Апта №
| Тақырып атауы
| Оқыту түрі, сағат саны
| СӨЖ ге тапсырма
6 семестр
| Bringing up a better child:
Grammar: Function of the infinitive.
| Практ - 6
СӨЖ -12
| Report on child education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK.
| A problem child.
Grammar: Function of the infinitive.
| Практ - 6
СӨЖ -12
| Presentation on the issue of problem child.
| A world fit for children:
Grammar: Function of the infinitive.
| Практ - 6
СӨЖ -12
| Project work: Violence is a learned behavior.
| The impact of divorce on children:
Grammar: Function of the infinitive.
| Практ - 6
СӨЖ -12
| Report: the role of family in children's upbringing.
| The role of the English language teacher
Grammar: Participle I and Participle II.
| Практ - 6
СӨЖ -12
| Report: How can English language influence a person's life.
| Making a good teacher
Grammar: Participle I and Participle II. Forms and functions
| Практ - 6
СӨЖ -12
| Observe a lesson and write a lesson review.
Describe the lesson, show the good which would be useful for you in future.
| My first teaching experience.
Grammar: NominativeAbsolute Participle Construction.
| Практ - 6
СӨЖ -12
| Watch the film To sir, with love and write a summery.
| My first teaching experience.
Grammar: Participle I and Participle II. Meaning and functions.
| Практ - 3
СӨЖ -6
| Write an essay on the theme: My first teaching experience.
| Total
| Практ - 45
СӨЖ -90
| | | | |