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We read in the ancient chronicles, that in the year 1135, several persons were burnt alive by the Emperor Lotharius, at Treves and Utrecht; concerning which the Chron. Sax., in particular, expressly mentions, that they were burnt as heretics. However, in what their alleged heresy consisted, is not clearly expressed. This, however, is certain

That they separated from the Roman church, and opposed her errors.

Abraham Mellinus concludes, from the circumstances mentioned with regard to them, that they were Berengarians, or followers of Berengarius."For," says he,"the reader must know, that after Berengarius' death very many were condemned as heretics, simply because they had the same belief with Berengarius, respecting the Lord's Supper, and opposed the bread-god of the mass." Second book, fol. 395, col. 3, from Chron. Sax.


In our account of those who opposed infant baptism, in the twelfth century, we made mention, for he year 1139, of one Arnald, a lector at Brescia, in Italy, and stated, that, having been instructed by Peter Abelard, he, besides the doctrine he maintained against the mass and transubstantiation, also taught against infant baptism; on account of which Pope Innocent II commanded him to be silent. Thereupon he fled into Germany or Switzerland, where for a time he continued to teach. Thence, after the death of the aforesaid pope, he came to Rome. But obtaining there an incredible number of followers, and being severely persecuted by the Popes Eugenius and Adrian, he fled to the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, who delivered him into the hands of the pope; and thus he was finally, at Rome, placed to the stake, burnt to ashes, and the ashes thrown into the Tiber, lest the people should show him honor. It is recorded that this occurred A. D. 1145, after he had, as is reckoned, strenuously maintained the above doctrine for about six years. Bapt. Hist., page 598, from Baron., A. D. 1139, num. 3, and A. D. 1145, num. 3; also, H. Montan., Nietigh., page 84.

Abraham Mellinus, writing of the belief of A:nald, says, "He also taught quite differently concerning the sacramentof the altar, and (notice), of infant baptism, from that which was taught in the Roman church at that time. He doubtless, in this respect, held the views of Peter de Bruis and Henry of Toulouse (of whom we shall speak afterwards), rejecting transubstantiation, and denying that the mass is a sacrifice for the living and the dead, and that (notice again) either baptism or the faith of others saves infants." Thus far, A. Mell., 2d book, page 425, col. 3.

NOTE.-Abraham Mellinus, who states this concerning the belief of Arnald, was a preacher of the Calvinistic church, in 'St. Anthony's Polder, and, consequently, himself an advocate of infant baptism. Nevertheless, he distinctly says of Arnald, whom he recognized as a pious martyr, that he taught quite differently concerning infant baptism, and also that this baptism and the faith of others do not save children, etc., the opposite of which the Romanists maintained.

Further Observation.-As regards the manner in which he maintained, promulgated, and inculcated said doctrine, and himself kept it to the end, as well as what happened to him on this account; that is, all the circumstances, and also a summary of the matter, see Otto, Friesing, lib. 1, cap. 27, 28, and lib. 2, cap. 20, de Gest. Frid. L: Imp. Gunth. Ligur., lib. 3, de Gest. Frid. 1. Bernhard. EQist., 196, 189, 195. Sigon. de Regno Ital., lib. 11, from A. D. 1139 until 1146. Abent., lib. 6. Annal. Boio Gerhohus ReichersQ., lib. 1, de Invest. Antichrist. aped Gretser in Proleg. Script. contra Walden., cap. 4, Tom. 4, Concil..edition 1612, p. 23, compared with Bapt. His., p. 686.

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