Crude oil and natural gas
1. Find Russian equivalents to the following words: Trap, sediment, hydrogen rich, pipeline, gas stream, well, heavy oil, petrol, diesel, jet fuel, transportation fuel, bunkering fuel, diluting, refine, refining, volatile, viscous, fraction, hydrofiner, sulphur content, barrel, Barrels of Oil Equivalent, Ton of Oil Equivalent, combustible, thousands of cubic feet, millions of cubic feet, trillions of cubic feet, generate, deposition, source-rock, shale, fine grained, permeable, oil-bearing rock, buoyancy, continuity of reservoir, expulsion, expel from, migration, impervious, seal, porous rock, dense, field, seep away, oil seepage, constituent, consistency, boiling point, kerosene, dry natural gas, wet natural gas, rich gas, lean gas, sour gas, sweet gas, sales gas, condensate, natural gasoline, well effluent, raw gas.
2. Translate into Russian:
1. Unless there is a recovery in crude oil prices, real tax reform, and a further depreciation of currency, the company will struggle to survive. 2. Crude oil prices have fallen precipitously in real terms. 3. The ban on smoky coal is proving beneficial, but the country is largely dependent on fuels such as oil and coal which increase greenhouse gases. 4. Even small amounts of gasoline or other volatile fuels or solvents mixed with kerosene can substantially increase the risk of a fire or an explosion.In fact, all volatile substances are potentially narcotics. 5. Our cars run on fuel, which, to some, is a thick viscous liquid that needs to be filled in the petrol tank periodically. 6. It is unusual to drill an oil well without a paleontologist onsite to determine when the desired oil-bearing rock layer has been reached. 7. He also encouraged the exploration of the Amazonian rainforest, which led to the subsequent exploitation of significant oilfields. 8. Different boiling points allow the hydrocarbons to be separated by distillation. 9. Mineral extraction is important: crude oil is refined and exported, there are large coal, tin, and iron ore deposits, and China leads the world in tungsten ore production. 10.Carrier-bed rocks are lithologically the same as reservoir rocks, that is, sandstones, limestones, or fractured rocks of all types. When oil is refined this reaction is used to remove unwanted alkenes. 11.The process gradually refines the steel – compacting the grain while adjusting the carbon content. 12.A ‘carrier bed’ is a porous and permeable rock near the source rock through which petroleum flows from source to trap. 13.One Bbl of crude oil corresponds to approx. six Mcf of natural gas.