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Of the true baptism, and how God, in the midst of these storms, preserved His church.

The followers of the doctrine of Peter Bruis and Henry of Toulouse, who, in many respects, concurred in the belief of the Anabaptists of the present day, increase to such an extent, A. D. 1206, that in the provinces of Languedoc, Narbonne, Gascony, but few people were found who did not adhere to their doctrine; also the three articles of their doctrine against the Roman church.

The ancient Waldenses again appear, A. D. 1218, and, though excommunicated by the pope in the bull of the Lord's Supper, declare. against the swearing of oaths, taking the life of evil-doers, the faith of the Roman church, ungodly priests, the pope.

Circumstantial account, that these people, A. D. 1230, were so numerous, that one traveling from his country to Milan, could lodge every night with one of his persuasion.

The increase of the Waldenses in France and Flanders, is again stated for, A. D. 1238.

Statement, for 1242, that they not only confessed their belief with the mouth, but also suffered for:t.

Thirty-eight years after, namely, A. D. 1280, it is shown, that their doctrine had penetrated not only into Lombardy, but even into Sicily; several articles of their doctrine described in full.

Their increase in various countries of Christendom is again shown, for the year 1284, as a proof that notwithstanding the persecutions raised against them, they did not diminish.

A certain doctrine of Alexander, namely, that baptism must be administered on confession of faith; whereupon the Waldenses and Albigenses are introduced once more, for the last time, and it is stated that they considered infant baptism of no virtue.

Conclusion, being Jacob Mehrning's reply to Mellinus, respecting baptism.]

This is the century, writes Jacob Mehrning, with which the Magdeburg Centuriators have closed their church history, etc. Concerning this time they write in the preface as follows, "This is the calamitous time, in which the Roman pope exalted his might to the highest, in the occidental churches, and the Turk his power, in the Orient; where, then, the divine and pure doctrine became most abominably adulterated in every respect.

Yea, the ground of doctrine, and all external ceremonies, as well as all points of doctrine,-all these, without reservation, the Pope of Rome would have under his control; in consequence of which such a blindness and darkness arose among men, that almost all of them took upon them the yoke, submitting whatever they spoke or wrote, with more fear to the judgment of the pope, than of God Himself, or of His church. Rules were established. by which all controverted articles were

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