Priscus, torn, 141
Privatus, beaten, 142 Probus, martyred, 146 152 Probus, enlightened, 303 Prochonis, suffered (A.D. 70), 93 Proculus, beheaded, 182 Promus, martyred, 183 Proof of faith, 726 731 Property, confiscated, 1131, 1132 Prophets, 22 Prosperity, 8n Prosperus, 190 Prussia and Anabaptists, 1061, 1062 Ptolemy, martyred, 109, 478 Publicans, 277, 295, 296, 297 Publius, 104 Publius of Athens, slain, 108 Purgatory, unscriptural, 603 In Maccabees, 996 Puritans, 1047 Q Quintus, Curtius, 12 Quirinus, slain (A.D. 100), 99 Quiritius, 130 R Rabanus, 232, 235, 236, 237 Rack torture, 705 Raduiphus, Glaber, 265, 268 Rathgeber, Henry, 345 Rauena, Windel, died, 525 Raymond of Toulouse, excommunicated, 305 Rebaptism, 235, 259 Rebekah, 812 Recant, 541, 788 Red hot iron; 310 313 Red Sea, 856, 935, 1052 Reformation principles lost, 1117 Reformed Church, 438, 1000n, 1094, 1101, 1103, 1108, 1116, 1117, 1122, 1127, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1138 Regeneration essential, 864, 867 Reginaldus, G., 282 Regnerus, King of Denmark (A.D. 818-832), reaped what sown, 241, 242 Reinerius, 279, 281, 282, 284, 288, 299 Religious liberty, 928, 930, 1054, 1056, 1090, 1091, 1105, 1106, 1119, 1125, 1132 1134, 1138 Remigius, wrote, 242 Rentergen, Laurens van, died, 759 Repentance and reformation, 40 Resurrection, 33, 43, 406, 407, 808, 809, 736 ---- ---- Retribution, divine, 58, 59, 428, 431, 437, 438, 440, 448, 496, 497, 551, 553, 573, 611, 618, 655, 665, 730, 962, 965, 1095 Return of Christ' 33, 37 39, 43, 406, 1108 Reuderson, Dirck, 44 Reutegem, Janneken van, burned, 864 Revocatus, torn, 127 Rhedonensis, 348 Rhine, 662 Rhodes, 288 Riberia, Jacob de, 288 Richard alias, Eckhard, 332 Rickel, Rionysius, 338 Rigordus, 297 Rioting, 577 Robert of Auxerre, 305. Rockenzabus, 337, 3$8 Rogation, beheaded/186 Roger of Hovedon, 296 Roma, Augustine de, 348 Roman jurists, 126, 130 Romanism, not Scriptural, 46 Romanist, 223, 315, 323 Rome and Antichrist, 166, 167, 240 Rome, Algerius martyred in, 573 Rome in prophecy, 487, 491 Rome, Paul in, 95 Rome, whore of Babylon, 301