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Mary Ellen O’Connell explains the aim (purpose) of international law and the power it has to achieve that purpose. International law supports order in the world and the attainment of humanity’s fundamental goals of peace, prosperity, respect for human rights, and protection of the natural environment. These goals can best be realized through international law, which uniquely has the capacity to bind even a superpower of the world.

International law attempts to define the standard of conduct for international relationships between and among states, as well as addressing the application of domestic law to foreign persons within individual states.

Two primary purposes of international law are:

- to build cooperation between and among states;

- to set standards and procedures to minimize conflict between states.



1. Give the detailed answer about the subjects of International Law?

2. Describe the situation as for the subjects of International Law in the 19th century?

3. Make up your own definition of the subjects of International Law considering the information given? Give an example of the subjects of International Law?

4. What can you tell about the features of the subjects of International Law?

5. When the international organization can be accepted as the subjects of International Law? Give examples of this type of international organization?

6. What is a role of international organizations in the relationships between nations? Why it is so?

7. What is the International Organization Immunities Act?

8. What is the most influential among international organizations? Give a brief description of it.

9. Name a principal judicial organ of the UN?

10. What can be regarded as an object of Public International Law? Give the example.

11. Name the very first object of International Law for a given nation?

12. What should be done in case of war?

13. Define Mary the aim (purpose) of international law by Ellen O’Connell?

14. What are two primary purposes of International Law?

15. Resume the information received.


2. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the text above:


1. International law attempts to define _______________________ for international relationships between and among states;

2. International law supports order in the world and the ___________

__________________________________________, respect for human rights, and protection of the natural environment;

3. The first object of international law for a given nation is ________________________________________________________________________________________;

4. ___________, make such arrangements, that the least possible evil may be produced, consistent with the acquisition of the good which is sought for;

5. ____________________________, on the other hand, is merely indirectly vested with rights and obligations in the international sphere;

6. The International Court of Justice is established by the UN Charter as ________________________;

7. _____________________, the most influential among international organizations, was created on June 26, 1945;

8. __________________________ is one that created by international agreement or which has membership consisting primary of nations;

9. To vitalize the status of international organization of which United States is a member and facilitate their activities Congress has enacted the ___________________________________________;

10. While States are _______________________________, and have all of these capacities, there are other subjects of international law;

11. The one of the main features of a subject of international law is the ability to access international tribunals __________________________________________________;

12. ___________________________ (also called an international legal person) is a body or entity recognized or accepted as being capable of exercising international rights and duties;

13. Subjects of International Law can be described as those persons or entities who possess;

14. A subject of international law is _________________________________________________ and of bringing international claims;

15. Since the establishment of international criminal tribunals, ________________ are also proper subjects of international law.


3. Define if the following sentences are true or false. Use the required information from the text above and correct the false statements:

Statements True or False
1. In Public international law, the subjects of international law traditionally included states.  
2. Since the establishment of international criminal tribunals, individuals are not proper subjects of international law.  
3. Subjects of International Law can be described as those persons or entities who possess international personality.  
4.Throughout the 19th century, not only States were qualified as subjects of international law.  
5. A subjectof international law (also called an international legal person)is a body or entity recognized or accepted as being capable of exercising international rights and duties.  
6. There are at least two definite examples of subjects of international law, namely, States and international organizations.  
7.An International Court of Justice is one that created by international agreement or which has membership consisting primary of nations.  
8. The International Organization Immunities Act, which among other provisions defines the capacity of international organizations.  
9. The United Nations, the most influential among international organizations, was created on June 25, 1995.  
10. The International Court of Justice is established by the UN Charter as its principal judicial organ.  
11. An object of Public International Law, on the other hand, is merely indirectly vested with rights and obligations in the international sphere.  
12. International law attempts to define the standard of conduct for international relationships between and among states, as well as addressing the applicationof domestic law to foreign persons within individual states.  
13.There is one primary purpose of international law: - to build cooperation between and among states.  


1. Study the definitions of the following terms and find examples of its practical use:

International criminal tribunals - are temporary (ad hoc) or permanent courts convened for the purpose of deciding cases arising under international criminal law;

International personality (international legal personality, ILP) - a “person” in the international legal order;

Natural persons (i.e. individuals) - is a real human being, as opposed to a legal person, which may be a corporation or state;

Entity - is something that exists by itself, although it need not be of material existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities;

Immunity - exemption from penalties, payments, or legal requirements, granted by authorities or statutes;

Lawful objects - an object of a contract that is permitted by law and possible of performance; the object of agreement must be lawful, i.e. the object should not be illegal, immoral or opposed to public policy;

Provision - a statement within an agreement or a law that a particular thing must happen or be done, especially before another can happen or be done;

Principal judicial organ - the International Court of Justice, located at the Hague in the Netherlands;

Recourse - is an action that can be taken by an individual or a corporation to attempt to remedy a legal difficulty;

Grievance - an actual or supposed circumstance regarded as just cause for complaint;

Acquisition - the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something;

Attainment - the act of achieving an aim; “the attainment of independence”;

Prosperity- the condition of prospering; success or wealth;

Application - the act of applying or making a request; an oral or written formal motion, request, or petition.


2. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions:


1. The International Court of Justice acts as a world court. The Court has a dual jurisdiction: it decides, in accordance _________ international law, disputes of a legal nature that are submitted ______ it by States and it gives advisory opinions ______ legal questions _____ the request of the organs of the United Nations or specialized agencies authorized to make such a request;

2. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ ____ the United Nations (UN). It was established ____ June 1945 ______ the Charter of the United Nations and began work in April 1946;

3. The seat of the Court is ______ the Peace Palace _____ The Hague (Netherlands). ______ the six principal organs of the United Nations, it is the only one not located ______ New York (United States of America).

4. The Court’s role is to settle, ______ accordance ______ international law, legal disputes submitted ____ it by States and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.

5. The Court is composed _____15 judges, who are elected_____ terms of office ___ nine years ____ the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council. It is assisted ____ a Registry, its administrative organ. Its official languages are English and French.

6. The Court has a twofold role: to settle, ____ accordance _______ international law, legal disputes submitted _____ it by States (Contentious cases) and to give advisory opinions (Advisory proceedings) ______ legal questions referred ______ it by duly authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies;

7. The International Court of Justice was established ______ the Charter of the United Nations, which provides that all Member States of the United Nations are ipso facto parties _____ the Court’s Statute. The composition and functioning of the Court are organized by this Statute, and ______ the Rules of the Court which are drawn up _____ the Court itself. Since October 2001, the Court has also issued Practice Directions for use ______ States appearing before it;

8. The Court may entertain two types of cases: legal disputes ______ States submitted ____ it by them (contentious cases) and requests ______ advisory opinions _____ legal questions referred _____ it by United Nations organs and specialized agencies (advisory proceedings);

9. The Library ____ the International Court of Justice has its origins _____ the Library of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Before its own Library was created in January 1931, the Permanent Court only had access ______ the collection of the Peace Palace Library;

10. The International Court ____ Justice offers internships of one _____ three months ____ students and young professionals who are in the early stages of their careers. The internship is an opportunity _____ them to put their knowledge and experience ______ practice, while performing certain tasks for the Court under the supervision of Registry officials.


3. a) Study the use of the phrases with STATE and translate the sentences given below into Ukrainian:

Sovereign state — суверенна держава; The limits of the sovereign state: Strategies of Crime Control in Contemporary Society;

Member state — держава-член (будь-якої організації); A member state of the European Union is a state that is party to treaties of the European Union (EU) and thereby subject to the privileges and obligations of EU membership;

To establish / found / set up a state — створити державу; In the Palestinian Declaration of Independence, the State of Palestine is described as being established on the “Palestinian territory”, without explicitly specifying further;

To govern / rule a state — керувати державою; Who was the only governor to govern two different US states? (Robert Lucas was Governor of Ohio from 1832-1836 and Governor of the Iowa Territory from 1838-1841);

Puppet state — маріонетна держава; Puppet governments are usually kept in power by military force provided by an occupying country;

Welfare state — “держава всезагального добробуту” (з системою соціального забезпечення, безкоштовним навчанням); A welfare state is a “concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens”;

State of affairs – загальний стан речей у державі у конкретний проміжок часу; “Wondered how such a state of affairs had come about” - Franklin D. Roosevelt;

Renegade state, rogue nation, rogue state – держава, що не поважає зовнішню політику інших держав; The concept of “rogue state” plays a pre-eminent role today in policy planning and analysis;

City state – держава, що складається з одного суверенного міста; A city-state is an independent or autonomous entity whose territory consists of a city which is not administered as a part of another local government.

Client state- залежна держава,сателіт; “Each superpower continues to arm its client states” (C.L. Sulzberger).


b) Study the use of the phrases with “LAW” and translate the sentences given below into Ukrainian:

Law as the instrument of the state - право, як знаряддя держави;“Law as an Instrument of Social Control and Law as Facilitation of Human Interaction” /Do we use law as an instrument of constraint to keep people from evil or damaging behavior, or do we, through rules of law, provides for our citizens a framework within which they can organize their relations with one another in such a manner as to make possible a peaceful and profitable coexistence;

Conflict of laws - конфлікт законів; Conflict of laws (or private international law) is a set of procedural rules that determines which legal system and which jurisdiction’s applies to a given dispute;

In law - за законом, законно; Documents in Law. History and Diplomacy;

Conflict-of-interest law - правило службової етики; A conflict of interest (COI) occurs when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other;

To go to law - розпочати судову тяжбу/ судовий процес; Having been waiting for insurance compensation and listening to the promising speeches of managers Mr.Tyler decided to go to law with John and Jackson Insurance Company;

To be at law with smb. - судитися з кимось; Jim Stuker, the investment director of TMI Stuker Group, is at law with CRM Agency because of copying the design of brand new service in IT.

Everyone is equal before the law - всі є рівні перед законом; Everyone is equal before the law? While some are dealt with appropriately for breaking the rules, others make up the law as they go along, especially if that someone is related to an influential politico;

Uniform law - право, що стало подібним чи однаковим з правом інших країн; Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods;

Family law - кодекс, що містить статті стосовно сімейних відносин, особливо щодо розлучень, всиновлення та опіки; Family law covers rules for living together, prenuptial agreements, marriage, divorce, alimony, and mediation, along with the laws on domestic violence, child support, child custody and visitation, adoption, same-sex marriage, elder care, and senior law;

Law clinic - надання юридичних консультацій безкоштовно або зі знижкою, яке зазвичай пропонується студентами-юристами під патронатом досвічених викладачів-практиків; Berkeley Law’s clinics — seven in the community, three in the law school — are directed by full-time faculty members who are highly regarded experts in their fields.

4. Complete the definitions of instruments below using words from the box. You may need to consult a dictionary:

communications recommendations and opinions regulations decisions directives

1. ________________________ are views and preferences expressed by EU institutions, but they are not binding on the member states;

2. ________________________ are detailed instructions which are applicable throughout the EU and which are directly binding on the member states, which means that they become a part of the member state’s national legal system automatically without the need for separate national legal measures;

3. _________________________ are EU decisions which are binding on the EU institutions and the member states, but they are only general instructions on the goal to be achieved; the way the goal is reached is left to the discretion of each member state;

4. _________________________ are fully binding on those to whom they are addressed (a member state, a company or an individual). They are based on a specific Treaty Article and do not require national implementing legislation;

5. _______________________ are published by the Commission and set out the background to a policy area. They usually indicate the Commission’s intended course of action in this area.



1. Use the verbs in the correct form:

1. We the peoples of the United Nations determined to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations ___________ (to arise) from treaties and other sources of international law can be _______________ (to maintain);

2. Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives ______________ (to assemble) in the city of San Francisco, who _____________ (to exhibit) their full powers ____________ (to found) to be in good and due form, ________________ (to agree) to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization ______________ (to know) as the United Nations;

3. Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which _____________ (to accept) the obligations __________________ (to contain) in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, ______________ (to be able) and willing to carry out these obligations;

4. A Member of the United Nations which ____________ persistently _____________ (to violate) the Principles ______________ (to contain) in the present Charter _________________________ (may; to expel) from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council;

5. The Charter of the United Nations _________________ (to sign) on 26 June 1945, in San Francisco, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, and ______________ (to come) into force on 24 October 1945.

2. Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the verbs in the box:

to hold to derive to be to consider to be accountable to drive to adopt to promulgate to encompass to enforce

Promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels 1)__________ at the heart of the United Nations’ mission. Establishing respect for the rule of law is fundamental to achieving a durable peace in the aftermath of conflict, to the effective protection of human rights, and to sustained economic progress and development. The principle that everyone – from the individual right up to the State itself – 2)________________________ to laws that 3)_____________ publicly ________________, equally 4)_______________ and independently adjudicated, is a fundamental concept which 5)______________ much of the United Nations work. The principle of the rule of law embedded in the Charter of the United Nations 6)____________________ elements relevant to the conduct of State to State relations. The main United Nations organs, including the General Assembly and the Security Council, have essential roles in this regard, which 7)___________________ from and require action in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. The General Assembly 8)_____________________ rule of law as an agenda item since 1992, with renewed interest since 2006 and 9)________________ resolutions at its last three sessions. The Security Council 10)__________________ a number of thematic debates on the rule of law and adopted resolutions emphasizing the importance of these issues in the context of women, peace and security, children in armed conflict, the protection of civilians in armed conflict. The Peacebuilding Commission has also regularly addressed rule of law issues with respect to countries on its agenda.


Render the following text or information into English. In groups of three-four discuss this information and get ready to inform the students of other groups about your findings/conclusions:


Організація Об’єднаних Націй в Україні

Незалежність, здобута Україною в 1991 році, не тільки розпочала нову сторінку в історії розвитку країни, але й визначила низку завдань, без вирішення котрих значно зменшуються можливості інтегрування України в світове суспільство. З’явилися питання щодо модернізації всієї інфраструктури країни до рівня міжнародних стандартів, особливо у сферах економіки, медицини, освіти та в суспільно-політичній сфері - щодо побудови прозорого, демократичного суспільства, охорони природних ресурсів, управління людськими ресурсами та розвиток нових інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій.

Після оголошення незалежності, молода держава почала відчувати значну кількість економічних, соціальних та політичних проблем, які могли бути вирішені тільки з використанням нових підходів основаних на принципах демократичного суспільства та поваги до прав людини. Для того, щоб прискорити інтеграцію України в світове суспільство, потрібно було бажання людей - а також, підтримка міжнародних організацій. Організація Об’єднаних Націй стала однією з перших, хто надав таку підтримку, відкривши свій офіс у Києві в 1992 році. Беручи до уваги, що в Україні під “одним дахом” працюють кілька агенцій ООН, в червні 1999 року, Генеральний Секретар ООН Кофі Аннан надав київському офісу Організації статус Представництва ООН. Офіційна церемонія відкриття Представництва ООН в Україні була проведена 14 червня 2000 року. Сьогодні, блакитний прапор ООН здіймається над будинком що знаходиться за адресою Кловський узвіз, 1. Генеральний Секретар ООН Бан Кі-Мун призначив пана Олів’є Адама Координатором системи ООН в Україні 1 серпня 2009 року. Одночасно, голова ПРООН Хелен Кларк призначила пана Адама Постійним представником ПРООН в Україні.

24 березня 2011 року представники установ системи ООН та Уряду України підписали Рамкову програму партнерства Уряду України – ООН на 2012-2016 роки.

Впровадження Рамкової програми партнерства Уряду України – ООН на 2012-2016 роки стане якісно новим кроком співпраці України з ООН, оскільки вперше наголос робиться на принципі партнерства та ведучої ролі української сторони у визначенні пріоритетів та цілей допомоги з боку ООН, а також спільної відповідальності за досягнення результативності співпраці, що завдяки авторитету організацій системи ООН стимулюватиме інших донорів та інвесторів до розвитку взаємовигідного партнерства з Україною». Рамкова програма визначає основи стратегічного планування та діяльності ООН в Україні на наступні п’ять років відповідно до 4 головних сфер партнерства:

1. стале економічне зростання і подолання бідності;

2. соціальний розвиток;

3. врядування та управління;

4. навколишнє середовище та зміна клімату.

Загальний орієнтовний обсяг ресурсів, які організації системи ООН передбачають виділити на реалізацію визначених цілей Рамкової програми, становить 132 млн. дол. США (стале економічне зростання і подолання бідності - 12 450 дол. США; соціальний розвиток - 64 000 дол. США; врядування та управління - 21 585 дол. США; навколишнє середовище та зміна клімату - 34 730 дол. США).


1. Write an essay on topic “The Importance of International Organizations is whole system of International Relations”.

2. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of the internships in the International Court of Justice and compare it with your peer’s list/ideas.


1. Word formation:

Verb Noun Adjective
Globalise   Global

2. Complete the sentences using words from the box:

bilateral inter-state non-governmental supranational

1. Finland and Sweden have concluded a _____________________________________ agreement on economic co-operation in international emergency situations;

2. A _________________________________________ organisation is a legally constituted organisation created by private persons or organisations with no participation or representation of any government;

3. The EU is a ___________________________ organisation that creates, implements and enforces substantive policies for its members;

4. The International Court of Justice has been criticised for its failure to resolve _____________________ disputes.


3. Match these words with prefixes (1-6) with their definitions (a-f):

1. interagency a neutral, especially towards major powers;

2. non-aligned b involving two groups or two countries;

3. non-governmental c without any participation or representation of a government;

4. bilateral d within the boundaries of a state;

5. multinational e involving several different countries;

6. intrastate f involving two or more agencies, especially government agencies.



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