Walafrid, 237
Waldenses, 364 Accusation of, 289 Anabaptists, 277, 278, 303 Anti Catholic, 283 284 Apostolic, 154, 275 Austria Bohemia, 330, 349 Burned, at Bingen, 333, 309 Marseilles, 331 Mentz, 309 Pomerania, 333 Strasburg, 307, 310, 313 Toulouse, 318, 319 Zuidenitz, 331 Burned, books, 300 Called many names, 276, 277, 297 Vaudois, 311, 1132 Waldois, 320, 321 Children unbaptizd, 280 Church and state, 281 ---- ---- Waldenses con- Confessions of, 285 287 Article MV, 284, 285 Cross examined, 288, 289 Decrees contra, 298, 315, 316, 320 Dispersion of, 276 Doctrines of, 283, 284 Followers of, 266 Founder, Peter Waldo, 275, 278, 281 Holiness of, 288 Immutable, 298 Inquisition of Innocent III, 299 Kinds, three, 278 Martyrs of, 330, 349 Number of, 290 Nonresistance of, 281 Nonswearing of, 282 On Rack, 325 Persecution of, 276, 316, 320, 331 333, 350, 364, 1132 Precepts of, 287 Property confiscated, 316 Reject infant baptism, 279 Slain (7,000), 297 Slandered, 325 Tortured, 333 Wholesale martyrdom, 304 With Albigenses, 285 With Taborites, 337 Walings, Heyne, 465 Walloons, 1125 Walrich of Hardeck, 289 Walsfngham, Thomas, 335 War renounced: Euvodius, 170 War sanctioned: Munsterites, 17 Waterlander schism, 568 Waterlandt, 464 Wenschelberg, 342 Wesalia, John de, 349 Westminster, 1010 Westphalia, 539, 654 Weyens, Jan, 44 White, Johanna, 346 White, William, 345 Point creed, 346 Burned, Ill., 346, 347 Wicelius, wrote, 229 Wickliffe, John, 334, 337 Articles of, 351 Bones burned, 324 Widefort, William, 324 Willemsen, Bastiaen, 44 William of Armorica, 296 William of Orange, 666, 640, 871, 977, 1134 Mentions Anabaptist Decree, 552 Religious liberty, 1054, 1056 Willeborts, Oillaert, 44 Winkelmans, Jan, 44 Witnesses, great cloud of, 571 Wittikind, baptized, 224 Word, not water, 224 World conditions, 1098