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Quot;That the church perished at the time of Sylvester.

6."That they are not subject, neither intend to be, to the pope or to other prelates.";

Then follow several other articles of their doctrine, which, for the sake of brevity, we will pass over; for instance, that they held, "That outside of their church there was no sacrament nor baptism (which completely overthrows the infant baptism of the Roman church); that they denied purgatory; that they counted the mass, alms, and prayers for the dead of no value, yea, that they regarded them.as the inventions of priestcraft; that honoring the saints had not the slightest merit, and that they do not hear our prayers in heaven.";

These and similar articles are adduced there, from Aeneas, Sylviusand other writers, as charges against the Waldenses; of which the intelligent may judge. Seb. Fr. Chron. der Rom. Kett., fol. 119, col. 4, letter P.

A. D. 1230.-It is stated that the Waldenses, whose good confession we have already shown, declared at this time in the proceedings which it seems they had against the pope, that their numbers were so great in Germany, France and Italy, and especially in Lombardy-where their teachers lived, to whom they annually sent sustenance from other countries-that any one of them traveling from his country to Milan, could lodge every night with one of his own persuasion, whom they recognized by certain marks on the door or upon the roof. P. 1. Tzcnsck, Chron., Q. 546, col. 2, from Henr. Boxh., fol. 25.

A. D. 1238.-Or about 1239, the Waldenses had thus increased in France and Flanders, that a certain Dominican monk, Robert Boulgre, sent as inquisitor by Pope Gregory IX, put to death a countless multitude of them; of which more will be said hereafter. P.1. Twisek, Chron., p. 554, col. 1.

A. D. 1242.-At this time, said people had to suffer much from popery, on account of their faith and religion, which in the bishopric of Toulouse alone, appeared in the case of about two hundred persons, who held said belief, and were called Waldenses; of whose imprisonment and death we shall speak in the future. P. I. Tzvisck, Chron., p. 557, col. 1.

A. D. 1259.-At this time, or thereabouts, Gerard Sagarellas, an Italian, but a doctor of Paris, wrote a book against the Franciscans, whereupon Bonaventura, General of the Franciscan order, replied; however, of this Gerard and his belief, as also of that of the Waldenses, we shall speak more fully hereafter. We would only stop to say that from this time on, his disciples, the Fratricelli, or Little Brothers, after the year 1285, called Dulcinists, began secretly (from fear of persecution) to hold their meetings in the mountains of Piedmont, and Novara, in Lombardy, professing the doctrine of the Waldenses. However, from the different places where they lived, they received different names; but the appellation Fratricelli or Frerots, was especially given them, because they called each other brethren in Christ; nevertheless the mouths of the scorners thus spoke only the truth, since Christ Himself so called His disciples, saying, "All ye are brethren" (Matt. 23:8); and"I will declare thy name (O God) unto my brethren; in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee" (Heb. 2:12).

A. D. 1262.-At this time the Waldenses are again mentioned, who lived in Lombardy, and in the country of Genoa, and professed a sound profession, though they were called heretics by the papists, and were oppressed and persecuted by open decrees of the Roman see; which shall be spoken of more fully elsewhere. Compare Bzov., A. D. 1262. Art. 3, ex Decret. Epist. Alexand. IV., with A. Mell., Hist., fol. 470, col. 2.

A. D. 1280.-In this year it is recorded that said people professing the above profession (namely, the Waldenses, then called Waldois, after Waldo and his adherents, were expelled from Lyons), so multiplied in Lombardy that their doctrine, having spread in Italy, penetrated even into Sicily; as is attested by the open letters emitted against them by the Emperor Frederick II.

As regards their faith, the following articles, over and above what has already been mentioned. respecting their views against infant baptism, the office of criminal authority, the swearing of oaths, etc., were laid to their charge, as can be gleaned from the writings of Reinerius, the priest: That in the matter of salvation we must believe only the holy Scriptures, and in no wise depend on men. That said Scriptures contain everything that is necessary to salvation; and that nothing is to be received but what is commanded of God. That there is but one Mediator (Christ), and, consequently, that the saints ought not to be invoked. That there is no purgatory, but that all who are justified in Christ, enter into life everlasting, and those who do not believe, shall be cast into eternal death; thus

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