Студопедия — Denying that there is still besides a third or fourth place.
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Denying that there is still besides a third or fourth place.

They accepted and admitted but two sacraments, namely, holy baptism and the holy Supper. They said that all masses, particularly those for the dead, should be rejected; likewise all human institutions, and that they ought not to be considered necessary to salvation: They also taught that the chanting, the hours, the fasting connected with certain days, superfluous feast days, distinction of food, the many degrees and orders of priests, monks, and nuns, the benedictions and consecrations of creatures, vows, pilgrimages, in short, the vast medley of ceremonies which in the times past had been brought into vogue, ought to be abolished. They denied the supremacy of the pope, especially as exercised by him over secular government, and admitted no other degrees in church offices than bishops, teachers (then called priests), and deacons. They said that the Roman see is the true Babylon, and the pope the fountain of all misery; that the marriage of the priests (or teachers) is good, and necessary in the church; that those who hear and rightly understand the Word of God, are the true church, to which Christ has given the keys, to let the sheep in, and to drive away the wolves."Behold here," says the writer,"the sum of the doctrine of the Waldoes (or Waldenses), which was oppugned by the enemies of truth, and on account of which they, according to the testimony of their opponents, were persecuted." P. 7. Turisck, Chron., p. 605, col. 2, and p. 606, col. 1, from the Staet der Kerchen, Jan. Cresp., fol. 314, 315, 316. Merul., fol. 843. Henr. Boxh., fol. 19, 25.

A. D. 1284.-At this time the Waldenses, according to Twisck, multiplied more and more in France and other countries of Christendom, though they were sought with craftiness and cruelly persecuted, and even previously every means and all diligence had been employed to utterly extirpate them; which greatly astonished certain bishops of that time, and also certain lawyers of Avignon, in certain consultations held against them, and still extant. P. J. Twisck, Chron., p. 611, col. 2.

Concerning the form or mode of baptism, Alexander* (p. 4, q. 11, m. 1), in this century, says, "Baptism shall be administered in confession of

faith in the Holy Trinity." Jac. Mehr., Bapt. Hist., p. 726.

Centurid 13, of the Magdeburg Centuriators, cap. 5, fol. 216, 217, from Cesarius, states"That the Waldenses and Albigenses rejected baptism at this time, saying that it was inefficacious and useless; which they, as Jacob Mehrning writes, understood of infant baptism, which is administered without instruction and faith; for the Waldenses had a very high regard for the baptism of -Christ, as administered according to His ordinance." Bapt. Hist., pp. 733, 734.

* We will say nothing of this Alexander, but merely speak of his doctrine. NOTE. A. D. 1287.-Probus, Bishop of Tullo, was at this time so enlightened of God that he not only opposed Pope Honorius IV, but also delivered an excellent oration, in which he freely exposed the errors of the papists. Compare Catal. Test. fol. 654, with the 13th book van den Ondergang, p. 614, col. 1.

A. D. 1299.-In the year 1299 certain Albigenses and Waldenses, called Fratricelli, or Little Brothers (of whose faith and life we have spoken elsewhere), became so odious to Boniface VIII, Pope of Rome, on account of their uprightness, which the papists called falseness, that he declared them heretics; but as we intend elsewhere to speak more fully of their belief and walk among men, we will content ourselves here with merely mentioning them; it being sufficient for us that these people and their doctrine existed until the very close of this century. See in the large Christen Martelaersboeck, edition 1619, fol. 471, from Trithem. Chron. Hirsaug.

Proceeding to the close of the century, we will close with the conclusion of Jacob Mehrning, which is a reply to A. Mellinus, who did his best to show that the Waldenses did not well accord with the Anabaptists in the article of baptism. Mehrning replies to him as follows, "Abraham Mellinus (in his large Nederlandtsch Martelaers book) dared to say: 'The Waldenses would not agree with the so-called Anabaptists in the article of infant baptism.' But the good man forgets that he himself has adduced testimonies from Bernard, Peter Cluniacensis, and from the Magdeburg Centuries,* which refute and condemn this supposed error of the ancient Waldenses, namely, that they should have believed in infant baptism." Bapt. Hist., p. 736.

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