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2. of Martyrdom, comparing thereto the water that flowed from Christ's side, when a soldier had pierced it with a spear.

I. of Baptism.-Of this we shall say but little, since this subject has been sufficiently discussed in our preceding account of baptism as practiced in this century; yet, in order to proceed properly, and to pass by no part of said verse, we say that the resemblance which Alcimus here finds in the blood that flowed from Christ's side, saying that it was to the people, or to the peoples, a sign of baptism, neither can nor may be applied as referring to infant baptism; for not only the sense, but even the words of the verse, would contradict this. As to the words, he does not say that said water is to infants, a sign of baptism, which he certainly must have said, had he meant infant baptism by it; but he says that it was to the people, or peoples, a sign of baptism, which word (people, or peoples), in holy Scripture as well as in secular authors, is generally understood to mean adult, or, at least, intelligent persons, who can be taught, or to whom something can be signified; as, for instance, Christ said to His disciples, "Go and teach all nations, baptizing them," etc. Matt. 28:19. Moreover, that infants are unable to understand the signification of little things, even to say nothing of this great mystery of baptism, is so clear that it cannot, with truth, be controverted.

II. Of Martyrdom.-This is what we have chiefly had in view; for he says in the last line of the afore-mentioned verse, "Thus flows today the martyrs' blood." Certainly, here he indicates that at the time when he wrote this, the blood of the (believing) martyrs was shed; for this is indicated by the word, toddy, which generally is understood to mean the present day; but here properly signifies the present current time. Moreover, as to the persons whom Alcimus notices as martyrs, and of whom he says that their blood flowed today, they cannot be understood to have been other than orthodox martyrs, or, at least, such as held the same views and doctrines with him; for the first, ancient, and true Christians called none martyrs, but their fellow believers who had suffered or been put to death for the faith. From this, it would seem, has proceeded the old adage, which is still used: "Not the suffering, but the good cause from which he suffers, makes the martyr.";

Of the correct views of Alcimus, and, consequently, of those whom he calls martyrs, especially in regard to baptism, we have spoken before, and have also just now given some explanation with reference to it; which must suffice for the present. The impartial reader may decide for himself. In the meantime it behooves us to investigate and, if possible, show when, where, why, and how said martyrs suffered. But, not being able, on account of the scarcity of ancient writers, to ascertain all this, we shall content ourselves with what we do find in regard to it, and shall therefore endeavor to follow the most faithful and truthful records.


We have counted from Abraham Mellinus alone, besides from many ancient. writers referred to by him, who have more fully recorded the martyrdom of this time, fifteen persecutions in this century, which were raised most vehemently against the Christians, in various countries.

In Order to condense this as much as possible, so as not to weary the reader, we shall not present the account of the afore-mentioned author word for word, but extract from it the pith and import thereof, and present it as clearly as is possible for us to do. In the 2d book of the History of the Persecutions, etc., under the head;"Exposition of Satan bound a thousand years," fol. 293, cot. 1-4, are described, in consecutive order, among other things, the afore-mentioned, persecutions, within the bounds of the sixth century, namely, fronk A. D. 518.to the.close of the century; which we have briefly summed up thus

First of all, mention is made of many oppressions by the Jews, heathen, and others; by which all Christendom was kept in commotion, from the reign of the Emperor.Constantine the Great, to that of Justin the Great (f ol. 293, cot. 2); however, since said oppressions occurred before the time of Justin the Great, that is before A. D. 518, we will leave them, as not belonging to the number mentioned by us.

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