Caesarius of Heisterbach writes, that this took place in the Jewish cemetery, and that Arnold, as he stood with his disciples or fellow believers in the fire, said, "Remain steadfast in your faith, for this day you shall be with the holy martyr, Laurence." Ccesar., lib. 5, cap. 19.
Ecbert made sport of the death of these pious people; for it appears, that, despising infant baptism, they had said, that in order to be saved it was necessary first to be baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire, in consequence of which this wicked man inquiringly said, "And has not the city of Cologne thus baptized (namely, with fire) your arch-heretic Arnold with his accomplices, and the city of Bonn, Theodoric with his co-partners?" Serm. 8, advers. Catharos.
O awful blasphemy I But the Lord shall render to every man according to his righteousness and faithfulness. I Sam. 26:23.
NOTE.-P. J. Twisck relates of these people that, out of hatred, they were called Adamites, Catharists, Patarini, and Passaginians, and that the Emperor Frederick published some decrees against them."But thus, those who seek to, live in the fear of God, are always exterminated. In this manner, certain persons, eight men, two women, and a girl, who had gone from Flanders to Cologne, were burned in a barn before the city, an the fifth of August." Chron., page 4'76, cot. 1, 2, from Abbot Trithem. Mer., fol. 765. Neoburgens., lib. 11, carp. 15.