Студопедия — Chapter 1 Love Is All Around Us
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Chapter 1 Love Is All Around Us

`Whenever I feel unhappy about the state of the world,' the Prime Minister thought to himself, `I think about the Arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport, where happy, smiling passengers greet their friends and relatives. It seems to me that love is everywhere. It isn't big news - but it's always there. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, friends and strangers. When the planes hit New York, people's last phone calls weren't messages of hate. They were messages of love. If you look for it, you'll find - I think - that love actually is all around us...’


In a recording studio in London, an ageing rock star was recording a new song.

`I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.’

Three much younger singers joined in enthusiastically: `Love is all around me - and so the...’

`I'm afraid you did it again, Billy!' his manager, Joe, called out. `I know the old words so well.’

`We all do - and that's why we're doing these new ones.'

`Right. OK. Let's do it again.’

The music started again. Billy sang: `I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes. Love is all... Oh no!’

The music stopped and then started again.

`I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.

Christmas is all around me...’

Joe smiled.

`And so the feeling grows.

It's written in the wind, It's everywhere I go.

So if you really love Christmas Come on and let it snow...’

Billy stopped singing. `This is rubbish, isn't it?' he said.

`Yes - complete rubbish, great rock star!' Joe agreed happily.


In another part of the city, Jamie was preparing to go out. His girlfriend Katya watched him from the bed.

`I'm going to be late for the wedding,' he said anxiously.

`It's just round the corner. You'll be there in time.’

`You really don't mind me going without you?' he sked.

`No - I'm just feeling bad.’

`I love you,' Jamie told her, and he kissed her.

`I know.’

`I love you even when you're ill and look terrible.’

`I know. Now go, or you'll miss it.’


Jamie left the room, then put his head round the door again. `Did I tell you that I love you?’

`Yes, you did,' Katya said impatiently. `Now go!’


A few streets away, Daniel sat alone in his home office, thinking about the recent death of his wife. He rested his head in his hands for a moment. Then he lifted his head, picked up the phone and rang his friend Karen.

`Karen - it's me again. I'm sorry. There's really nobody else I can talk to.’

Karen was in her kitchen, cooking her children's dinner. `Of course we can talk,' she said. `It's a bad moment now, though. Can I call you back in a minute?’

`Of course,' Daniel replied.

`It doesn't mean I'm not terribly sad that your wife just died.'

`Understood. Ring me later.’ Daniel put the phone down.

Karen turned back to her seven-year-old daughter, Daisy. `So - what's this big news?' she asked.

`We've been given our parts in the Christmas play,' Daisy told her. `I'm the lobster.’

`The lobster?' said Karen.


`In the Christmas play?’

`Yes,' said Daisy. `First lobster.’

`There was more than one lobster at the birth of Jesus?’



In a church by a river, Peter was standing with his best man, Mark.

It was his wedding day.

`No surprises?' Peter asked.

`No surprises,' Mark promised.

`Not like the stag night?’

`Unlike the stag night.’

`Those Brazilian women were a mistake, weren't they?’

`They were. Especially because they were actually men.’

`That's true. Good luck.’

They shook hands.

As the music started, Peter stepped forward and turned towards he back of the church. And there, walking towards him, was Juliet, smiling happily in her white wedding dress.

Mark picked up his video recorder and started to film.

Juliet walked more quickly until she was standing next to Peter. The service began. Wedding music played, songs were sung, and at the end of the service Peter and Juliet exchanged rings. The vicar smiled.

`You are now man and wife,' he told them, and the happy couple kissed.

Peter turned to Mark. `No surprises. Good,' he said.

`No, I've grown up,' Mark replied.

At that moment, the traditional wedding music stopped, and from behind a curtain voices began to sing a Beatles song. The curtain went back. Twenty people were singing `All You Need Is Love'.

Juliet looked happily at Peter. `Did you do this?’

`Er... No.' Peter looked at Mark. Mark looked away.

All around the church, people stood up and started joining in with their instruments. At the front, an electric guitarist appeared.


On the same day the new Prime Minister's car, protected by police cars, drove along Downing Street and stopped outside number 10. There were crowds outside the building shouting his name. Journalists from TV, radio and the newspapers pushed forward with their microphones and cameras. The Prime Minister was a popular and attractive man.

Inside 10, Downing Street it was suddenly quiet after all the noise outside. The Prime Minister's personal adviser was waiting for him.

`Welcome, Prime Minister,' Annie said.

`I must practise my wave,' replied the Prime Minister. He kissed her.

`How are you feeling?' Annie asked.

`Good. Powerful.’

`Would you like to meet the people who work here?’

`Yes, very much, if that means I don't have to start running the country yet.’

Annie led him to a long line of employees. `This is Terence, sir,’ she said. `He's in charge.’

`Good morning, sir,' Terence said.

`Good morning,' the Prime Minister answered. `I had an uncle called Terence. I hated him. There was something very strange about him. I like the look of you, though.’

`This is Pat,' Annie said quickly.

`Good morning, sir. I'm responsible for arrangements in your private flat,' said Pat.

`Good morning, Pat. I'll be easier to look after than the last Prime Minister - no baby, no teenagers, no frightening wife.'

`And this is Natalie,' Annie said. `She's new, like you.’

`Hello, Natalie,' said the Prime Minister.

`Hello, David - I mean, sir. Oh, I can't believe I said that. I'm so sorry, sir’

`That's fine,' said the Prime Minister. He laughed as Natalie's face went prettily pink. Then he looked at her more carefully.

`Right,' said Annie. `Let's fix the country, shall we?'

`Good idea! Why not?’

As the Prime Minister walked away, he looked back over his shoulder and took another quick look at Natalie. Then he went into his office.

`Oh no,' he said to himself. `How inconvenient.’


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 845. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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