Exercise 10.
A. Answer the questions: 1. What different problems have the child stars had in their lives? 2. Do you know what they are doing these days? 3. Can you think of any other films that have children as their stars? 4. How good are the child actors? Who is the best in your opinion? B. Read text 2 again and find out which child star(s): 1. haven’t made any films since their childhood. 2. have had successful careers as adult film stars. 3. have had a successful career or role outside of films or acting. 4. separated from their families. 5. had a famous grandfather. 6. had drug problems while still a child. 7. had problems with a fan. 8. earned the most money as a child. 9. was married a lot of times. 10. has also directed films. Exercise 11. Complete the following definitions using the words in the box.
1. The putting together of sequences and scenes in a film: __ editing ____ 2. A story written for a film: ________________ 3. Someone who writes stories for a film: ________________ 4. All the actors in a film: ________________ 5. Series of events in a film that make up the main story: ________________ 6. Images or sounds in a film that are created by trick photography or computers: ________________ 7. The music in a film: ________________ 8. The main actors in a film: ________________ 9. The person responsible for overall artistic content of film, including telling the cast what to do: ________________