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1. I don’t mind a bit of fun, but putting salt in Gran’s coffee is (a) OUT OF DATE.

2. How long can you stay (b) IN BLOSSOM before you have to come up for air?

3. John is in Saudi Arabia (c) WITH CARE, but he should be home next week.

4. Before we were married, you said that you would love me (d) ON MY KNEES.

5. The idea looks good (e) IN GEAR, but will it really work?

6. The parcel which the postman threw on to my desk has “Fragile, handle (f) FOR EVER ” written on it.

7. The orchard is beautiful in spring, when all the fruit trees are (g) OUT OF THE QUESTION.

8. I can see from your tie that you had a boiled egg (h) AT PRESENT.

9. When I went down (i) AFTER DARK and asked her to marry me, she said I was not tall enough.

10. I didn’t get a pay rise: the boss said that it was (j) ON PAPER this year.

11. Practical training is often known as (k) BEYOND A JOKE training.

12. This encyclopedia is (l) UNDER ARREST: it says that the present ruler of France is Napoleon Bonaparte.

13. When the police told him he was (m) ON THE JOB for speeding, my grandfather was amazed, as he was on his bicycle at the time.

14. The park is safe during the day, but you should not go there alone (n) FOR BREAKFAST.

15. When you park, don’t just put on the handbrake. Leave the car (o) UNDER WATER as well.

Write your answers here:


Speaking task. A few years ago going to the cinema was more popular than it is now. Answer the questions and speak on the following:

1. Can you call yourself a cinema / moviegoer?

2. Do you have a favourite film?

3. How many times have you seen it? What makes you see it again and again?

4. When did you last go to the cinema?

5. What film did you see?

6. Why did you choose that film?

7. What was your impression of the film?

8. How does music add to the effect of the film?

9. Do you have favourite movie stars? What attracts you in them?

10. Do you like to read about their life in media? Do you think it is necessary to discuss their personal affairs in public?

11. Do you think cinema and television compete as rivals or coexist peacefully?

12. Some people say that in the nearest future there will be no cinema and theatre, only television, do you agree?

Writing task: Write about a film or a play you know well and like. Try to use terms from Units 3 and 4.

First, explain: what it’s called; who’s in it; where it takes place; what your favourite scene is; what type of film it is; who it’s by; why you like it.

Then, write a report recommending a film (play) for other people. You should try to give as much information about it as possible, giving a brief description of what it was about, the main characters, aspects that you thought were good or bad, its suitability for different ages and so on.

Suggested activity in conclusion: Find information about film production in Ukraine, well-known Ukrainian films, outstanding directors and famous film stars.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 707. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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