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When he proposed to many that they should swear an oath, some thought it not contrary to God, but the bishops and elders of the church of Christ

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would not swear, saying that it was prohibited in the Gospel, since Christ says, "Swear not." Thereupon they were martyred, or at least severely punished. Those, however, who had been prevailed upon to swear, did not escape free, for, according to ancient writers, he punished both alike; these, because they had sworn contrary to the command of the Gospel, and those, because they refused to swear.

In the meantime, the distress and misery were so great that scarcely a house could be found that was not filled with wailing and lamentations.

After this terrible tyrant had put to death, by these and similar torments, as well as exiled, a countless number, God, after many plagues had been sent upon that country, awfully punished him: worms and lice so gnawed his flesh that his whole body became putrefied, one member, dropping off after another, so that he was buried piecemeal, thus coming to a horrible and not less ignominious end-the evident vengeance of God for his tyranny against the Christians. Compare P. J. Twisck, Chron., 5th book, pag. 166, col. 2, with Chron. Carionis, lib. 3, fol. 29. Eccl. Caspar Hedio 3d part, lib. 2, cap. 18-21, 25, 27, Chronol. Leonh. Krantz., lib. 3, fol. 87, 89. Paul. Merula, fol. 381, 382. Hist. Andr., fol. 180. Jan. Crespin, fol. 139.

NOTE.-It is stated that about this time, until the year 495, and afterwards, there were made in different councils held in Africa, five hundred and five laws (called canons or rules), in which among other things it was resolved by the Roman church

1."That the children of the Donatists, (namely those Donatists who had renounced the doctrine of Donatus) shall not be rebaptized." 2. "That those who say that a child is not to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins, etc., are excommunicated." 3. Act. 23. "That the agitation about baptism should be suppressed by military force." Seb. Franck, Chron. der Roomsche Concilien, fol. 48, col. 2-4, etc.

NOTE.-From the third article it appears: 1. That at[this time there were people who stirred up agitation about baptism, that is, infant baptism, for this was now practiced by the Roman church. 2. That these people were suppressed by military assistance or force. What views, besides this article, these people held, or in which manner they were suppressed, we have not been able to ascertain; hence we let this suffice.

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