And all that shall be found attending such preachings or gatherings, shall each time be fined two dollars.
Whoever shall be found to have rebaptized any one, shall be fined twenty dollars; and when detected the second time, shall be imprisoned on water and bread, and expelled as aforesaid. Again, unbaptized children shall not receive inheritance, according to the city statutes. No one also shall be admitted to any administration or office, public or private, nor be accepted as a witness, except he render the solemn oath required for it. And all that refuse such oath shall be punished as a witness, except he render the solemn oath required for it. And all that refuse such oath shall be punished as is proper according to law. (NOTE.-Here follow two other articles, which do not properly belong to this matter; hence we have omitted to place them here; but proceeding we read thus:) As regards the disposing of the aforesaid fines, one half shall go to the informer, and the other half, like other fines, fall to the city and its jurisdiction. Thus resolved on the 5th of September, to be published by the bell on the ensuing Monday. The aforewritten, touching the exercise of religion, was published by the bell, the 7th of September, 1601, old style. See Chronijck van den Ondergang, edition 1620, page 1539, col. 2, compared with the apology of the decree, letter A., fol. 4; also, Tegenberacht, letter A., 3, 4. * Let no one take offence at the words of this decree; for we desired to give them unchanged.