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1 Read the text quickly. then match each of these headings (a-g) with the paragraph (1-7) to which it best corresponds.

a Termination of employment

b Employment tribunals

c Terms of employment

d Employment legislation

e Labour law

f Protecting the disabled

g Recruitment


1 Employment law entails contracts between employers and employees which are normally controlled by specific legislation. In the UK, certain laws have been enacted regulating the areas of sex discrimination. race relations. disability, health and safety, and employee rights in general. Also, certain aspects of employment contracts are covered by the Trade Union and labour Relations Act 1992.


2 In the recruiting processes, employers must take into consideration that it is unlawful to discriminate between applicants for employment on the basis of gender, marital status, colour, race, nationality, or ethnic or national origins, It is also unlawful to publish job advertisements which might be construed as discriminatory. It is unlawful for a person to discriminate against another based on sex or marital status in the hiring process and in respect of the terms and conditions of employment. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as where sex or marital status is a genuine occupational qualification (GOQ).


3 The law protects disabled persons by making it unlawful to discriminate against such persons in the interviewing and hiring process and regarding the terms of the offer of employment. Employers are required to make reasonable adjustments in the place of work to accommodate disabled persons. However, cost may be taken into account when determining what is reasonable.


4 After the employee is hired, protection is provided generally under the Employment Rights Act 1996. In particular, this Act requires the employer to provide the employee with a document containing the terms and conditions of employment. The statement must include the following: identities of the parties, the date of employment, a statement of whether there has been continuation of employment, the amount and frequency of pay. hours of work. holiday entitlement, job title and work location.


5 Matters related to termination of employment, such as unfair dismissal, discriminatory dismissal or redundancy dismissal are governed by the Employment Rights Act 1996. Also, certain aspects of termination of employment are governed by the Trade Union and labour Relations Act 1992 when the decision to terminate employment is in some way related to the activities of a trade union.


6 The protections mentioned above are largely enforced through complaints to an employment tribunal. The tribunal has the power to render decisions and issue orders in respect of the parties’ rights in relation to complaints. It may also order compensation for loss of prospective earnings and injured feelings.


7 Employment law relates to the areas covered above, while labour law3 refers to the negotiation, collective bargaining and arbitration processes. Labour laws primarily deal with the relationship between employers and trade unions. These laws grant employees the right to unionise and allow employers and employees to engage in certain activities (e.g. strikes, picketing, seeking injunctions. lockouts) so as to have their demands fulfilled.


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