin


394 In order to identify the causative agent of tuberculosis is used for coloring:

1 Orzeszkowa

2 Ziehl-Neelsen

3 Zdrodovsky

4 Leffler

5 Neisser


395 To identify the causative agent of tuberculosis using a test to determine:

1 Plazmokoagulazy

2 Lecithinase

3 Nikotinamidazy

4 Catalase

5 Dermonekrotoksina


396 The mechanism of malaria:

1 Sexual

2 Fecal-oral

3 Transmissible

4 Airborne

5 Air-dust


397 Test materials for the diagnosis of malaria is:

1 Urine

2 Feces


4 Sputum

5 Blood


398 for malaria diagnosis method is used:

1 Microscopic "hanging drop"

2 Bacteriological

3 Allergic

Microscopic 4 "thick drop"

5 Biological


399 plasmids that control the formation of enterotoxins:

1. Ent - plasmid

2. Hly - plasmid

3. Col - plasmid

4. R - plasmids

5. F - plasmid


400 Allergic method for diagnosis of tuberculosis involves the use of:

1 lepromin

2 Tuberculin

3 Antraksina

4 brucellin

5 colicin



401 To identify the color of caps are used:

1 Orzeszkowa

2 Ziehl-Nielsen

3 Hiss

4 Romanovsky-Giemsa

5 Neisseria


402 To identify the color of spores used by:

1 Leffler

2 Orzeszkowa

3 Gram

4 Ziehl-Neelsen

5 Burri


403 for acid-fast bacilli stain is used by:



3.Burri Hins-

4 + Ziehl-Neelsen

5 Leffler


404 To determine the bacterial motility method is used:

1 "Hanging" drop

2 Fixed smear

3 Cultivation agar




405 For the production of skin-allergy tests are used for diagnostic purposes:

1 Tuberculin


3 Tetanus toxoid

4 Vaccines

5 Colibacterin


406 For the diagnosis of staphylococcal sepsis apply:

1 direct microscopy of blood

2 Blood cultures on sugar broth

3 Blood cultures on blood agar

4 Blood culture on VSA

5 immunofluorescence method


407 antiglobulin serum. labeled with horseradish peroxidase is used for:




4 Agglutination reactions

5 immunofluorescence method


408 With the help of Wright's reaction reveal:

1 Tuberculosis

2 Brucellosis

3 Syphilis

4 Tularemia

5 Chlamydia


409 What kind of allergic reaction is used for brucellosis:

1 Mantoux

2 Tuberculin

3 samples Burne

4 Antraksina

5 Lyuetina


410 Serological diagnosis of brucellosis:


2 Reaction Heddelsona

3 Wasserman

4 Widal reaction

5 Reaction Yermolyeva


411 What drug is used for the specific prevention of tuberculosis:

1 Tuberculin.

2 Isoniazid.

BCG 3.

4 antitoxic serum.

5 Tubazid


412 Identification of the selected culture produced by defining the following attributes:

1 Clinical

2 tinctorial

3 radiographically

4 Ultrasonic

5 antibiotikochuvstvitelnosti


413 For the diagnosis of primary syphilis are used:

1 The reaction of precipitation


3 dark field microscopy of

4 The reaction Vidal

5 The reaction Wright


414 The method of rapid diagnosis of viral infections is:

1 Immunofluorescence

2 Virological method

3 agglutination

4 allergy tests

5 Bacteriological method


415 Bacteriological diagnosis method:

1 Bydelyayut pure culture with subsequent identification

2 Infect cell culture

3 infect experimental animals

4 Determine the antigenic structure

5 Make a Gram stain

416 The essence of microscopy diagnostic method:

1 Preparation of smear microscopy and

2 Isolation of pure culture

3 Identification of the selected culture

4 Infection of experimental animals

5: Determination of the antigenic structure


417 Bacteriological method of diagnosis:

1 Isolation of pure culture

2 smear

3 Infection of experimental animals

4: Determination of the antigenic structure

5 Statement of allergy test


418 agglutination test is used to:

1 Definitions of microorganisms in the environment

2 Indication of bacteria

3 Indication of viruses

4 serodiagnosis of infectious diseases

5 Definitions rigging products


419 is used for the precipitation reaction:

1 Diagnosis of infectious diseases

2 Definitions of microbial contamination of the soil

3 Definitions complement levels

4 Definitions of blood group

5 Indications of bacteria


420 Serological tests are used to:

1 Prevention of Infectious Diseases

2 Therapy of Infectious Diseases

3 Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases

4 Sanitary-hygienic studies

5 Definitions of biochemical activity


421 For the production of agglutination should be applied:

1 corpuscular antigen.

2 Complement.

3 Normal serum.

4 antigen in a colloidal state.

5 Antibodies lysines.


422 gel precipitation reaction is studied for:

1 Titration of lysozyme

2 Studies of antibiotic resistance

3 Definitions toxigenicity microorganisms

4 Definitions of blood group

5 Titration of complement


423 What is the method used to sterilize laboratory glassware and instruments:

Boil 1

2 Pasteurization

3 Autoclaving

4 Tinsdalizatsiya

5 Filtering


424 Which method is used to detect (indicating) virus in tissue cultures:

1 cytopathic effect

2 Flatulence

3 Transformation

4 Conjugation

5 Dissociation


425 Simple staining techniques used for:

1 Identify the shell

2 Studies forms of microbes

3 capsules Stains

4 Studies of cultural properties

5 Stains plasmids


426 Application method for staining spirochetes:

1 Romanovsky-Giemsa

2 Gram

3 Ziehl-Nielsen

4 Zdrodovsky

5 Burri


427 The main method for coloring primenyayuschysya Bacteria

1. Neisser

2 Gram

3 According to Morozov

4. Leffler

5.-Burri Hins


428 In smears of the inferior turbinate using labeled influenza serum identified influenza viruses. applied:

1 Coombs' test



4 The reaction Koons



429 To complement fixation include:

1 reaction Koons

2 The reaction Coombs

3 Wasserman




430 For the diagnosis of diphtheria primenyut stain smears:

1 Gram

2 Neisser

3 Morozov

4 Leffler

5.-Burri Hins


431 For the cultivation of pathogenic anaerobes used medium:

1.-Bismuth sulfite agar

2 Wednesday Wilson-Blair

3 Wednesday Bordet-Gengou

4 Wednesday Leffler



432 phage typing is used to:

1 Biological indication of ionizing radiation

2 Definitions of pathogenic bacteria

3 Preparation of the vaccine strains

4 increased virulence of bacteria

5 establish the source of infection


433 For the cultivation of anaerobes used:

1 Distiller

2 Anaerobic

3 The unit of Koch

4 Oven Pasteur

5 Autoclave


434 For the cultivation of anaerobes used:



3 Environments Hiss

4 Alkaline Agar

5 Wednesday Kitty Tarotsi


435 Test material for suspected rabies:

1 Spinal Cord

2 Urine

3 Feces

4 slices of the cerebellum

5 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)


436 For the prevention of anthrax:


2 STI vaccine

3 Toxoid

4 antitoxic serum

5 BCG vaccine


437 For specific diphtheria use:



3 Chemical vaccine

4 Antraksin

5 Bacteriophage


438 for the serological diagnosis of syphilis is used:

1 Wasserman

2 The reaction of Ascoli

3 Mitsuda reaction

4 The reaction Schick

5 The reaction Dick


439 In order to identify the source of infection and transmission of the pathogen are used:

1: Determination of plazmokoagulazy

2 phage typing

3 serodiagnosis

4 Bacterioscopic study

5 The biological method


440 for the laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is used:

1 Immunofluorescence

2 Phragmites

3 Radioimmunoassay


5 Reaction coagulation

441 To isolate the tubercle bacilli are used:


2 Blood Agar

3 Tuesday Tinsdalya

4 Lowenstein-Jensen medium

5 of the yolk-salt agar


442 for the laboratory diagnosis of BGA is used:

1 Detection of virus antigen by immunoassay

2 Infection of cell culture

3 neutralization


5 Detection of IgM antibodies


443 to indicate the use of influenza virus:

1 The color sample


3 The reaction of Ascoli

4 The reaction of hemagglutination

5 The reaction gemadsorbtsii


444 The structure of viruses studied by:

1 Light microscopy

2 darkfield microscopy

3 fluorescent microscopy

4 + electron microscopy

5 paper electrophoresis


445 On day 2 the allocation of a pure culture of microbes

aerobes produce:

1 Seeding on Wednesday Hiss

2 Identification of culture

3 Seeding on sloping IPA

4 Sowing on MPA

5: Determination of proteolytic enzymes


446 From the mouth to the bacteriological examination is taken:

1 before eating

2 During the meal

3 Immediately after ingestion

4 2-3 hours after ingestion

5 Anytime


447 Dental instruments are sterilized using:

1 1% solution of chlorine bleach

2 boiled

3 3% phenol solution

4 Dry heat (in a hot air oven)

5 to 70% alcohol


448 colony-forming ability of saliva was determined by:

1 bacterioscopic method

2 serological methods

3 Biological methods

4 Planting saliva on a cup of IPA

5 Titration of lysozyme


449 motile bacteria opredeleyayut using the method:

1 "crushed" drop

2 Fixed smear

3 Cultivation agar




450 To investigate oral candidiasis seeded on:

1 medium Endo

2 medium Clauberg

3 Tuesday Saburo

4 casein-coal environment

5 Blood agar


451 For serological diagnosis of influenza using the reaction:

1 agglutination

2 precipitation

3 hemagglutination inhibition

4 Neutralization

5 Flocculation


452 What is the method used to determine the antibiotic susceptibility:

Method 1 gram stain

2: Method paper discs

3 Virological method

4 Allergic method

5 The biological method


453 To isolate streptococci from pus apply:

1 Blood agar

2 of the yolk-salt agar

3 medium Endo

4 medium Levin

5 Alkaline Agar


454 To isolate the causative agent of tuberculosis medium is used:


2 Blood Agar

3 Tuesday Tinsdalya

4 Potato-glycerol agar



455 for the routine identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using:

1 aerobic and anaerobic degradation of mannitol

2 Reduction of nitrate

3 fluorescence microscopy

4 niacin trial

5 Mantoux


456 Druze Lumpy can be identified using:

1 Microscopic method

2 Bacteriological method

3 Microscopy native preparations

4 Immunofluorescence method



457 Test materials for the isolation of influenza virus is:

1 Blood

2 Feces

3 Liquor

4 Nasopharyngeal wash

5 Urine


458 A microscopic method of diagnosis of gonorrhea using:

1 Discharge urethra


3 punctate from a bubo

4 The blood of the patient

5 stools


459 Test material for research in the RAC for syphilis:

1 Urine

2 Sputum

3 Discharge gummas

4 serum of patients

5 stools


460 Which method you use color to identify capsules:

1 Orzeszkowa

2 Ziehl-Nielsen

3 Hiss

4 Romanovsky-Giemsa

5 Neisseria


461 For specific prevention of gonorrhea use:

1 autovaccine

2 Toxoid

3 Bacteriophage

4 specific gamma globulin

5 Missing


462 In the 1st day of the study in the allocation of a pure culture of aerobic microbes seeded on:

1 cup with IPA

2 Beveled IPA

3 Environments Gisa

4 Russell's Environment

5 Gall broth


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