Munster, 498, 593, 619, 779
Munsterites, 17, 938, 946, 1012 Mutius, H., wrote, 310 Muntzfger, John, 325 Mythius, P., burned, 184 N Naboth, 918 Nadab and Abihu, 1014 Narbonne, 273, 288, 309 Narcissus, 130 Nathan, 1015 Nathanael, 769, 947 Nazarius, baptized, 194 Nebriss G., wrote, 290 Nebuchadnezzar, 691, 748 Neck, Martin von, 435 Nectarius, baptized, 162 ---- ---- Nemesius, burned, 134 Neon, crucified, 144 Nero, tyrant (A.D. 64 69), 78 94 Nestorians, 294 Netherlanders, 1020, 1095, 1100, 1104, 1106, 1127 Netherlands, 292 New Testament, authoritative, 306, 997 Nicanor, executed (A.D. 70), 93 Nicasius, slain (A.D. 100), 99 Nicea, Council of, 795 Nicholas of Poland, 289 Nicodemus, 222, 251, 371, 784, 788, 1085 Nicolaus, Hendrick, false brother, 779 Nilus, burned, 184 Nimeguen, 740, 894, 895, 896, 897, 1007 Noah, 233, 673, 683, 752, 771, 796, 806, 824, 856, 862, 892, 914, 915, 919, 1016, 1088, 1098 Nobles, Christian martyrs, 703 Nonconformity, 720, 953 Non Litigation, Luther, 1117 Nonresistance Alewijns, Hendrick, 754 Ambrose, 153 Arguments for, 305, 806, 321, 323 Banished by Reformed, 1131 Brentius, 1117 Capelle, Wouter, 1096 Carlstadt, 1117 Creedal, 32, 35, 36, 37, 42 Dosie, Jacques, 498 Dutch Poem on. 61 Euvodius, 170 Grasp at all costs, 5, 6 13 Grattan, 232, 235 Hendrick, Alewijn, 754 Jerome, 169 John and Paul, 186 Lactantius, Firmianus, 156 Laurentius, 1096 Lost, 174 Luther, 1117 Martin, St., 153 Pomeranus, 1117 Schut, John, 655 Simons, Menno, works, 1096 Smeedestead, Dr., 1097 Taborites, 338 Tertullian) 120 Tharacus, 146 Tollenaer, Jooat de, 1079 Vicentius, 1097 Waldenses, 275, 281, 282, 287, 286 Nonswearing Anabaptist, 1054, 1134 Banished for, 1130 Catholics lost, 200, 202, 1054 Creedal, 32, 37, 42 402 Hendrick, Terwoorts, 1018 Jan Pieterss, 1018 John Huss, 336, 337 Looseveidt, Pierijntgen, 965 Luther and Lutheran divines, 1117 Somere, Jacques de, 1019 Turilupins, 325 Waldenses, 275, 282, 283, 287, 311, 312, 321, 323 William Thorpe, 335, 336 Wycliffe, 324, 325, 342 Nons of Mennonite Church, 52, 36, 42